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has anyone looked into the real change in peoples lives when kingstanding was developed. All my family came from aston and were rehoused in kingstanding just before ww2 did other families live in their back to backs ie gt brook st or were they demolished. i know my gran loved having the so called amenities like bathrooms and running water m:)
I can sympathise with your thoughts exactly, although I lived the other side of the Hawthorn Road shops, where the semi's were all mortgaged rather than rented. I went to Dulwich Road Infants in 1938 - 41, and got to know many of the families who had only lived round there for a few years. I never really fancied our immediate area as there was hardly anything there, and certainly no character. I always loved to visit my grandparents in Handsworth, relatives in Ellen St, my dad's school at Loxton St, or my nan's school at All Saints' Hockley. Thgose were real ploaces.
Carl Chinn has written a nice short piece about Kingstanding in Vol 2 of his "Streets of Brum".
An excellent book about a very similar subject, called "Semi-detached London" was written a fellow tram fancier, Alan Jackson, about 40 years ago, which became quite a classic. It discusses the way people moved out of the inner suburbs, in a very personal way, rather than the clinical way that so many planners and academic historians have done.
i was 2 months old when we moved to Hurlingham rd Kingstanding from Victoria rd Aston feb 1933 my mother lived there until 1980s i emigrated to Australia 1970 think its changed a lot since then i went to Cranbourn Rd school and Peckam road worked for midland red as a driver Allen
I can sympathise with your thoughts exactly, although I lived the other side of the Hawthorn Road shops, where the semi's were all mortgaged rather than rented. I went to Dulwich Road Infants in 1938 - 41, and got to know many of the families who had only lived round there for a few years. I never really fancied our immediate area as there was hardly anything there, and certainly no character. I always loved to visit my grandparents in Handsworth, relatives in Ellen St, my dad's school at Loxton St, or my nan's school at All Saints' Hockley. Thgose were real ploaces.
Carl Chinn has written a nice short piece about Kingstanding in Vol 2 of his "Streets of Brum".
An excellent book about a very similar subject, called "Semi-detached London" was written a fellow tram fancier, Alan Jackson, about 40 years ago, which became quite a classic. It discusses the way people moved out of the inner suburbs, in a very personal way, rather than the clinical way that so many planners and academic historians have done.

I lived on Dulwich Road for 25 years and left the midlands 2 years ago. Fascinated with the history of Kingstanding as it is where I grew up.

Might seem like a silly question, but where was Dulwich road infants? Is it what is now called Warren Farm Infants? or was there another one?

Also does anyone know where the Warren Farm Farmhouse actually stood?
I did see one picture of it a few years ago but with no clue to it's actual location and I can't remember which book I found that in.

Hi Vicky,
Yes I believe Dulwich Rd infants is now Warren farm infants,
I also went to Dulwich Rd senior boy's school that was way back in the early forties, also I was in the scoutsat Brackenberry Rd Church
Mr Howe was Scoutmaster, his wife was head of the girl guides
I'm not sure of the wherabouts of the farm so I won't guess
So many great photos of both old (farms) area and the development in the early l930's of Kingstanding on the Handsworth Digital site https://www.search.digitalhandsworth.org.uk/engine/theme/default.asp?

My Aunt Nell lived in Kingstanding and so we, my brother and I, and our family on occasions would often walk across Witton Lakes Park and through the roads leading to Kingstanding Road to visit her. I learned to swim in the little pool at Kingstanding Baths and we often used used to visit the shops at College Road also the Mayfair Cinema. I also used to cycle to Perry Common Library which was quite modern compared to Erdington.

My parents first home was above the then Co-op on Kingstanding Road. This would have been in 1934. The building is still there and was a Working Man's Club for years. I think it is a Community Centre now.

The Kingstanding Estate was a huge step forward for Council housing in the early l930's when the area was developed in a big way. There is one
error in the photographs which states that Streetly Road is in Kingstanding..it is in Erdington. Streetly Road and it's council housing was developed at around the same time as Kingstanding's. It is fascinating to track the history of Kingstanding back in time.
Hi Jennyann
Did you ever go into the milkbar on the Hawthorne Rd? that was the place we teenagers used to hang about,and of course Hawthorne Rd & College was our so called "Monkey Run" my mate & I had some good times around there
Dennis, I know exactly where the Milk Bar was and I did go in to it at times.
I was quite small when I first used to to go to Kingstanding......about 7 or 8
and then over the years into my early teens. There weren't many places in the main "Monkey Runs" to hang out in those days. Years before in my parents youth there were even less places to hang out where you could buy refreshments. I can imagine the area you mention being a "Monkey Run". Wasn't there a fish and chip shop close by? A definite necessity for a "Monkey Run".

Erdington High Street was a "Monkey Run" as well and for many years.
My parents used to go from Witton to Brookvale Park on the summer evenings and on Sundays and walk round and round the lake.

