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Mansfield Road

Dave E Collins

master brummie
I was born at number 24 in 1946 and lived there until the council, in their infinite widom, demolished them in the very early 70's
My father, Ernest, was also born there in 1906 and flew pigeons until we moved out.
Does anyone out there have a photgraph of Mansfield Road I could copy.
Many happy memories of Mansfield Road and Aston; Saturday visits to Villa Park, re-living the game for the rest of the week in the road, keeping a sharp eye out for the Policeman.
Shopping with mom down Newtown Row, wonderful atmosphere and a visit to my Uncle Howards second hand shop at the corner of High St and Park Lane. Bought most of my 45's off him and bikes.
I remember many friends from that time and hope they are sound as a pound, though I fear some may no longer be with us; Freddie Perks; Colin Bennett; Gilly and Geoff Bakewell, Alex Bennett, Keith Potter, Derek Warren, Barry Walton, Robert and Michael Collins, Wendy Nash, Barbara Smith, Hazel and Jennifer Nutt. It was indeed a lovely community with a good spirit and people willing to give a hand when needed, no locked doors. Good days I miss very much.
mansfield rd

Dave, my Mom worked at Goldfars, i think that,s how you spell it, in the 1950,s, also a couple of friends of mine lived there i believe, Paddy Carey& Doug Hill, do you remember any of these names? Oggy.
Mansfield Road and Golfars


I lived opposite Golfars and my mother worked ther in the 60's. The name Hill rings a bell, but I can't recollect much about the family, if indeed it was the same family.
We used to sit on Golfars steps after our regular games of football and put the world to right.
All the best,
I knew a Paddy Carey who lived in that area. He may have been a couple of years younger than you, Dave. He worked as an electrician at Cannings and married a nice little looker named Joan. I believe he's divorced now and I haven't seen him for about twenty five years. :?

D'you reckon that could be the same bloke?
Paul, it certainly was Paddy Carey , he,s still an electrician ,working at Alstom Washwood Heath , we used to be drinking buddies in Nechells , good footballer he was, still keep in contact with him, regards Oggy
:) jh, please give Paddy my regards when you next see him.
Tell him, contrary to common rumour, I am still alive and almost kicking. :madeyes:
Paul (Holmes)
Did you know Roger Glynn ? he used to live in Mansfield Rd. Also a girl named Alvinia (my first date) I used to live in Frederick Rd and went to Prince Albert Junior school and was born in 1947
We lived in Mansfield Grove, Mansfield Road, 2/and i cannot remember the number we were the back of, but it was wide a opening and there was a corner shop at the top of the opening on Mansfield Road owned by Mr and Mrs Walker, they had two daughters both married with children the one, Barbara, lived down the grove, she had 2 boys Alan and cannot remember the other ones name, she also had a little girl (her youngest) the apple of her eye and i cannot remember her name either. The other side of the opening was a hairdressers.

We moved there for a time when our two oldest were small, it was a two bedroomed end house, with a back and front garden, and i remember that my husband had his bike nicked from out of the back garden - good luck to em if they were that hard up. I know that there was a factory facing the grove opening on the other side of the road. So do you know what the number we were likely to have been the back of?

We lived there from approx 1962 until 1965 when we managed to get the deposit together for a house at Castle Bromwich.

Can anyone remember the Broomhall family who lived at 2/6 (I think) Mansfield Road from around the 1930's until about 1967?
Has anyone got any photo's from that time?
Hi Dave, I also knew Wendy Nash and Hazel Nutt (fancy naming a child that). Both were in my class.
i went to albert rd school,and was born in 1947,i remember most of the people you mentioned,the nutts,barbara smith ,jean mathews,kath pritchard,frank collier,and i see roger glynn now and again and he hasnt changed a bit,john yeomans,all the wood girls in frederick road and the mcmullans just down the road.
pete edmunds
hello frank,dollyferret is your old mate pete edmunds,i have only just found this site ,only just had a pc so its all a bit strange and i keep pressing the wrong buttons.i see roger glynn quite often ,hes moved into his moms house in kingstanding.obviously you know where i live only 5 minute walk away from the old end ,but what a contrast now from our moter bike days,i feel like a complete stranger where i am,some days i never hear a brummie accent,still battling to find a parking space outside my house on villa match days,i will try and get posted the picture of albert roads swimming team from 1958,me glynny,parr,hollis dyson,peter jay,also dug out school play photo from 58,me ,glynn,barbara smith,kath pritchard and brian lawler,i bet we all have put on a few pounds since then ,except roger ,seen more meat on a butchers apron.
catch you later(are your folks still with us?
all thats left of the old houses 57 to 75,the houses behind are still there
Does anyone remember the Potter family who live at 6bk 44 Mansfield Rd Aston.
Thats where my husband Keith Potter was born in 1943.
We would love to hear from anyone who new the Potter family.
Names were Alfred, May, Alf, Jean, and Keith.
Keith remembers you Dave Collins and sends his best wishes to you .
And he is still a Villa fan to this day and never misses a game.
Frantic you are funny . Mind you I am partial to hazel nuts [the eating kind] The name Wendy Nash rings a bell. How old would whe be?. Jean.
My apologies for not previously thanking you all for your replies, I have been bogged down with work etc and forgot all about this forum.Due to a dose of man flu and the boredom that comes with it, I looked over the site in greater detail than ever before and came across my entry for neighbours and Streets.. I have contacted a couple directly, but to Rupert, many thanks for the link to Mansfield Road. My Aunt ran the fish and chip shop just off the corner in Witton Road.
Also, many thanks to Frantic.
Dave my husband remembers the fish shop. He said was your aunt Welsh?. Can you remember the electrical shop next door?. Oh what was your aunt's name please only he's racking his brain here. He lived at 51 Witton road and had three brothers. Jean.
The name Ship comes to mind for the owner of the chip shop about 1950.
Hello Dave. [again]

Ialso used to work in Mansfield Road at Stewart Goldfars, also remember a sort of library on the corner. If you borrowed a book you had to pay for the week. I was at Goldfars for about 12 months and then went to work in Birmingham

Al's better half [Miriam].
Hi Al,
What a small world. I lived opposite Golfars and my mother, Dora Collins, worked there in the 1960's. My mother being of course related to Al and I assume, not knowing it.
Or was it Al's wife that worked there?
Hello Mike-G,
I am not sure who was running the fish shop in the 50's, but I do know in the 60', it was my Aunt, Elsie Collins. I used to go towards the end of the day and have what we called the scratchings from the bottom of the chip holder. She still charged me for them though, bless her.
Hi Miriam,
Yes there was a book shop on the corner, mom was a regular visitor there and if my memory is correct, it was Adams' bookshop.
Hello Dave. A small world indeed! James has just visited and shown me the connection but expect he will be talking to you. Although distant it is great to find out new family, even if very distant.

It is me [Miriam Al's wife] who worked at S. Goldfar but eaelier than the 1960 so would not have known your mother. I think 1948/50?

Thanks very much for the photo, it is amazing. I was born 7 years after that was taken, but cannot recall the shop on the corner. Definitely Birchfield Road is the main road shown, heading towards Perry Barr.Fabulous.
Miriam was that Mrs Rowleys sweet shop?. There was also Norman Blizzard the barber. My Husband used to live not far from there. Does anyone remember taking the tar brick when the trams had gone to stoke the fire. Could so with some of them now Mike. Jean.