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old brum mag pics..


Staff member
hi all..ive just been given some of carl chinns old brum mags dating back to 1993..the old brum was the fore runner to the now brummagem mag..ive only flicked through a couple so far but i am sure there are pics that hopefully none of us have seen before...i wont be able to scan them as the mags are the size of the old newpapers we had...will have to individualy take pics of those of interest with me camera and dowload them all...this will take me some time and i will make a start tomorrow....

hi shirley...ive been sitting on my hands for the last 3 hours since i got them as i know once i start sifting through them i wont stop..lol..lets hope there are some pics that we havent seen before....will get them on asap....as always its my pleasure..

You lucky, lucky girl Lyn, wish I was over there I'd be more than willing to give you a hand in sorting them out.... well reading them anyway LOL

Chris/Pom :-)
Pom I am lucky too as mom used to collect them. So many people have asked to borrow them but once bitten as they say. I had an old ansells mag with some fantastic old photo's in and Pete took it to work as some of the blokes dads were in it. Guess what it never came back. Jean.
chris..i wish you were here too...ive just been given another 50 thats makes about 75 in total....like i say they are not the brummagem mags but the ones that came out before them..been busy today but i am dedicating the whole of tomorrow to it....

spose me fingers will be black again from the print..lol...

just had to make a start so here are a few to be going on with..sorry if the quality on some is not to good but they are old pics and old papers they come from...


looking towards vyse st...


  • Hockley Jewellery Quarter Vyse St Clock.jpg
    Hockley Jewellery Quarter Vyse St Clock.jpg
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the assay office..


  • Assay-office-illustration[1].jpg
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j w evans...54 albion st..jewellery quarter.


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men at work at j w evans and women at work....


  • jw-evans-stamp-shop[1].jpg
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  • female-workers-at-jw-evans-which-was-founded-in-1881-in-the-jewellery-quarter-231940417[1].jpg
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men in an unnamed pub smoking from clay pipes


  • clay pipe smokers.jpg
    clay pipe smokers.jpg
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the swan pub yardley..


  • Yardley Coventry Rd Swan Inn  1880].jpg
    Yardley Coventry Rd Swan Inn 1880].jpg
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the kings head pub...allison st digbeth


  • Digbeth Kings Head Allison St.JPG
    Digbeth Kings Head Allison St.JPG
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douglas copley....landlord of the wagon and horses coventry road


  • Sheldon Coventry Rd Wagon & Horses Doug Copley Landlord 1926.JPG
    Sheldon Coventry Rd Wagon & Horses Doug Copley Landlord 1926.JPG
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the gt stone inn..northfield


  • Northfield Great Stone Inn 1900.JPG
    Northfield Great Stone Inn 1900.JPG
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the lion and the lamb..1930s stoney lane/highgate road sparkbrook


  • Sparkbrook Lion & Lamb  Highgate Rd .jpg
    Sparkbrook Lion & Lamb Highgate Rd .jpg
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the black horse pub...park lane..aston


  • Aston Park Lane The Black Horse Pub 1912 Alice & Jim Poulton.jpg
    Aston Park Lane The Black Horse Pub 1912 Alice & Jim Poulton.jpg
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cromwell st..nechells


  • Nechells Cromwell St 1935.JPG
    Nechells Cromwell St 1935.JPG
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a view from yardley parish church


  • Yardley View from Parish Church 1937.JPG
    Yardley View from Parish Church 1937.JPG
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church road..yardley


  • Yardley Church Rd St Edburgha's  .jpg
    Yardley Church Rd St Edburgha's .jpg
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Brilliant photos - love 'em!!!!!! More please...when you have the time of course (any time in the next five minutes will do). lol.
tame road floods...witton 1947


  • Witton Tame rd 1947 thaw .jpg
    Witton Tame rd 1947 thaw .jpg
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this final one for today is a good example of why there was choice but to demolish some houses..totally unfit to live in.....

4 court..bagot st...it ran between lancaster st and aston road.



  • Newtown Bagot St 4 Court.JPG
    Newtown Bagot St 4 Court.JPG
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lol charlie....there was another one but ive lost it.. so i wll take it again along with some more in the morning...glad you like the first batch....

great pictures Lyn. I think I'd seen very few before, the Stone one but I don't think any others
great..as long as you want them i shall keep em coming...mike i was hoping there would be some that we had not seen before given the age of the mags....who knows i may even find one of the vine inn...what a find for me that would be....
