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Latimer Street, B15


Brummie babby
Hello everybody. I lived in Latimer Street (3/91) from 1953 to about 1960 when we moved to Welsh House Farm. The Smiths lived next door to us (Anita the youngest), Aunty Emm (Miss Carpenter) lived the other side of the passage. Back of us - at the front :) - was the Bennets (Youngest Sandra, middle Eileen, eldest ??). I went to St Thomas's from September 1957, whilst Miss Ford was the headmistress. Dad used to have a weekly delivery from Davenports and when that ran out he would send me up to the offie (The Brittania?, not down so not Colmore Arms) for a top-up. He used to drive the N° 9 bus out of the Quinton depot, up and down the Hagley Road with my mom on the platform at the back. That was before he worked at the post office in Monument Road, Ladywood. I have some photos somewhere, but they are mainly of us kids in our yard ...
If you were to share your reminiscences, we will surely be reminded of more that we have forgotten!
Response from BOBX (with his permission) ...

Hiya HarveyP,

It's great to hear your memories of Latimer Street, I lived at No 90 the entry was next to us and the Bennets were on the other side, I remember Sandra Bennet. Are you the Harvey who used to roll marbles at bottletops? Further up just passed you I think Robert Hodgkiss lived.
I remeber my dad getting on well with the Smiths, all I could remember was an old woman we called aunty, it's great to know her name. I went to Bristol Street school up until about 1961 or 62, then we moved to Kingstanding. I've got an old photo of you, if it is, you I'm thinking about, we are playing in the yard in a tin bath.

Great to hear from you, thanks

Bob Haydon
Yes, that was me. My Dad was full of ideas for cheap and cheerful build-it-yourself toys - elastic bands cut from inner tubes fired from a wooden gun, bagatelle, shove-ha'penny, tip-cat, etc.
How do we share pix here? Scanned a couple of em from me Babby Book but can't gerrem loaded up!
Harvey Partridge
Welcome to the Forum, Harvey P. I see that you have worked out one way to load pictures and there are others. I personally can't help you about Latimer Street, but have you tried the Search Forums button at the top of the page? No doubt other people more knowledgeable than me about that street will be along soon.

Thanks for that, Sospiri. It was part of a private message thread, and you can't post pictures in such a thread. Fortunately, I had included a knowledgeable person like yourself in the group of invitees, all from Latimer St. So now I know ...
I did as you suggested and came up with a shortage of well grouped reminiscences, such as is likely here with a page title of "Neighbours & Streets".
Like you I am an expat, only here in Brittany. Must be something about my age, just turned 65, set me thinking about my childhood.
BTW, the name of my dad, shown above, is Maurice!

Hi Harvey,

Regarding Maurice, I only have the one forename, but ironically my mother, when she was expecting me,
had Harvey as an alternative choice of forename!

You can also use the 10th editing symbol along to add photographs from your own computer, either as a thumbnail or full size.

We've lived in Crete since February 2005, but my late daughter lived here in the early 1990s and I have Greek relatives by marriage still living a few miles away.

Enjoy the Forum, we're a friendly bunch! :cool:

hello harvey thanks for posting your lovely family photos.....we always advise new members to use the search box top right of the page when looking for old photos etc...just put in lamiter street and see what comes up...i feel sure there must be some photos on here when i have time i will see if i have got any in my files

hello harvey thanks for posting your lovely family photos.....we always advise new members to use the search box top right of the page when looking for old photos etc...just put in lamiter street and see what comes up...i feel sure there must be some photos on here when i have time i will see if i have got any in my files

Well, lookee here, Lyn:
I am not sure whether this is the same Latimer Street mentioned in this thread. I do see one listed also in Ladywood and that is usually B1, sometimes I have seen it as B18.
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there you go then alan...lots old photos on that thread for harvey to look at..always pays to give the search box a go

lyn :)
Hi Sospiri
I've just seen the list of residents in Latimer Street in 1955, I lived at 90.
2 back of 90 is mentioned but not 90, could it have been empty then?
I remember living there up untill about 1961.

Thanks Bob
Hi Bobx,

The data refers to forms that were completed in the previous October if I remember right. I suppose it is possible that the form was not completed, or was lost. I'll have a look at 1957 & 1960.

Hiya Harvey,

I'm attempting to attach a couple of photos, one is me and my brother outside our house, you can see the beginning of Wynn Street in the background and the other is me in an old tin bath in the back yard, I do believe that's you looking on but I don't know the others in the photo.

Bob Haydon


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hiya my name is barry hopwood .and lived in latimer st from 1943 to 1954 and went to st thomas school ,my brother was terry and my younger sister valerie we lived at 2/157 and our close neighbors wher the checkleys ,brian barry and there sister joan anyone out there who may know me ,would love to hear from them e mail at barryhopwood39@gmail.com
Hello.I'm Terry.I lived at 75 Latimer St. in the late 1950's until we had to move about 1961 when Latimer St. was being cleared for demolition.I remember the parade of shops at the bottom where it joined Great Colmore St.
The Colmore Arms pub was in the parade and St.Asaphs church was opposite.The church was demolished before they started moving the residents out.They were happy times playing in the road riding home made go carts down the hill and skimming collection cards to see whose went furthest.I particularly enjoyed collecting flag cards.
Hiya Terry, nice to hear your memories, I don't remember the church it must have been demolished before we were there, I can't remember when we moved there but I remember the clearing out, I go past Great Colmore Street on the way to work and look up and remember, do you have any photos of Latimer Street?
Thanks Bob.
Hello Bob.I was born in that house in 1950.It was my grandparents house so five of us lived there until the street started to be cleared for demolition.
I came across a publication,similar to the type Carl Chinn produces,that has some pictures of Latimer St.There is the church,the Colmore Arms pub,there's also one of our small front garden with it's shed and tree.It's a picture of the entrance to our yard so it shows the houses that were facing ours.There's also a picture further up the street where it meets Irvine St. and Cregoe St.I had to buy the book,it brought back so many memories.
I don't know if it will work but I'll try to take photos of the pictures and see if I can put them on here.I'll do that this weekend.
Further to my previous post here are three pictures.St.Asaphs church,Colmore Arms pub and our house at 75 and the entrance to the court yard.


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Hiya Terry
Great photos, I remember my dad having a drink in the Colmore Arms and there was a pub opposite us (we were at No 90) we called it the new pub, it's at the beginning of Wyn Street, it's still there but no longer a pub. I'll try and post some photos later.
From my Baby Book, one of Mrs Bennett and one of her daughters (Eileen?). More to come, but the book is disintegrating on the scanner ...
Hello, Harvey, I was a friend of the Bennetts I remember you as a little boy and your sister,I am in contact with Jean Bennett, we were friends, I lived at 76 Latimer street.
I was born in in a back to back in Gt Colmore Street in December 1939 just after the war started. We lived up the yard and grannie and grandad lived in the house fronting on to the street The area was flattened in October 1940 while we were all sheltering down somebody's cellar so we were homeless. Mom, dad, my older sister Pat and me camped out with various relatives while grannie and grandad managed to find a bigger house to rent round the corner at 103 Latimer Street, three doors up from St Asaphs Church. Eventually grandad died and we, except dad who by then was in the army, moved in with grannie. Mom and dad took the house over when grannie died. We lived there until about 1961 or 62 when we were re-housed under the "slum clearance" scheme. Until then I hadn't realised that we lived in a slum! Us four kids, my sister Pat, brother Anthony (our Ant) born in 1942, and sister Christine, born in 1949, all went to St Thomas School in Granville street where our mom had gone when she was a kid. I noticed photos posted by Terry 1967 and recognise, I think, Trafalgar Terrace which was directly opposite our house, and also the pub down the road. Yes, we used to plank motor down the hill as well. And collect fag cards. We all used to gather at Bradshaws corner to play marbles or conkers. I also noticed a thread by one Barry Hopkins, who was at the school during the same period as me. I remember Barry, bigger than me, strong, into sport. My name is John Levisohn. Anybody remember me?
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Hello John I lived at number 76 Latimer street opposite St Asaphs church from 1951 to 1960 I should remember your sister I was born in 1948.
I was born in in a back to back in Gt Colmore Street in December 1939 just after the war started. We lived up the yard and grannie and grandad lived in the house fronting on to the street The area was flattened in October 1940 while we were all sheltering down somebody's cellar so we were homeless. Mom, dad, my older sister Pat and me camped out with various relatives while grannie and grandad managed to find a bigger house to rent round the corner at 103 Latimer Street, three doors up from St Asaphs Church. Eventually grandad died and we, except dad who by then was in the army, moved in with grannie. Mom and dad took the house over when grannie died. We lived there until about 1961 or 62 when we were re-housed under the "slum clearance" scheme. Until then I hadn't realised that we lived in a slum! Us four kids, my sister Pat, brother Anthony (our Ant) born in 1942, and sister Christine, born in 1949, all went to St Thomas School in Granville street where our mom had gone when she was a kid. I noticed photos posted by Terry 1967 and recognise, I think, Trafalgar Terrace which was directly opposite our house, and also the pub down the road. Yes, we used to plank motor down the hill as well. And collect fag cards. We all used to gather at Bradshaws corner to play marbles or conkers. I also noticed a thread by one Barry Hopkins, who was at the school during the same period as me. I remember Barry, bigger than me, strong, into sport. My name is John Levisohn. Anybody remember me?
hiya john did you mean barry hopwood ,not barry hopkins ,if so can you recall any other names from latimer st
hiya john did you mean barry hopwood ,not barry hopkins ,if so can you recall any other names from latimer st
Hello Barry. Yes I think it was Barry Hopwood I remember from school. If you recall the time I "borrowed" your raincoat then it definitely is you. Did you live in what we down our end used to call "top Latimer" or further down, maybe by Mrs Johnsons little grocery shop? Other kids names I remember, apart from the ones from school, are Georgie Smith, two doors up from our house, Brian Chapman, I think they might have been cousins, David Ward, David Downes, Patrick Clarkson, Ronnie Espley, but they all lived down our end so you maybe wouldn't have known them.
Hello John I lived at number 76 Latimer street opposite St Asaphs church from 1951 to 1960 I should remember your sister I was born in 1948.
I don't know which of my two sisters you might remember. My older sister Pat was born in1934 and my other sister Chris in 1949. We all went to good old St Thomas School so did our brother Ant who you might remember. Did you know the Espley family, well only Ronnie and his dad, I think they might have lived No. 76 before you moved there?