I remember the Peacock's shop on Hawthorne Road almost close to
to the top of Hawthorn Road and Kingstanding Road. I believe their was Bakery and Greengrocers. My friend from school Margaret lived in Yerbury Grove off Farley Road near Gypsy Lane and we used to take
a right of way through the then allotments which ran all the way up to
College Road near the Perry Common Library to go to the Kingstanding
Baths plus another long walk up Hawthorn Rd to Kingstanding Road. Otherwise it would have been my Aunties or the MayFair Cinema. Would that short cut be through the Wyrley Birch area?
Jenny, my gran and granddad lived in Farley Road, No 23 I think and we used to regularly walk down the passage you mentioned to get there, opposite the fire station in College Road. E.
Yes there was a bakery, Wimbush's next to Harris the cleaners, on the corner of Warren Farm Rd & Hawthorne Rd
The Greengrocer was Roses next to Lathams a haberdashery shop on the corner of Hawthorne & Dyas Rd
JennyAnn, you have a better memory than me. I don't remember all those shops in Hawthorn Road, but I do remember going into Peacocks just over 62 years ago, on 7 May, after we were let out early from school, and buying two Union Jack flags. Next day they were flying to celebrate VE Day.
I certainly remember the long path or track fromCollege Road through the allotments to Gipsy Lane - that was our route to Witton Lakes. The name Wyrley Birch is familiar - we used to call it Wairly Bairch in Black Country style, but I'm not sure if it was the name of those allotments.
The cafe I hardly remember at all. I never used it, as from about 1950 most of my social life was in Handsworth or elsewhere. Anyway, here is a list taken friom the Kelly's 1950 directory.
Thanks for the memories!
Certainly glad that both Peter and Dennis remember the passageway from
Witton Lakes up to College Road. It's all built over now, although being a "right of way" the passageway may still exist. I am pretty sure it's called the Wyrley Birch estate. I think the allotments were abandoned
pretty well during WW2 and so it wasn't as neat and tidy as it would have
been had the allotments been in full operation. The allotments didn't
flourish because the men went off to war. It saved us a lot of bus fare
if we were going swimming at Kingstanding Baths going up that short cut. We always used to buy either Hot Chocolate or Oxo after swimming. These baths were the best in the area and had an Olympic size pool with high diving boards. The little pool where I learnt to swim was very small. We often used to walk to Finchley Road to my Aunt Nell's. She had no children and always had lots of pop and goodies.

I sometimes went to the Baths on my own and a couple of times after taking too long to get dressed couldn't find my way out to the front and had to go into the baths area and find a door that said exit. I was never apprehended by anyone doing this I think as soon as all the kids left the staff would go into the staff room because the place was deserted. It was a little bit scary walking along by this huge empty swimming pool to get to an exit door near the diving board.

Peter, thanks for posting the list of businesses. I can remember some of them especially Peter Renwick-Dentist. He had a square lamp on a pole that said Dentist out front of his practice. My Mother worked with a friend of the family at one time. There were certainly a lot of businesses along that road. A bit like Stockland Green years ago, the businesses served all the
new housing that was built around that area starting in the mid l930's.
The last time I went close to there was to visit the Birmingham Co-operative Funeral Service place 12 years ago.
I actually went with my mother to the official opening of the baths, I can remember a swimmer, probably some sporting celebrity, diving in for the first time as the (I think) mayor declared it open. I was just 4 years old, good memory eh.

Some years later I was chucked off the top board by my mates even though I couldn't swim, still don't know how I managed to avoid drowning:) .E.

Ps. I just had a look down the Hawthorn road shops list, my mother had an outwork job making shopping bags out of sugar sacks, she worked for 86 Shaughnessy Wm. Wardrobe dealer..I think Mr Shaughnessy committed suicide at some time later. E
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I remember Mr Shaughnessy, as I used to pass his shop up to four times a day on my way to Hawthorn Road Junior Boys, 1942 - 1944. He seemed a nice old boy, but I don't think anyone ever bought anything off him. I do remember he had a bit of a bad habit - burning off bits and pieces in his back garden. The smell used to change from old rags to old lino, always smouldering. I would guess he was in his late 40s or early 50s then, so he would have been born in the late 1890s I think.
This is excellent - spent my life on Hawthorn (without an E) Road. We lived at 160 which we have recently sold as my Father died last year (Ken Butler should anyone know him!). The shops - Boots on the top corner, Wimbush, Wrensons, Littlewoods, Foster Menswear....
Fond memories of a sweet shop called The Cabin, Williams the Furniture shop (where else!), W J Taylor (with the record booth at the back), Leavers the ladies dress shop (which I could only afford in the sale), Miles the pet shop (still there), the Newbys at the Post Office, and in particular, Gwynnes the toy shop.
I must admit that I cannot stand Kingstanding in any form or shape....when we had to move from our home in Aston October 1969...we were rehoused in Kingstanding....Warren Farm Road.....pre war house, with its front garden...inside toilet with hot and cold running water, and a bath that you didn't have to hang up after you used it...quite a step from our house in Aston.....BUT...it wasn't home.....and never would be for me.
I was able to move out after 7 years, when I got married....If we had moved to Kingstanding because we wanted too, then maybe my feeling towards it would not be so bitter....I still have family living in the area...so I still visit the area on a regular bases....I think its in the same league as what Aston is now...a slum.....!....it only the people that live there which brings the area down.....
John I lived in Kingstanding from when i was 18 months,till I got married,
And I loved the district,good schools, a lovely library, two nice cinemas, a nice park,within easy walking distance to Sutton Park,I did go and have a look around a couple of years ago,sadly the district looks very run down,
I wonder if it's a case that having bought the property,then painting them all various colours,and then perhaps have not got the money to keep them well maintained,has led to the way they are to-day,? I remember when the Housing Dept.used to paint them every two years or so, and they all looked neat and tidy,plus the fact there are a load of old "Bangers" sitting in the front gardens,there is not the pride that there used to be unfortunatly
I agree with Dennis about the Kingstanding I remember. It certainly isn't the same place these days, of course. Like Dennis says the houses are not taken care of in many cases. Perhaps it was a bit boring when the Bham Council owned all the houses but at least it looked neat and tidy then. I hear it's not safe to walk around there anymore. It's very sad indeed but the decline started many years ago it seems.

