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Lichfield Road Aston

yes stars i drank a many vimtos and ate many packets of smiths crisp with the little blue bag inside of salt ;
for years us locals thought it was a listed building and it stood longer than any other building along the lichfield rd ;
i grew up on that lichfield rd and there aint nothink i do not know about it ;
in the late sixtys or should i say it became a west indian pub ; and used by them for week end dancing and then the rot came in the druggs and the gangesters
the ship went first on the corner of slade rd just like like the tavern shame ; best wishes astonian;;
A couple more to ponder over

I have dropped in here once or twice


Perhaps you may have shopped here.


Regards Stars

Aston Station Stores, was that just north of the bridge? I used to work in a shop Saturday mornings, just south of the bridge, I think it was called Modern Homes.
Hi zambodina
yes i recall the moderen homes and of course the last chance cafe ; an old friend of mine called ron worrall used to be in and out there is nick name was cow boy ; he used to work the gaff; [ meaning the fair ] if you do not know of the meaning he used to work the walzers for old
old queenie wilson ; and old billy wilson ran the dodgems ;big erners they was on the gaff ;
did you go in there your self ;i lived along the rd from them ; and my cousins lived just ten doors from the vine pub ;
there as been pics of the last chance on here afew years ago ; but they have all been taken [ shanged hied ]
best wishes astonian ;;
hi zombia
i never shopped there but passed it every day but i did post there bills through the letter box as i used to help the old post man on lichfield rd
before going to school every morning at the crack of dawn it was completely junk ; i can tell you
meaning the junk shop next to the pub and across from lovers walk ; wow such great memories seing that old picture [ thanks ] astonian
I used to live next door to this, behind the barbers shop, I think the barber was Mr Roberts, anyone remember this. Sorry I do not seem to have done this right, I am referring to the last chance cafe, although it was not called this when I was there.
Hello Astonian, I have a faint memory of a photograph of Gladstone Street full of old fashioned smog. Any chance of it being revived for my kids, they can't imagine it but the thirties was a little different? Kind Regards, David.
Memories of times long gone. Nothing seems to have changed from when I was a nipper. I used to work for a short while at the Birmingham Rubber Stamp Company a few yards up the street. Loved the pictures no end. Regards,David.
This is a long shot but I was wondering if anyone could help me. I went for lunch with a few of my old friends from the hairdressing shop I used to work at on the Litchfield rd in the 60's called Mavis's, it was just a cople of shops down from the Domestic, I have just seen a pic on here in the earlier photos of the shops right opposite were we were, the jute box repairers and the cafe and berringtons the ironmonger's. Mavis organised it as she lives in America now and was over for her grandsons wedding. There was a few of us there but one face was missing for me her name was Barbra Pritchard before she married and I was her junior and we had soo much fun. She came to the last but one reunion and told me her husband had died quite young and I think she was living in Castle Vale then, that would be 7 or even 10 yrs ago. The only thing I can tell you is that before she married she lived behind Mavis's mother shop further up the Litchfield Rd called Cox's. there was someone on here that new her mother and put a photo on of her mom and Barbara;s mom as they were friends. I think barbs moms name was Joyce. I would love to find her so any help would be gladly appreciated Patty x
It was thread 5 the picture of the shops opposite, the auto repairs then when we were there was owned by don Parsons and his wife nancy and all the girls used to come in and have their hairs done, they became good friends they were great
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Just read your thread and your request in looking for a friend and i agree yes there was a picture of a group of friends from old mavis ,s
i think our dear jean may know her; and on the subject of barbara pritchard if i recall her correctly i hink she lived in gladstone rd
which was just down the church lane on the right hand where gladstone rd was; i recall all the other info; you have spoken about and all the other residents
and he familys even the mrs cox shop as i only lived across the rd from th shop ;
i am sure one of us will be able to track her down ; yu might be able to get jim to trawl through the old archives he as to find the p[icture of her again for you ;
if yu asked him nicely ; have a nic day ; alan ; astonian ;;
hi all,
just heard it's the 40th anniversary of spagetti this took me back as my late father was one of the men who worked on its construction,his name was john kiely but known as tip as he came from tipperary he was a regular in the vine and most pubs
in aston he used to take our dog judy problem was she used to stagger home as well. our dog shandy was the sensible one lol i wonder if his name rings a bell with anyone as he seemed to know everybody.
hi all,
just heard it's the 40th anniversary of spagetti this took me back as my late father was one of the men who worked on its construction,his name was john kiely but known as tip as he came from tipperary he was a regular in the vine and most pubs
in aston he used to take our dog judy problem was she used to stagger home as well. our dog shandy was the sensible one lol i wonder if his name rings a bell with anyone as he seemed to know everybody.
