I was on orders one night to report to the Guard room at 09-00 hrs the next morning , for what reason I did not know. I am sitting in there talking when a Police car pulls up outside the Guard room and a plain clothed Super introduced himself to me, "you have done nothing wrong and we have cleared it with your C.O, if you get in the car I will tell you what we want on the way". I won't tell you where we went for obvious reasons, but we ended up in a remote station out in the country where surrendered arms were kept, what a shock I had, how on earth had so many ex-army people got away with getting these weapons out into civvy st. The variety was like aladins cave, but the first thing that caught my eye was the lack of bars on the windows, I said to the Super about this and he remarked "If you put bars on the windows people know you have something to hide" I said "Better safe than sorry". I saw weapons I had only ever heard about Single shot Beretta,Smith & wesson 9mm Luger, Blunderbus, 5ft long Moose Rifle with a "Y" fork support, no 8 service pistols, Colt .45 303 Rifles by the score,Brens, stens, 2" mortar and many more.
I had to select as many no 8 take them away and make up 10 good ones so the Police could start a shooting team?????????????????????.