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Library Of Birmingham 2013

  • Thread starter Thread starter BernardR
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Possibly aimed at Australian tourists !. Though, to be fair, if you were working in one of the sweatshops favoured by the present government, applying transfers to models for China with Chinese lettering, I would not be at all surprised if they got put on upside down. As to the purchasing office at the library - maybe they got a bung to ignore the error.
Is the library shop selling models of Birmingham buses too? Is any Bimingham memorabilia being sold? Viv

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I have to say I am very disappointed to read suggestions of wrongdoing by people involved in the Administration of the Library of Birmingham. This surely is not what the Forum is about?

Can we stick to the topic and to facts please folk?

I would also suggest that is anyone has a real concern or grievance that they put this in writing to the 'Library of Birmingham' who seemed, when we went to, welcome any comments both good and bad.
So Birmingham has a new showpiece library in the city centre at a cost of £189 million, that I assume will be used mostly by outsider to the city. What of our local libraries? Well it seems that the council is having trouble finding £4 million to keep them in good repair and open. It has made a statement saying that some of the services will have to me moved to cheaper accommodation. In other words closures.

See the full story here

New Library of Birmingham

I don't know if there is thread for the new library on here but here goes anyway.

I've made a few visits now to do my family research at the new library and apart from being a nice new building, it doesn't really offer much more to family historians than the the old floor 6 in the old library.

Yes, there are fantastic new film readers and it's open on Sundays -very much appreciated, but this could have been done at the old library at a fraction of the 180 something million they have spent on the new building.

It is now no longer possible to view material that was always available on floor 6, even some of the maps that were readily available are now locked away waiting for a formal request to see them - unfortunately not today, you'll have to fill in this form and return another day and make sure you request every thing you want, as any material you haven't put on the request form may or may not be accessed.

The floor space is now half the size of the old floor 6, resulting in many of the books not on open shelves as was the case on floor 6, I'm petty sure that a lot of books are stored in some archive in the library again not readily available.

I'm not just moaning for the sake of it but expected something better for family historians, I just expected more.

At least they've kept some of the staff, friendly and knowledgeable as ever, good to see some old faces.

Is just me turning into a moaning old git, or has anyone else been disappointed in the new library

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I do agree that the space is smaller, and I don't like the way the open access material is no longer open but is enclosed in those concertinas. I don't know how they work, and if someone is inside you can't use another section anyway.
It is light and open though, with toilets on each floor which is good for me!!
I agree Rosie. I was there last week and had to be shown how to open the moving bookcases where the trade directories etc are kept. It seemed to be that only one section could be opened at a time which wasn't good, as you had to wait for someone to finish before you could move to the section you wanted. Then I forgot how I'd been shown to do it!! Think this was a bad idea.

I think the only way to improve things is to fill in the feedback forms available on the counters, who knows they might even read them on the way to the recycling bin, call me a cynic if you wish.

Maybe the people who are in charge of the new library will take notice of some constructive criticism, and take on board what people think of the new library, it's a shame to spend so much money on such a big project and have less access to records than the old library.

So fill in the forms !

Re: New Library of Birmingham

I don't know if there is thread for the new library on here but here goes anyway.

I've made a few visits now to do my family research at the new library and apart from being a nice new building, it doesn't really offer much more to family historians than the the old floor 6 in the old library.

Yes, there are fantastic new film readers and it's open on Sundays -very much appreciated, but this could have been done at the old library at a fraction of the 180 something million they have spent on the new building.

It is now no longer possible to view material that was always available on floor 6, even some of the maps that were readily available are now locked away waiting for a formal request to see them - unfortunately not today, you'll have to fill in this form and return another day and make sure you request every thing you want, as any material you haven't put on the request form may or may not be accessed.

The floor space is now half the size of the old floor 6, resulting in many of the books not on open shelves as was the case on floor 6, I'm petty sure that a lot of books are stored in some archive in the library again not readily available.

I'm not just moaning for the sake of it but expected something better for family historians, I just expected more.

At least they've kept some of the staff, friendly and knowledgeable as ever, good to see some old faces.

Is just me turning into a moaning old git, or has anyone else been disappointed in the new library


its not just you phil...i was at the archives dept last week having booked an appointment(which we have to do to view certain material)...the idea of this is that you tell them in your email what material you would like to look at and staff then retrieve it from the archives ready for you to look at on your alotted appointment time...in my case this did not happen and i was told that i will have to come back in a couple of hours and they will see what they can do for me....not good enough especially as i had to wait 2 weeks for my appointment..also the index cards for looking up photographs that used to be in the old library is not not available and wont be for some months....i also had a problem renewing my CARN card...when booking my appointment i told them in my email that i need a new carn card as mine had expired and as before i still do not possess either a driving licence or passport as proof of id.. back came a reply saying thats ok just bring up what you can with your name and address on which i did..i took up 4 things with my name and address on...member of staff who i have never seen before refused to issue me with a new card saying i did not have the right ID so i said so you are discriminating now against those who do not drive or go abroad and how come i was issued with one 4 years ago...in the end i was issued with a new card...after all this another member of staff who WAS very helpful pulled me to one side and actually urged me to make an offical complaint about how the library is now run as it appears that the staff are not happy and no one is listening to them...so no so far im not happy at all...its all very well spending 188 million on a new shiny buiding but if the service is not up to scratch then it needs to be greatly improved

