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Lennox Street

The only Loxton st in the 1872 directory was between bloomsbury st and Gt Francis St. It does not list a Gough Terrace, so it was probably the name of a row in the street rather than a separate court.
Yes Mike, that's the one I found as well. But as it is far away from St George's district and that is why I wondered if the enumerator had made a mistake with the road name.

Yes, I agree Gough Terrace could have been a row of houses.

dont get yer hopes up but gough terrace rings a bell and ive def seen pics of loxton street..will have to prob trawl the nechells duddeston thread and that could take forever....lol

ray..ive already posted it on page 10..you really do have some great photos and they have kept us talking all afternoon.....

thanks again and keep em coming....

hi ceoll..have you seen all the pics of lennox st on this thread..should be one of the brook tavern too...

Hiya Lyn, on your post #42,the pub is called the Weymouth Arms - I know that 'cos as a kid I spent many hours in total standing outside it with the Vimto and pkt of crisps ("dont eat the blue one its too salty" ) LOL waiting for one or both of my parents who regularly used that pub.

hi col...your the second person this week to name that pub...lol..yes i well remember doing just the same sort of thing...also spent many an hour in the gardens of the vine villa street...they had a little serving hatch half way up the passage way that divided the lounge from the bar....on dark nights one of us would get a bunk up over the back wall..swipe a few empties out the crates and take them round the front and get the money off them.....lol...happy days...

Just had a nosey threw and some great pics to add to my history collection. My aunt and uncle lived on Lennox Street 1940-1950, if anyone remembers the Wells family it'd be good to hear from you :)
OMG !!! The Vine !! used to go there too !! the garden at the back always had really long grass and there was a path all the way round it and trees at the bottom where the wall was. Out back the pub had a kind of glass roofed cover-all kinda thing where you could sit out in the summer !! on the corner of Villa St and Nursery Road was a shop which I think sold seed and pet stuff etc but what I remember most about it was that in the window was a big stuffed fish in a glass case - I always used to go and look at it - may have been a Pike - the memory has faded somewhat LOL
o crikey col....i lived there from 58 to 72..ive put many pics on the forum of villa st and nursery road including the four corners showing the cafe...the veg shop..the post office and the crown pub....the vines last orders was in 78 and ive got a pic of the customers that were in there at the time....im still searching for a pic of the outside of the pub...and i wont give up till i get one...

In an even greater coincidence, I have worked for the last ten years just across the road for a company called Balco which is at 35 Nursery Road so every time I leave work and pass Villa St I invariably think of the Vine and that old corner shop !!
They were Tommy and Rose Wells Lyn, not sure who Uncle Tommys parents were think his dad was Tommy too, I'll have to try to get hold of my cousin Eve and find out more names.
lol col...what a small world it is...if you want any pics and you cant find them on the forum send me your email address via the instant message system and i will gladly send you some....

Havent been on site for a while but just came acroos the phot of Lennox street, I see it was origanally posted before would you happen to know if this photo is from a personal collection or a book and what year it was taken as
my house is on the right of the photo no 38
interesting to know if it was taken early fiftys as it could be me sitting on our step.
Best Wishes
My grand parents William and Ann (Nance) lived at 1/92 Lennox Street durring the war and my father Len was on reserved occupation as a gunmaker at WW Greeners. he would tell a story that during the war a hous in Lennox Street was bombed and two daughters were drowned in the cellar when a water main burst but the father who was upstairs was not harmed. But the funny story was, there was a unexploded bomb near 1/92 and everyone was evacuated whilst it was made harmless after a couple of day my dad was sent to feed the cat as he had a home guard uniform he could get throught the barrier. After he had fed the cat he was talkiing to the bomb disposal men when through the blackout came a noise of something being dragged suddenly two little boys appeared dragging another unexploded bomb which they were taking home as part of their shrapnel collection. But they were told to take it back to where they had found it by the ARP warden. This was of course before Health and Safety!!!
PS I really enjoyed the photos
Roger Onions
I know the original posting on Lennox Street is not new, but I have only just read it. I was interested in the fact that a coal yard was there. My gt grandfather's sister, Rebecca Loynes, was a coal deale (her husband was employed elsewhere) living at 14 Lennox Street - a long time ago, as she died in 1916. Is this the one you remember, I wonder?
Kellys seems to list Loynes coal yard as at No 4 , not 14. The 1912 entry is:

4 Loynes C.A.& Sons,coal dlrs
In 1913 and 1915 it is:
4 Loynes Mrs Rebecca ,coal dlrs
4 Loynes C.A.& Sons,spirit level makers
and in 1921
4 Loynes C.A.& Sons,spirit level makers
Oh Mike, I am getting old, and it was only a '1' ! This is quite amazing, I never expected a listing at all, and I did not expect her husband to be self-employed, either. Well, that puts a different complexion on the matter, when Charles dies, I might just find a Will. Thanks Mike, this is wonderful.
The firm is still around, though at a different place, in 1932:
Loynes C. A. & Sons, rule mkrs. 173B, Hockley st
The firm is not listed in 1933 or 1936
In 1937-1940 there is Loynes, Chas A. spirit level manufacturer, 70 Spencer St. (which is off hockley st)
They have gone by 1943, but there is still:
Loynes (Stampings) Ltd. stampers & piercers, die sinkers and capstan lathe work 1 spencer St, which , as William A Loynes stampers & piercers, at the same address, is first listed also in 1938
MIke, thank you so much!! I am quie amazed, I had no idea. I did have to smile a bit at the last entry, because an aunt of mine told me that Bill Loynes had become a minister of the church. I think she got it wrong, just a bit.
Yes, he could, I had not thought of that.

On the other hand, another ancestor was called Mitchell, and she believed them to be part of M&B, just because her mother had some wayof covering up her dress. She thought that because her mother (my gran) took great pains to keep her dress clean, that she came from 'posh stock'. You have to know her to understand!

I will keep lay minister in mind, though. Thanks Mike
we lived 1/17 Lennox st in the 50`s. i am sure the pub the brook tavern was run by the Hassets whose son Michael and i used to attend the same school. does anyone remember a shop on the other side of the rd. I think the name of the people who ran it was McCarthys
hi sparks i am looking for pics of no 1 frederick terrace. you can just see it in the 1st pic i am posting. the 2nd pic is of the brook tavern. hope you find them interesting. thanks for you pic phil. i will show it to my friend who was born in frederick terrace. christine is her name i must ask what her maiden name was. maybe someone may remember her. wales.

my friend Wesly Boy lived in the house at the bottom of Frederick Terrace and my grandfather was born in the brook tavern terraces in 1875 they must have been quite new then ...
thanks for the great pics...........by the look of that car outside the brook tavern the photo was in the 1960's at a time when i used to drink in that pub......
Albert, Sydney, Australia
great photo's Lyn, boy they bring back memories, i used to play for hours in the lower furnace lane.....back of alma street school as shown.......and the Globe........on saturday morning matinee to watch flash gordon.....great memories.......thanks
i too used to live in Paddington street and one of the first pubs i drank in was the brook tavern in Lennox street.........i did not know it then but my grandfather was born in the brook tavern terraces in 1875...
all the best to you
Albert Clayton
sydney, australia
hi albert and welcome to the forum and thank you for your memories....well you are only the second member that i know of who has a connection with paddington st...as you have probably read i was born there but pics of the street are non existant at the moment...have you seen the guildford st thread ive posted many pics of that including one taken on the corner of paddington and guilford...what number did you live at and what years and please if you do have any pics of paddington i would love to see them...