Hi Deb,
I new a chap called tip,and he did indeed work on the construction of the Aston Expressway,and Spagetti Junction,and he alway's had a dog with him,well more often than not.When i knew him he drank in The Albion,and The Avenue.
He was a friendly man,and i know for certain that my younger sibling's got empty pop bottles off him(and other workers),that they used to take back and get the money back on them.
What sort of dogs were they,as i may be able to say if its the same chap or not,
hi Rod.
judy was only a smallish mongrel dog she is the one he had with him mostly.he was a tall thin man,
he also liked his barley wine.
all the best Deb.
Hi once again,
It most certainly could be the same chap,tall and wiry would describe him very well,and he was a lovely fellow who always had kind words to say to us children.
I,m sure he had a Cairn Terrier for a while,i think it may have been after he had Judy,he (the Tip i knew),bought it off a family in Hubert Street,regards,Rod.
Hi guys
does anybody have a picture of the old bike shop on the corner of grovener st west and the corner of lichfield rd aston
from way ; way back in the forties or even earlier than that ;
it was almost faceing the bee hive pub ; and the cafe was the bee hive cafe just afew yards from the bee hive pub ;
thelast chance was th other side of the rd and as you said passing the aston ralway station heading towrds the resser ;
also there was a charlie williams many years ago from erdinton whom worked at the ossram gec used to go every day to watch the
progress of the building of the spaggettie junction for years sadly charliedied abiut four years ago his wife daisy used to work on the old midland red at sutton ; she diedbefore charlie ten years before
charlie was a foremam inspector at the gec witon ;if anybody recals him ; best wishes astonian ;
I wonder if Mike could look up an address for me.It is 13 Lichfield Rd,Aston and in 1861 it was very close to a residency called Clock Tower.I assume Clock Tower was Aston Cross.Moss
I'm afraid I cannot help Moss. The directories up to to 1873 do not list numbers, and only a few numbers are given on the 1861 census. I cannot find no 13 on that census.. By 1876 the numbering seems to have changed and so is not relevent. I take it you have not got it from the 1861 census
On further consideration Moss, it is possible (in that the position fits in with about where it might be expected on the census, although no number is given) that it is John and Ann Parry at the Vine Inn, but thta is a (slightly) educated guess. Would that fit in with waht you were expecting?
Hi Mike,I only have them at this address on the 1861 census.It states the area covered is Lichfield rd west from Park Lane to Victoria rd,with No1 being Clock Tower.No 12 i a victualler and my G Grandparents at No 13.
Mike,i have just notice No 4 was Joseph Ansell and family,occupation malster and hop merchant employing 3 people.
FROM Aston cross itself from where the front offices on aston cross walking along the lichfield rd if heading towards the aston resovoir
right from that very corner there was very old and tiny shops if you image the very front door of ansells head office door which was facing the clock its
very central there was about four or five of these shops ; i cannot recall there names or trade at the moment ;
but walk around the corner to where they built an drive in for the horse and cart dray men in and out all day on the lichfield rd
and thats where they started again a series of little shops possible about eight in total ; and thats where the little houses and the big old victorian yards
was placed all along lichfield rd right up to upper portland street where you seen the front of ansells building in those days all those was big courts and prior to them back towards aston cross in and betwen those eight shops was these litle house before the big yards thats where no,13 was
facing them on the opersite side of lichfield rd was a couple of houses that fell betwen hercules bikes lorry entrance and the aston picture houst the astorian picture house and they showed billy hayley in concert and they danced and wrecked the seationg the manager went barmy ;
as i said all along that frontage of ansells up to upper portland stret was the houses and then just crossing the rd to continue was matys and a old butchers shop then old mr parkes where you would get the butter patter out of the barrel then there wasthe opening of a terrace where mandy grand father used to live then anothershop old mrs oxo we called her because she gave us all conkers in the oxo tins hence her name then a mrs barnes bought it off her then it was our rerrace listed as cromwell sqaure we was 5/ 92 lichfield rd ;aston; birmingham 6;
i beleive there is photographs of these house and the courts in one or two maggs and books are knocking about some where
i also recall the side entrance to ansel when they moderen ised that gate for the out exit for the horse befor they rebuilt the yatd whicn is in the beginnig of upper portland street i think i may have a picture book some where of it i can recall all of ansells being bult ack and front and in park road leadig up to
good old victoria rd ; best wishes astonian;
Hi Jean,Yes they were the founders of Ansell's brewery. It's amazing isn't it that it all started from a terraced house on the site that later employed so many.Moss
Thanks for that information Alan.So No 13 would be shown on this picture then.Moss


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    ASTON CROSS 1907.jpg
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Mossg my gt gt grandparents in the 1871 census had the grocery shop just behind the clock to the right of it, and that was No 2 Lichfield Road.