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Lower Tower Street

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hi dave its great to see this thread come alive again thanks for providing some names to that great pic...a moorhouse family lived a few doors down from me in villa st....there was no mike but i wondering if he was part of the same family...i am in touch with them so i will ask if they have a mike

Hi Dave, I have only just noticed your request for names of your cub troupe picture.Small lad on back row was i think Brian Lambert and back row extreme right is Ken Spooner. Ken also appears back right on my photo with Rev John Morris.Moss
i hopeing this gets to 2dogs guest i lived in ward st and all of my ancestors. mrs hicks shop corner of lower tower st and ward st aston on the
other corner is pub called the the malt shovel. i would go to mrs Hicks shop i went to every morning at 7-30 to fetch the tea and sandwich's
for the workers at factory call the Elkington, and i would get a penny or half penny i was 8 years old at the time. your grandmother was a
very hard worker she was a very nice lady. from pommie i live in Australia
ward st 1960.jpghi pomme if you go to post 37 i think there is a photo of mrs hicks shop on the corner of lower tower st and ward st...wonder if you could have a look and see what you think...thanks for your memories keep them coming...

could you also confirm that the above photo is ward st looking towards new summer st..

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Hello Lyn, I think you are right, that certainly looks like Ward St taken from somewhere near the pub on the corner(was it called the Malt Shovel). Pity it doesn't show Ada Hicks shop on the corner then I could have been certain. Also what a coincidence, my Grandfather is listed in the 1881 census as living at No 61 New Summer St. Dave.
Hello Lyn, Just had a look at pic 37, it is definitely Ada Hicks shop, we used it regularly in the 1940s and early 50s. The reason I mentioned my grandfather living in New Summer St, you said you had relatives there at the same time, ie 1881. Dave.
hi pete hope you are keeping well..sorry i dont think i have one of that shop but i will double check...what sort of shop was it...

pete pic 1 post 25 shows the corner of lower tower st and summer lane (opposite the barrel pub)..would that be the shop you are looking for or was it on the other corner.??

Hi Lyn, Yes I an't to bad as long as I keep waking in the morning I will be Happy !!!! The shop I am interested in is the one on the opposite the Barrel Pub .. It was a general groceries shop and the lady who owned the shop was a friend of my Mother. She used to mind me and my Sister during holidays from school... One of the things that stick in my mind the used to bone there own Bacon Sides and she used to give me and my Sister a bacon bone to chew on. And if we had been very good
she would give us a cone shaped white paper bag with Cocoa and sugar and we would suck our fingers and dip them in the bag YUM YUM ... Memories Memories ...

Hope all is well with you and your family Regards Pete
lovely memories there pete its amazing how in todays terms the little things in life meant a great deal and yes thanks things steady here...if i find a pic of that shop i will certainly post it for you...

all the best

to Astoness
hi lyn yes this is ward st i could have cryed when i saw the house i lived in number 6 right hand side of the court yard, we moved into that house 1943 from
the wood yard as my parents was care- taker there, and Bob and Molly Wellace went in there we moved from ward st 1951. thank you i be will touch
hi pommie how good that that photo shows your old house...you are quite welcome to save it and print if off if you want..ps i did cry when i found a pic of the house i was born in in paddington st lol....no longer there of course...

all the best

hi lyn it's me again just to let you know a little bit more about ward st, hope some one might remember in middle of ward st on the left side there was a little
grocerie shop owned by mr rose his shop was next to the wood yard. lyn it is the first time i have seen st nicholas as it was as it got Bombed also
the corner of ward st and new summer st. you said you lived in paddington st when we moved from ward st to geach st from there 1953 we lived
in porchester st did you know vanda reams. pommie
hello pommie great to hear more of your memories of the old end..sorry i dont recall the reams family...have you seen all the photos of geach st yet?? would hate you miss out on them..

Hello pommie. I don't recall St Nicks being bombed and if it was it couldn't have been serious, because I used to go with my grandfather who was caretaker, to stoke the boiler, and I was only eight when it was demolished in 1947. Dave.
Hello john bev. thanks for that, I don't suppose it mentioned St Nicks being bombed. In a previous post you said you lived at No 64, so you'r sure to remember Micky Kalou, Clifford & Valery Hodgetts & maybe Ronny Povey. Incidently No 44 was on the opposite side of the road adjoining Southwells. Dave.
Hi Dave .
My family lived at 64 from 1939 to about 1958 my half brothers Jim, Mick and Phill Cannon. would have known them I am sure. I think the Kalou family lived in the court back of 64. I was born in 1960 my brothers 1944, 1946 and 1947.
Hello John. I vaguely remember your half brothers but I was 5 or 6 years older than them, but I have been in touch with an old pal from Lower Tower St and he remembers them well. Dave.
Hello lyn I did see the photos of geach but could not see my old house as it was up a entry ( 1 back of 27 ). good to see the old houses, also good to see
Paddington st as i told you i lived number 37 Porchester st the back of our house came into Paddington st where the standing in the pic and the
reames lived the 3rd house from there her husband was a rag and bone man, did you know the Arnould thank you for old pic's. pommie
Hello padgo nice of you to get in touch with me, i never did see st nicholas in it's glory. my friends and i would go and play in st nicks we would
get in trouble as my dad said it was to dangerous, that would have been about 1946 my dad told me it got bombed also the corner of ward st
and new summer st my dad was a wardon round the air-raid shelters i was in one of the shelters when the corner got bombed and they had to
dig to fined me my mom told me i was fast asleep under the bunk. dave my grand parents got married at st nicholas in 1904 i lived in Ward st
number 33 did not know number of wood yard last house number 6 we moved end of 1951. where did you live dave there was a lot of happy
days in little ward st my great grand parents lived in new summer st my dad side at 121 and my mom side at 87 pommie
Hello lyn I did see the photos of geach but could not see my old house as it was up a entry ( 1 back of 27 ). good to see the old houses, also good to see
Paddington st as i told you i lived number 37 Porchester st the back of our house came into Paddington st where the standing in the pic and the
reames lived the 3rd house from there her husband was a rag and bone man, did you know the Arnould thank you for old pic's. pommie

hello pommie glad you liked the old photos...they do bring back memories dont they...i am afraid i dont have any memory of others who lived in paddington st apart from family and old mr townley who lived next door to us as i was only about 5 when we left our nans back to back and then moved on to villa st until i was 18 although having said that we used to visit our nan until the late 60s when she was eventually forced out of paddington due to it being demolished much to her disgust as she had lived there from at least 1911 and she just did not want to move..
hello pommie, I lived in Lower Tower St No 44 (#24 2nd pic, lower of the two houses adjoining Southwells). Dave.
hi folks..i have some new photos of lower tower st including st nics church...will try and find time to post them today

taken from summer lane 1964..click twice will enlarge


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