The highest NCO rank within the British Army is "London District Garrison Regimental Sergeant Major", the holder must be a member of the "Household Division" and a member of one of the 5 Regiments of "Foot Guards", the most notorious of these in recent times was, LDG,RSM, Alex Dumon, CG, MVO,MBE, known to thousands of Guardsmen as "Black Alex" , and not without reason, believe me. One well known and famous occasion was the "pre trooping, lining out, and mass band exercise" at Chelsea Barracks. with a least 4/500 men on the square and with the bands in full flow he suddenly screamed, "HALT, Senior Drum Major", 4th man (Drummer), 3rd Rank, your file "IDLE ON MY PARADE", get him off now. Hilarious, how he it was even possible in all that melee to see such a thing defies human experience.