Well Lyn
Going by the red brick building of the library designed in 1721 and along spring hill there is also red brick building
And one in particular towards the top end of the picture looks like it was a public house and that could have been the old coach and horses pub
And just. Visible you could see two or three nobbily post very faintly and I also remember that these post was there in the early fifty
And closely behind there was an house which sort have layed back slightly and it was laying close to st peters church
A little drop back from the end building which I say would have beedn the coach and horses pub
If you can look closely you see what appears a little menus box which sometimes you see on the front door but in those days it was the opening times
And just past there there was a huge building which I have said many years ago it was some kind of school and yet again it was in a red brick
And a huge amount of steps to walk up on the front to enter the building it was a church of some kind or a college
Also image looked at some history knowledge of the area and it does state this in that period was classed as oxford street
With all the business factory s silversmiths and alsorts of business stating oxford street during this period
We moved into this area of spring hill in around the early fifty from Aston now these building are Victorian and I can tell you
That at spring hill cross roads in the middle of the road there was some kind of historian building still left there
And if we had some one from bill London's family whom was around there they could confirm it I myself can confirm it
About this little building stuck in the middle of the road it was a perminate building also I can say that it was only the either night amongst my books I actually seen it
So I will get that book out tomorrow and it was almost in direct with Mr bill landons. Shop at spring hill facing is shop window as I went with my dad to his shop
And also you may recall a picture of a fire place in bills old shop which was in the Sunday mercury which I also wrote and confirmed ten years ago as it was on this forum some one wrote and had it confirmed if you asked asked com you will also she these business was clashed as oxford street way back in 1825
May I add that on the spring hill by what I said about the coach and horses there was some little shops and the gap between the pub and the shops they knocked down and that made st peters look further back than it was the vicars house was always next to the church gates on George st west
And its a petty we do not have any relatives of the Allinbones family whom was around there because they NAD three or four shops along the spring hill
And right on the very corner where those post was as dwell as up spring hill passage they was there from dot
Best wishes Alan,,,,Astonian,,,,,,