Gosh, what a great forum and a brilliant thread! It's certainly brought back a few memories for me as I worked at Lewis's between 1968 and 1978. It's good to see a couple of postings from my old mate Colin - we started at the same time and I went on to be best man at his wedding - how are you doing bud?
A few things mentioned earlier in the thread have rung bells with me: those signal lights - yes, they were for alerting staff when they had a call. Mine were red and white and I still think about them whenever I see a car with its reversing and stop lights on together!; somebody referred to Clark Gable in a thread - that reminded me of a poor soul who used to come in regularly and regale us all with how she'd been married to him, in the war, last week; Don Pickavance - I remember him well, he was a nice guy although I always found Mr Aaron a bit scary! The other person in that team was Mr Tucker who was the senior manager in charge of display; Gerry England - he was my manager for a while and he was very scary and bad tempered. I eventually had a big falling out with him and was transferred to the training department where I eventually became Training Manager, quite a big move as I've spent the rest of my working life in training in one form or another; the lady in the Staff Office who somebody was asking about was Mrs Waldron. Her bark was worse than her bite as well; somebody mentioned the half-day induction that Saturday staff went through - I probably delivered that in the early seventies; the porters with various disabilities - most of them were war veterans who'd been taken on as a result of legislation. There was a little guy, whose name escapes me, who used to work the lifts and stand on the staff entrance checking parcels. He had a wooden leg and I remember him trying to run across Corporation Street after a trip to The Cabin and his leg fell off in the middle of the road!
Some other memories: we used to go to college with kids from Grays and Rackhams and I remember being on the roof one winter having a snowball fight with mates on the roof of Grays across Bull Street; I also met my future wife on my first day at work - she was one of the Miss Selfridge babes; I worked for a while on the furniture floor (manager was Jim -'don't call me Rafferty' - Raftery, also Pete Johnson who I think is in one of those prize day photos). All the phones were connected together and we used to wind colleagues up with spoof calls - a couple I remember were somebody 'phoning Johnny Severn, manager of dress materials, complaining that the material and pattern he'd bought weren't big enough for his wife's bum, and somebody phoning Tom Kennedy, ASM on Kitchen Furniture, to say that the sink top that had been delivered had a hole in it. We all used to listen in and heard Tom trying to explain that the hole was for a plug!
I remember 'Smasher Day' when we all put in a massive effort to maximise sales - one time I sent a note out to all ASMs telling them that if they wanted to stay over they should book a bed on the bedding dept and breakfast would be served to them first thing - somebody from USDAW took it seriously and I had to keep a low profile for a while.
There's loads more where this came from but work beckons. Maybe more later.