Pete, those are pretty interesting sites!Thanks lyn.for info.
it is only what i read on these sites.
aston Brook Through aston Manor - Preserving the History ...
Newtown, Aston New Town, New Town, New Town Row, - History ...
Hi Lyn,phil i was walking that route into town in the late 60s and the buildings you are interested in were long gone then...
Used to travel on the #33 bus from Kingstanding along Newtown Row and into Town. That would be in the 1960s/70s and it often struck me as no-mans land by that time - a mix of open land and small industrial units. I think around that time they started to build the flats and the shopping centre there. Don't remember any of the older housing must have been demolished by this time. Never got off the bus to explore, so this was all taken in from the bus window. Viv.Hi Phil; Well I certainly have not got any going back to the 19th century, but I'll check what I do have next time I have a "scanning night" - I may well have some of buses on this bit of road which might have the locations you want in the background - I will check for you
Hi Mark, A bit late but many thanks for these brilliant photos. I worked at Benton & Stone (Enots) in Aston Brook Street in the mid sixties. They bring back happy memories. Kind regards , SueWow, Mark you’ve even got a #33 bus in there. Thank you, exactly as I remember it. Might even have been on that bus! Viv.
Thank you for photos Mark. SueHere is the Newtown Row widening project looking in the other direction towards Six Ways Aston - again early 1980's I think:-
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what a greatshop the HTJB wasThanks Mike & Pete.
I did a search for Newtown Row, never imagining there would be a whole thread just on the shop!
This forum is a lot bigger than I thought.
Yes Pete, you are probably right. My airfix models were bought very close or adjacent to THTJB but
I could only remember that place name as it seemed so big and imposing.
what a greatshop the HTJB was..... i still have some triang locos that was from the shop across from there before it was demolished.
There was a Mitchell's newsagent at No. 145 (opposite the Hippodrome) which probably sold toys. Would have been far right of this picture, just behind the white you are RRJ
was the toy store michells? op the HTJB
House that Jack Built
If the date on this picture is correct it must be one of the last ever taken of THE HOUSE THAT JACK
The problem was that Newtown Row ended at Bracebridge St and then became High St. However, most of the locals, including me and my family, still referred to it as Newtown Row, mostly as 'The Row'.Thanks Mike & Pete.
I did a search for Newtown Row, never imagining there would be a whole thread just on the shop!
This forum is a lot bigger than I thought.
Yes Pete, you are probably right. My airfix models were bought very close or adjacent to THTJB but
I could only remember that place name as it seemed so big and imposing.
I used to get my bicycle parts from Thomas's.There was a Mitchell's newsagent at No. 145 (opposite the Hippodrome) which probably sold toys. Would have been far right of this picture, just behind the white lorry.