In Germany in the Army, a mate had a mini, the generator had bust, and we all '3', decided to look for a scrap yard to get a second hand one, eventually we found one on the outskirts of Hannover, and pushed in though some old gates , of course there was't any British cars, about so we split up. Suddenly "Basher Barker" shouted out " Brummie" behind you, I turned to see the biggest dirty Rottwieller, and behind it a huge Doberman, thinking quick just above me was an old VW van with its door ajar, in one move I grabbed the door bottom, pulled it out and grabbing a seat leg hauled myself up and slammed the door. Everyone but "Smiffy" got into a vehicle and was safe, I watched as he scampered about like a demented octopus grabbing door handles and then found an old Merc, which he jumped inside, it was so funny because it had no windscreen and he was on his knees shouting "Mother", "Mother". Just then a couple of Jerry's appeared and got the dogs locked up and saved the day. Looking back we were so naïve, and it was dangerous, but so funny. We never let "Smiffy" forget it, and we never got a generator either.