That's great, thanks Phil. Looks spot on to me. Never seen one before. Viv.
I think this is looking up Spiceal St from St Martins Lane.
Hi All,
I'm probably wrong but I have a vague recollection of BHam Weights & Measures having an office in Broad Street. This would be in the 1960s when I used to walk down there regularly.
On metrication, my grouse is that if you need a 6 foot length of timber ie 72", the so called metric equivalent is only 71"! Never understood why metric standard DIY sizes are 1.2m, 1.8m and 2.4m..........
Thanks Viv! Hope I can add some useful info. occasionally. PhilWelcome Phil, thanks for confirming that. A nice addition to our history. Enjoy the firum. Viv.