A bit of an elusive character the John Biggs, who married Sarah Groom, the only way to trace him back would be to obtain his marriage certificate to find fathers name and occupation.
His name, age, and place of birth change every 10 years,as do the names and ages of his children
If this is your John biggs kc here is a bit of info. about him.
In 1881 census
Address, Caravan in Smithfield, Stourbridge.
John Biggs age 26 b Birmingham , wheelwright
Sarah age 26 b, Cradley
john age 7 b. Cradley
Ann age 3 b Cradley
Leah age 1 month b. Dudley
Suddenly family are Hayes.
1891 Caravan, Foster street, Stourbridge
John Hayes age 37 b. Birmingham ,Travelling showman
Sarah age 37 b. Cradley
John age 19 b. Cradley
Ann age 13 b. Cradley
James 12 b Walsall not on 1881 census
Leah 10 b. Dudley
Benj age 7 b Stourbridge
Edmond age 5 b Droitwich
William 13 b Cradley not on 1881 census
1901 Show van , Foster street, Stourbridge
John Hayes 50? b. Dudley,Travelling Ghost show
Sarah 50 b, Cradley
Annie 23 b Cradley
Benji 16 b, Cradley
Edward 10 b dudley
Jesse age 7 b. Dudley
when Jesse was born his birth was registered as Jesse Biggs March 1894.(all the other children also registered Biggs.)
On 1911 census SArah a widow and her sons ,all showmen, are living in caravns together in Stourbridge , they are called BIGGS.
Also living in 'living vans' and the person who signed the census entry is Walter Dudley and his wife Annie nee Biggs and their children