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New unseen photos with no locations

I always liked Ludgate Hill, first discovered when I was exploring the city in the early 80s - the sudden tranquillity away from the centre, dipping perhaps to a subterranean stream, then rising gently to St Paul's church and Square. There used to be a good old pub, St Paul's Tavern, on the right of the rise in the photo - and I was disappointed to see that it had gone when I revisited old haunts in 2013: now an Italian restaurant, if I recall correctly.
I always liked Ludgate Hill, first discovered when I was exploring the city in the early 80s - the sudden tranquillity away from the centre, dipping perhaps to a subterranean stream, then rising gently to St Paul's church and Square. There used to be a good old pub, St Paul's Tavern, on the right of the rise in the photo - and I was disappointed to see that it had gone when I revisited old haunts in 2013: now an Italian restaurant, if I recall correctly.

hi viewfinder i have a pic of st pauls tavern if you like i will post it on the pubs thread for you

There is a pic of the St Pauls Tavern in a post here https://birminghamhistory.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=34394&p=450991#post450991 guess who posted it ....
Before I post another , it was commented that it looked like another firm had occupied it after Newburys (and this is where I made my mistake in looking for it). A map c1951 (below ) shows the position, and also that, at that time, it was occupied by the Ivy Cycle Works.

We do know from the sign the street in which the next building was placed, but Bradford St is a long street, and I have not been able towork out where exactly it was.

Hi viv
On the subject of newburys carpets large store which was really a large windows store (Loads of windows huge in height as well)
Which was on the Lichfield road and around the corner into Catherine street where there front door entrance was ,
Quite rightly vivas you have said prior to newburys carpets there was a huge display of house hold soft furnishing but they was not
The run of the mill house hold commoners for the likes of the population of Astonians
There furnishing was a giant furnishing of very high taste top of the range fixtures and fitting for the very rich people of very high earners
And you could say millionaires prices your house had to be a very large size to fit there fitting in
In fact I can say us kids along the road and the surrounding street Portland street /Catherine street Wainwright street and virtually
All streets of Aston you would have never got them fitted in your house and wealthy peoples big earners to have an house to put them in
As kids and older people use to only have a quick look in thou,s window bays because the things was Astonishing to glare at
But saying that people only looked as they was walking past and walking along the Lichfield red going to and from the Aston Cross Direction
And yes the repaired vaccs and carpet cleaners was area yards back just around by the horse trough that was in the middle of the junction of Portland street and wainwright street and facing the pub
Regarding the gap just before newburys came there was a shop ,and in fact there was a series of shops first there was area little houses from Portland street
Then then was a series of about ten shops or just less this is before the fifties and it was in the early fiftey that the show ROM of furnishers moved out
And Newbury came hence the gap just right next door to newburys
As you look at that picture across the road on Lichfield road you see a blank piece of land they was the old terraces and courts of the back to backs
And that was like that before the new extinction of the building you see just right of the picture that was An sells new boilers systems
And behind it when you walked around the corner to upper Portland street and faceting mattys radio shop was there back entrance
For such loading of the old lorrys and the horse and carts for delivery but when you walked into that yard they built a new gate office
For which laic further up the yard and as I said it was where they kept there coal slag and it was that where they housed there big
Over head crane and it was a Pitt for the coal very fine coal and the Pitt was about about 100 feet deep and it had a iron ladder steps up the wall to climb down and climb up and out when we was kids of eight years old my mate Colin and myself used to dare each other to jump over aboard
By standing on the edge of the Pitt and jump down into it we did but we was daft kids even thou we was scared one by one we did jump and dropped down into it
It was a long way down and no/one could see you down there we would be up to our waist with this stuff but skuttked to the ladder and got up
There was never one around at that times I remember them building that frontage also from the Aston cross front entrance and the demos
All along the ,Lichfield road knocking down the courts and the little shops right on the front of the cross and building it brick by brick from there to upper Portland street I also grew up and got my first job at Buttons in Portland street and the Brants Had there Tea rooms in Portland street
And many more and its c,ear as Hester day to me Aston Through out and the rebuilding and modernising Aston
Way back in the early fortys us kids often spoke about Lichfield roads Future with a motor way coming through in our future time of life
On the land of Cromwell square which was next to Thompson if you travel along there today that plot of land as not been built upon yet
There is hoarding our slum of one up and down s we was all brought up in family names I will not name as it takes to long
But there was a gang of us and we had the biggest yard to cut the story short one day way back in the early fifths
There was about six of us and as we knew one day in the future as we got old men we decide to dig a big hole deep in the corner
Of the yard and we hurried a time capsil and glass jar with a variety of thing for the future generation to find
So one day when ever they come to educate the land or a bye pas some one will find these things
Well viv I had better get of the line so to speak before I get a roasting from the powers to be best wishes Viv , Alan,,,Astonian,,,,,
I believe its every chance it was next to the Adam And Eve pub as we knew it and looking at the picture the pavement is on a down ward slope
And I recon it had to be early 1950 or just prior the down ward slope of the street and area yards more you would have come to the corner of the old camp hill
And there was a round about at the junction of reaching Stratford road at the bottom of Bradford street
When I say the bottom of the street in a speech meaning Gram our wise meaning the top end of Bradford street coming up from digbeth walking up Bradford street
Walking up hill until you reach the Bradford police station on the corner of the old Moseley rd and Bradford street
As you just pass that corner and passing that pub which where the white showing of a building is the pub ,( incidently I believe the pub was called some think different in those early days years before it changed to the Adam and eve continue further to the end you would come to the old camp hill before the so call led tempory bridge was built which we all know ended up being there for donkeys years commencing from Coventry red and reaching almost on to Stratford red beginning
And on your right hand was Bradford street and the coffee shop was there in the early years have a good dayright through to the end and the big church was facing it
And later years became a night shelter for the nights of homeless men, mike have a good day best wishes Alan,,, Astonian,,,,,,
Hi mike
Just me again just briefly the old pub I was thinking of was the old Bradford Arms Bradford street way back in that early years
And many years later john Cole bought it and renamed it the Adam And Eve pub and that picture showing was just passing there
About eighty yards or so on passing that bit of the building which I believe was the old pub on Bradford street Alan,,,Astonian,,,,,
mike the white pillar to the left of the arched doors suggests to me the entrance to a pub..i think the lower building next to it is still there although windows messed around with and moved and maybe a few feet added to the height of it which did happen...street view shows steel shutters where the arched doors where...the buildings to the right of the lower building now demolished...lamposts very rarely move unless for good reason so again looking at street view it could be that the lampost was moved up a few feet to accomodate the traffic lights...so my wild guess is the building to the left of your photo is the adam and eve pub corner of bradford st and warner st which added a window above the door....street sign moved from demolished buildings and replaced on the wall of the adam and eve pub..must bare in mind that a lot of changes to buildings and surrounding area will have been made during the past 40 years...i could of course be totally way off track which i most likely am lol