My Aunt Nell had no children and when she died the Council assigned another family to the house. A lot of the furniture was left in the house since the Solicitor who dealt with her estate was slow contacting the family about it's dispersal. The furniture was very good quality especially the dining set and sideboard. By the time the solicitor contacted the family
the dining room set was out in the garden just thrown out in the rain. Such a shame because someone could have used or it could have fetched several pounds. The house went into decline after that and many around it also as the different long time residents moved on.
Sadley you are right about Kingstanding but it has been said on a couple of posts its the people who live there, where has all the pride gone. I can remember being told if you lived in "municiple" housing you had to keep your front tidy, polish the door knocker and sweep the step. I know many people who practice this now (I hope I am one) how sad the way things have changed!

I also grew up in the late sixties early seventies and spent a lot of time in and around the Hawthorne road area and had lots of friends of similar age ... interesting to read that the baths had a diving board ?? when we used to go there wasn't a board so if we wanted we had to walk to wyndley baths via finchley road over that "mound" to banners gate then through sutton park to wyndley pool ... imagine 10/12 yr olds doing that now !! ... interesting to read the post by lynnehart where was 160 hawthorne rd i imagine it must be near the crossways/perry common and if you are reading this what school did you go to lynne .... btw warren farm school was called dulwich road my mother went there in the early 50's
I can't say that I ever loved Kingstanding, but I grew up just outside it, and went to Dulwich Road Infants, 1939 - 41. I got to know a few families who lived near the school, and very much remember a very strong community spirit inb the neighbourhood at that time.
Times change faster than we do, alas, and the course of history has not been so kind to those of us with long memories.
Perhaps people had limited prospects, but they seemed happy with what they had - which was a lot better than the REALLY rough slums from which they moved in the 1920s and early 1930s. And the City Fathers had done a good job in their time, I think. After WW2 is a different story in my view.
Warren Farm School

I went to Dulwich Road school 1954-1958. I think the name changed from Dulwich Road while I was there. Used to go to Kingstanding baths nearly every day straight from School when I was at Cranbourne Rd School,through the gully past the clinic if I remember right, never had the guts to try the diving board though.... Also paraded up and down Hawthorne Rd quite a lot.:D Used to go to the co op youth club above the co op there...Any one remember that...??
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When I was last in Brum on your photo there would have been a Co-op and Thompsons in that photo how long since they went?:) Hope its not to long ago or I will be old:D
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You are right there was a thomsons butchers and coop but that picture is coming out of the mouth of charlton road so you would not see those buildings..... they would be to the left on the side of the photographer... Can't remember when thomsons went ... the co op is still there. I was at school with the grocers son Andrew Osbourne their shop was further along from thomsons past the gully
This all brings back memories for me too. Went to school at Cardinal Wiseman and often went to the Hawthorn Road Shops for my friend's mum. My friend was Joan Browne who lived in Darleydale Avenue. Lost touch with her many moons ago.
You are right there was a thomsons butchers and coop but that picture is coming out of the mouth of charlton road so you would not see those buildings..... they would be to the left on the side of the photographer... Can't remember when thomsons went ... the co op is still there. I was at school with the grocers son Andrew Osbourne their shop was further along from thomsons past the gully

Thank you Scamperoo, a Senior moment at my age, I have one every 5 years:|
Scamperoo, 160 was between the shops in the photo and the shops at the top of the road, a few doors down from the Post Office. I went to Hawthorn Road School in the 70's......
It is very sad as the shops now aren't like they were - lots of charity shops and £1 shops!!! Most seem empty most of the time.
This all brings back memories for me too. Went to school at Cardinal Wiseman and often went to the Hawthorn Road Shops for my friend's mum. My friend was Joan Browne who lived in Darleydale Avenue. Lost touch with her many moons ago.

My late wife went to Maryvale school which I believe was also called Cardinal Wiseman, she left school around mid 1950. E.