FROM Aston cross itself from where the front offices on aston cross walking along the lichfield rd if heading towards the aston resovoir
right from that very corner there was very old and tiny shops if you image the very front door of ansells head office door which was facing the clock its
very central there was about four or five of these shops ; i cannot recall there names or trade at the moment ;
but walk around the corner to where they built an drive in for the horse and cart dray men in and out all day on the lichfield rd
and thats where they started again a series of little shops possible about eight in total ; and thats where the little houses and the big old victorian yards
was placed all along lichfield rd right up to upper portland street where you seen the front of ansells building in those days all those was big courts and prior to them back towards aston cross in and betwen those eight shops was these litle house before the big yards thats where no,13 was
facing them on the opersite side of lichfield rd was a couple of houses that fell betwen hercules bikes lorry entrance and the aston picture houst the astorian picture house and they showed billy hayley in concert and they danced and wrecked the seationg the manager went barmy ;
as i said all along that frontage of ansells up to upper portland stret was the houses and then just crossing the rd to continue was matys and a old butchers shop then old mr parkes where you would get the butter patter out of the barrel then there wasthe opening of a terrace where mandy grand father used to live then anothershop old mrs oxo we called her because she gave us all conkers in the oxo tins hence her name then a mrs barnes bought it off her then it was our rerrace listed as cromwell sqaure we was 5/ 92 lichfield rd ;aston; birmingham 6;
i beleive there is photographs of these house and the courts in one or two maggs and books are knocking about some where
i also recall the side entrance to ansel when they moderen ised that gate for the out exit for the horse befor they rebuilt the yatd whicn is in the beginnig of upper portland street i think i may have a picture book some where of it i can recall all of ansells being bult ack and front and in park road leadig up to
good old victoria rd ; best wishes astonian;