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Brilliant reminiscences and fantastic detail from Astonian - I wonder when the buried time capsule near the Lichfield Road will be rediscovered.

Bradford Street is one of the thoroughfares that impressed me greatly during my time in Birmingham, 1982-85. From the commercial and retail centre of the city you are suddenly landed in serious industry: a wide street powering relentlessly up the hill, flanked by massive factories. (Did I read somewhere recently that some of these are being demolished? If so, a great pity.) I don't recall any retail or residential properties on this street, though happily two splendid late-Victorian pubs designed by James and Lister Lea survive: I pit-stopped at both the Anchor and the White Swan on my tour of old haunts in 2013. There used to be a little music venue in one of the vacant factories on Bradford Street, the Tin Can Club, where I saw The Icicle Works in about 1984. The view over the city centre from the top of the hill is impressive.

I've just had a look in Kelly's 67/68 that was around the time you took the photos wasn't it? The directory says that the premises next to the Drovers Arms was registered as Fred Tay Butcher 343 Bradford Street.

I'm pretty certain that it was next to the Drovers at the bottom of Bradford St for a couple of reasons, the main one being that Mike took a series of B & W photos of that end of Bradford St. Another being that I remember that end of the street reasonably well, and the last being that I know it wasn't next to the Adam & Eve because I drank in there a few times when we used to occasionally do our pub crawl along Moseley Rd and down Bradford St plus I have this photo that predates Mikes photo that shows that next door to the Adam & Eve hasn't changed much in 50 years or so.


  • Camp Hill  Adam & Eve Bradford St .jpg
    Camp Hill Adam & Eve Bradford St .jpg
    71.2 KB · Views: 184
ok phil at least i was right saying it was a pub to the left lol...nice pic of the adam and eve..do you have one of the drovers..will wait for mikes reply befoe i post my next one.

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I have several photos of the drovers, unfortunately none of them from the direction that we need, but this photo just falls short of showing the building in Mike's photo so it gives some idea.


  • City Bradford St Drovers Arms.jpg
    City Bradford St Drovers Arms.jpg
    146.4 KB · Views: 137
ok phil at least i was right saying it was a pub to the left lol...nice pic of the adam and eve..do you have one of the drovers..will wait for mikes reply befoe i post my next one.

Hi Lyn, have a look at this pic. Made up from a crop from Mike's pic and a crop from a Phyliss Nicklin pic
1 - Brickwork at the top seems similar
2 - Jutting out decorations
3 - Decorations you have previously mentioned in post #46 about pubs.

Also the building to the left is angled to the main building in Mike's pic which might match the the position of the Drover's Arms.

Just a thought, I'm only a novice at this ....

I'm now sure it is next to the Drovers
thanks phil and also thanks micky i have also just found that phyllis nicklin photo..no doubt about it now the pub to the left just showing in mikes photo is the drovers arms...


  • drovers arms.jpg
    drovers arms.jpg
    326.3 KB · Views: 145
  • unknown location.jpg
    unknown location.jpg
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The roof line at Adam & Eve is all wrong, chimneys in wrong place etc. While on the subject of Bradford St I remember going to a night club near to Rea St. junction in early 60's.Trying to recall what it was called. Could it have been "The Buccaneer"? It had a sailing ship on the facia. Saw Jimmy Edwards there.
Have just realized that , in addition to the one Phil showed of the Drovers Arms, I also , for some reason, took a second from a slightly different angle, shown below, and this also shows the double door on the right of the pub. So. Over to you Lyn.


Is that first one I showed one of yours as well, because it didn't come from your folder which means I must have gotten it from somewhere else. I keep all of your photos that you sent me in a separate folder so that I know which are yours and the one I posted came from my pubs folder.