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Re: New Library of Birmingham

I have the same problem lyn! I don't drive and I don't go abroad so I do have trouble when collecting parcels etc. I took my prescription renewal form, credit card and a bank statement plus the old CARN card and they were a bit reluctant especially as I wasn't booked in. I didn't intend to use the Archive that day, I just wanted to be sure it was ready.
I must look for a feedback form next time, open access should be open, not those contraptions!!!
I can only imagine how much extra space would be needed for the research documents if they had not utilised "those contraptions" and it would be huge. Something we all have to live to accept as it will not change though I hope attitudes and procedures do. As Lyn has said nowadays it is getting harder to prove ID without Driving Licence or Passport. Utility bills are one means but many of of have now gone to paper less billing so do not have access to such documents. I could always try my Seniors Pass I guess?
Re: New Library of Birmingham

I have the same problem lyn! I don't drive and I don't go abroad so I do have trouble when collecting parcels etc. I took my prescription renewal form, credit card and a bank statement plus the old CARN card and they were a bit reluctant especially as I wasn't booked in. I didn't intend to use the Archive that day, I just wanted to be sure it was ready.
I must look for a feedback form next time, open access should be open, not those contraptions!!!

hello rosie sorry to hear that you had the same problem as i did...i really dont think its very fair of the library to expect everyone in the country to hold a driving licence or passport..my point with them last week was they issued me with a CARN card 4 years ago without them so why not now....its well known that im not a fan of the design of the library or its location but we have it now so i thought lets put that aside and give it a chance as it is really the content and service that really counts...on the plus side i thought the lighting was much better...i did risk coming down on the large escalator which is very steep so i had to keep looking ahead and not down lol....i dont know if its changed yet but up until 3 weeks ago they were not ready for lending books out but hopefully that side of things maybe up and running now...

hi bernard...i cant even show my senior pass yet lol

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Just back from Liverpool (after a few days there).

And saw they still have a massive classical Central Library (not checked it's age yet).

While in Liverpool, I saw a book with our new library of the cover!

Just back from Liverpool (after a few days there).

And saw they still have a massive classical Central Library (not checked it's age yet).

While in Liverpool, I saw a book with our new library of the cover!

View attachment 89482
I love Liverpool, just visited also..

St Georges Hall Liverpool 3.jpg waterfront liverpool.jpg Liver Building 1.jpg sail ships liverpool.jpg


The Library is stunning..

Hello Bernard, I only meant the books that used to be available on the shelves on floor 6. I read somewhere that if all the Archives were on shelves it would stretch for miles!! We are very lucky to have them stored safely now. I used to worry about all those buckets and the leaky roof.

(P.S. I'll get my pass next year, perhaps it will be handy for I.D. !!)
Didn't have a chance to look inside their Central Library, but did visit many museums!

That book was at Tate Liverpool!

Amazing city.
I was very impressed, half the size of Brum but seems to have twice as much to offer. The disused docks area around Bootle seems to let it down a little though.
wow brumgum what lovely buildings liverpool have...must admit i have never visited but would like to now...thanks for the photos...

I was very impressed, half the size of Brum but seems to have twice as much to offer. The disused docks area around Bootle seems to let it down a little though.

From what I saw of the Albert Dock, I liked what I saw! They even built a new canal, between the Museum of Liverpool and the Edward VII statue (Leeds & Liverpool).

Saw one sign in a museum that called Liverpool "The Second City of the British Empire". In 1924.

Sorry for going off topic!
Re: New library.

You mention on-line access to the new Birmingham Library. Can this be used for research online? I can't find anything on their website; do I have to go in?
John :stupid:
On the library computers you can go on to the library version of ancestry, what the difference is to the normal version is I don't know. It had access to all the records, the only thing you couldn't do was contact members, so maybe that's it. You can also use the internet as normal.

You do need to join but it didn't take long, you do need id and Saturday is supposed to be busy.
I was very impressed, half the size of Brum but seems to have twice as much to offer. The disused docks area around Bootle seems to let it down a little though.

I have to agree about Liverpool being good and plenty to see, they have retained a lot of their old buildings as well.
Many thanks for taking the time to reply. I just wondered if you could search their records at home from your own computer. Lancashire have a system where you can join the library online, wait for your ticket, and then you can access records from home. I suppose this was wishful thinking on my part. However, since Birmingham put BMD on the Ancestry site it has been a BIG help.
I haven't been into Birmingham Library for many years so all the photos people have posted are great - thank you all.
Shyster you are covering old ground and off topic. If you wish to comment on the old library there is an existing thread where you would be able to make comment. This as thread suggests is about the latest library. Further posts off topic will be moved or removed.

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Many Apologies BernardR...Out of order again!!!...Sorry...
Still finding my way around OK?
Could you kindly point me in the right direction for the Topic on the "Old" Library and I will have a look at what is Posted there?
Again, many apologies for my Fau Pas.