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Key Hill Cemetery

Here's an update on my family grave memorial, for those who are interested. The slab has now been lifted it is in four pieces one being quite small. The damage was mainly caused by tree roots. The hole will now be filled and a concrete base put down on which to lay the slab. The pieces will then be mortared together.
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Hi Wendy, your is a story of plowing on to get a result. Such good news that you have now dug the stones up, and soon they will be seen again as a memorial to your family.
Morning Wendy

So pleased you have all the pieces after your epic efforts to get it all together.
Will watch for the finished photo.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Hi Charlie no we don't do digging just selling tickets for the tombola. I get more laughs when I ask friends and family if they have any donations for my tombola at the cemetery. They laugh and say a tombola in a cemetery!!:rolleyes::D:D
Hi Wendy...On the Mitchells and Butlers thread, in your post #9 you mention that you are trying to put some information together on people who are buried at Key Hill cemetery.

I've just learned from Handsworth cemetery that my g/uncle, William Tranter (Birmingham gun maker), is buried there in a vault with 8 other people - section K946-947 vault.... I have a couple of good portrait photo's of him and also a few interiors of his gun factory if you would like copies. I'll post them off to you if you IM with me your address.

Regards, Florence :)
Florence I recived the information on William Tranter it's wonderful. I would like to put it in my folder for display at the Cemetery Open Day this Saturday if that's OK.:)
Hi Wendy...Glad to know you received the copies safe and sound. Please feel free to do anything you wish with them.... Hope the open day goes okay.

All the best....Florence :)
You are related to Tranter!!!! Maybe I link with you via my Tranter links? I'm tracing the eligit son of possibly a Butler (Elijah Samuel Tranter) William Tranter in my links I have so far is Elijah's Grandfather and Jane Tranter his daughter who became a Ryder. Is this a link we could follow to your tree?? My William Tranter is 75 in 1891 so born about 1816.
Lindsey Hall
Hello Lindsey...I have read your very interesting post #21 on the Mitchells and Butlers thread. Sorry, I've never heard any story relating to a William, Jane, and son Elijah Samuel Tranter handed down in my family....Going a bit further back though, could you tell me who Williams grandfather was?

Best regards, Florence :)
Well at long last the family grave is now reinstated to it's original position. I was given information in 2004 that the memorial had been removed. In fact it was buried 3 foot under ground. This has been a long hard trail which would never have happened without my good friend Colin Giles a volunteer at the cemetery who first excavated the grave. See post 227

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Look forward to seeing you on Saturday Maggie....Charlie is helping me on the Tombola this year!:):)
I hope we get pleanty of visitors I have got loads of tombola prizes some in liquid form :rolleyes::D I also have been given a lot of DVD's Vidio's and lovely clean paperbacks.......bargains for all!:):)
Hi maybe I'll try the Mitchells link again? I can't seem to tie up this thread. With regards your Q. I believe Sir William Waters Butler 1866 son of William Butler 1843 son of Robert and Mary Ann Butler Hinckley Leics. Robert died 98 in Hinckley tombstone "He lived to be the oldest inhabitant of this native town". Not gone back before this though.

Just a quick Q back: What happened to Walter Butler he's listed aged 3 in 1871 census. At William Butler senior memorial he's not listed as a surviving member of the family. Albert Edward died shortly after his father in 1908 (b 1878) BUT I have no record on Walter who would have been born abt 1868.

Any info would be good.
For information anyone researching family at Key Hill the memorial inscription project now complete and will be available to view this weekend at the cemetery's open days.:)
once again i would like to wish everyone a great fund raising day tomorrow:) one day i hope to find the time to delve into just where my ancestors were laid to rest....:rolleyes:

Lyn if you give me some names and death dates we could have a look at Key Hill even if just to rule it out. My friend had a look for Stitchers Hood family and sadly they weren't there but at least it's narrowed it down.:)
thanks wendy...





Great day was enjoyed by myself & wife Chrs at Keyhill today.
Pleasure to meet Wendy & Charlie too.

I had two headstones to find, one we located but checking the dates they do not match (yet) who knows what will hapen later.
We were also looking for a public grave stone with the number S17 on it, family name Fellows.

While we found other public gravestones we did not locate this one.

If anyone has a picture of stone S17 or just the transcript of the name & date of FELLOWS from it we would appreciate your help.

Have a good day tomorrow everyone, and hope this lovely weather holds for you alll.
Certainly worth the 58 mile round journey to see you all.
Derek & Chris
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Well today went so well we had a brilliant time. It was so nice to meet so many forum members I hadn't met before. I am so happy you came and supported our day.We met the mayor and his wife who were just lovely and have made a large donation to reinstate the Tangye memorial. Charlie thank you so much for helping on the tombola or should I say 'toomb bola', we had such a laugh!. It was lovely to see Sparkhill lad and Chris I will see what I can do about your Fellows request.:) David it was lovely to finally meet you with the knowledge you have on the cemetery. Maggie and Tom as always were so lovely Tom helping us at one point and thanks for the coffee a life saver! Syngst took some lovely photo's of the day and mingled. Finally it was lovely to see Polly and her hubby. I think she had the most amazing day but I will leave her to tell you about it if she wants to. Thank you all and any I have not mentioned for supporting this most important day at Key Hill Cemetery. :):):)
will you be there tomorrow wendy as myself and my husband (bob) and my mom are coming? bob and i came last year and found it so interesting. sounds like you had a great day today anyway. hope some other members might be there to meet tomorrow :):)