Can anyone identify the exact location of this as it's a new one on me:05.18-flustered:?I have this photo which I have as Gosta Green 1950s but I dont know the street.
View attachment 88531
That's great, thank's.Carolina & Brumgum, The café in the photo was a 6 Gosta Green, now Gosta Green was the very short street that connected Aston Street to Aston Rd. It ran from Aston St across Woodcock St & Lister St and connected to Aston Rd just after the Sack of Potatoes.
David I can tell you that the shop belonged to a Mr Stiles a pork butcher and the damage was done to his shop premises over remarks he made in support for Germany in 1914. It must have been pretty bad whatever he said because he never traded there again.
View attachment 88539Bristol Road Selly Oak railway bridge
Thank's Terry:biggrin:it did confuse me a bit:05.18-flustered: but i think I've got it now. My family rented a house in Aston Rd that was owned by the brewery.hi brumgum. thats a great picture,the cafe was on gosta green the houses were in woodcock st. the passage in between lead to the holt brewery stables the building back of the lorry was part of the brewery. terry