gone but not forgotten
I've just had a look and notice I've put 49 posts in the NS thread. I was only in the RAF for two years and try to avoid repeating myself - not totally sucessful I have to say !
Maybe you had to have been in the services to understand the humour, not everyone wants to know how to make bread pudding RAF cookhouse style etc - here I go again repeating.
So I look at the forum and enjoy new photos of Chamberlain Square - and new photos of Brookvale Park - lots to interest me...:encouragement:
Maybe you had to have been in the services to understand the humour, not everyone wants to know how to make bread pudding RAF cookhouse style etc - here I go again repeating.
So I look at the forum and enjoy new photos of Chamberlain Square - and new photos of Brookvale Park - lots to interest me...:encouragement: