hi mike thats not working for me..all i get is a whole page of mixed up letters...
Hi Lyn see if this pic of the 1921 map works for you. Viv.
View attachment 72375
hi mike thats not working for me..all i get is a whole page of mixed up letters...
i can see it looks like an ordinance survey map
if your getting jumbled up letters, it means your browser is not passing PHP script properly, have you reset your internet settings to default?
Viv -I can see all your images except the image in #845 which for some reason has not got an image URL, so it only downloads. it does not display. After I down loaded and saved it, it acquired an image URL when I then uploaded it, and displays in my post #848.Wonder if i's just that map Lyn. Can you see the 1834 map in post #825? Viv.
Phil the old baths has gone and a new leisure center has been built. Maybe someone has a photo of it?. Jean.
court lane dated 1930s..the greyhound inn on the left corner and on the other side of the road is the boundary post..viv if you go to the map i posted the greyhound and court lane is marked out
morning viv yes the greyhound is marked in big letters on the map and it was on a bend as the pic i posted shows.. must put me specs on as i cant see the hare and hounds to the right of court lane..will take another look...i have just a couple more pics to post later on..
Hello Viv, I read somewhere a long time ago that the roof fitted on that shop was first roof to be supported by the exterior walls alone. There were are no supporting pillars inside the shop at all and at the time of building this was a new concept on buildings of this size. It was by all accounts to allow more unrestricted customer space.