Hello, just read through all of this Thread and had a lot of Memories stirred. Sadly, not many happy ones. I joined Marsh Hill Grammar Technical School for Boys ,from Yenton County Primary, in September 1965. Class 1A, House, Arden
Teacher Mr Baxter. Register started;
John Adkins ,?, David Arnold , ? Anthony Aston, ? Atherton, William Baker, Colin Banks, Paul Barnard, Paul Bird, Lee Collier, Frank Albert Kenneth Cooper, Roy Copsey, Lee Dalgleish, Robert Devaney...........
After that 1st Year, 2S, 3S,4S, 5S , leaving in June 1969. My Birthday was in September so I was one of the Oldest in my Year Groups and Academically, quite good. Sadly, we were not a well off Family and could not afford the things like Slide Rules and Parker Pens , School Unifoms were , generally Jumble Sale sourced and I took more crap than pretty much anyone else as I stuck out from everyone for looking like a Ragbag. As a result, got bullied relentlessly . No point in mentioning names after this long but one thing I had in my favour was a fast mind and mouth and escaped most attacks with wordy put downs , turning over their aggressive behaviour by pointing out how brave they were , picking on the "weedy kid". Got roughed up a bit but never got on the end of a beating as I refused to square up to defend myself.
I Really was a Fish out of Water as I couldn't join in with the Groups and Clubs due to having a skint Family and suffered for it.
I recognise and remember a lot of the Names of Teachers and Pupils from my time but never got on good terms with any of them as I did just the Education and non of the extra curricular activities.
Sorry to paint a bad picture and realise that I could probably have made better of my time but couldn't find anything that appealed or that I excelled in.
That all said, with no preparation and very little motivation, I walked away with Grade 1 English Language GCE "O" Level and scraped a pass in Geography every other subject got Grade 8 or 9 Fails. Despite this, I went on to an Engineering Apprenticeship at IMI, Witton. I passed through the 4 Years and got my City and Guilds Certificates, and Qualified as Maintenance Fitter, specialising in the Maintenance, Inspection and Repairing of Overhead Cranes, Hoists and Lifting Gear.
So, despite having an abject School experience, the boy, eventually, done good.