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JELFs of Worcestershire and Birmingham

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hi hiedadam
yes they are connected what is your mothers name and whom is the husband name my mother told me of some-one at the blue coat school birmingham
look foreward to hearing from you george was my grand father
best wishes astonian ;;
hi ichiehdan
we do have a eliza in the tree and i have not gone through my records yet
to swat it back yet i think it was eliza whom had the cottage in brettonford worc
honeybourne worc and she is mentioned inthe honeybourne book and the church she was involved with there was some silver ware she bought and donated to the church
when this church closed down all the siver ware was transfered to the abbey vaults in eversham and thats where every think she done donated which was quite afew things
which is all recorded in records is there in the vaults the cottage they lived in in honeybourne was a thatch cottage and no electric in those days with the well in the garden for water with a brook running around the garden and the house it was very picturest i spent alot of time there when i was a kid my mom was a jelf the only child
whom was brought up there before moving to b.ham because of the jelfs business,s
but we would go back at holidays for weeks on end andwe would bring tons and tons of fruit from there orchard and there farms for our neibours in a house wherewe lived in aston birmingham we would bring large wooden boxes of apples. pears and plums
they was very large wooden boxes what they used in them days to shops
mom went to a private school fromhe age of five years old to leaving school
never went to a state school at all getting back to the jelfs family they virtualy owned all of the eversham area and across the worc even today there is sibbling doing and owning the lands and market gardening i have met one or two recently
i go there my self to honeybourne quite often to se some of the older ones
its ashamereally the village is starting to take over by the city folkwith moderern houses and the townie people as we call them from the city
nearly all the jelfs are burried in the cemetry at honeybourne and they are all been married there in records at the church in honey bourne one of our sibbling is raymond jelf whom wanted to follow in our fore fathers steps he was a son to william jelf
if you look on google and type inraymond jelf oxford counclor you will see a picture of himhe was the son of my grand fathers brother and like there fore fathers in high
courts postions they was grand masters of the society and he wanted to join them
but by the time he became of age they closed it down and stopped
but any way he made good he got married as well in honeybourne and moved to oxford he had a big bussiness in erdington next to there grand father in tyburn rd
and went international and he is now a big noise in oxford ,he is a gov,erment officier now along with my son inlaw whom is a top goverment officer
any way getting off the track i will end fornow and please come back to me regarding your mothers name or husband if he was the jelf i do know that one ofthe jelfs namely frank married a german lady and had a son called hans ,i remembered frank fromyears ago onthe farm is wife died about two or three years ago now and she was burried in sutton coldfield birmingham but yes eliza is part of the tree , best wishes astonian ;;;
Hello How interesting all this is. However I'm not completely sure if it's the same family. It was my grandmother who was born a Jelfs. Her father was George Jelfs born in Birmingham and is in the 1881 census as a pocketbook maker as was his father Francis and his mother Eliza from Kings Lynn but all of their children seem to have been born in Middlesex . However George travelled and we know he spent a bit of time in Glasgow as his wife Elizabeth Ford came from there and their first son Frances was also born in Glasgow.
George and Elizabeth had at least 7 children that we know of and one or two that died very young.
The childrens names were Francis, Elizabeth Janet Ford (my nan), Charles, George (who played piano in a band), Leslie, May, and Beatrice. All I know is that Francis was the oldest and Leslie the youngest.
Most of the family lived around the London area except George (the son) who moved up north somewhere. I get the impression that the family were pretty poor up in Birmingham, which doesnt tie in with the people you have told me about?! The address I have for the 1871 census is in st Thomas' Birmingham. I hope some of this helps.
Bye for now
I,m not entitirely sure where you are coming from to be quite honest
we have a couple of george,s with in the family one did not want to be apart of the jelfs we one or two georges born in birmingham whom went there own way and kept themselves distants from the rest one was from worc with another one from london and the other one was a son called george now i have recently been in touch out of the blue with another lady whom tells me she that her grand mother was a sister to my grand mother and my aunty whom i known for years was related to my grand mothers sister and i have heard her mention the name of fords before now
we have that many georges in the jelf family it some times comfuses people
we have a charles we hae henry we have afew georges this and georges that thy seem to haveliked the name george and they was into relationships like nobodys business you would be surprized the number of people whom have got confused over these georges i will contact my two cousins and see if we can put you right okay
i will speak with raymond on the phone and i will e,m the other one whom lives in spain so i can iron your queeris out okay best wishes astonian ,ps but there forefathers orinate fromlondon by the way and they are listed in the london records
Hello again
You are really kind telling me all these things I find it all so confusing as you say George seems to have been a name used a lot. I didn't think, maybe it would help if I told you George Jelfs died in 1942 I have a couple of photos of him and his wife in the 1930's would they be of any help to you?
Thank you again for your help.
best wishes Louise
hi lou
yes it would be a great help if you could let or get me a couple of photos of them and then i could sort which george we are discusing i have alot of material on the jelfs and births and deaths and other things that i have not printed on the forum
as i have spent the last few years digging deep and recovered aloy of material as i am writing a book there is still more info to come yet as yousaid there was one or two of the jelfs didnt make the grade one ended up in the work house one went into metal and two went into politicsone or two died acording to the wills which i have got
lou if i get the pics from you and give me a couple of days i will sort it out
but i have got another way of acessing more info;i have info;on them far back as the 1800,s there jelfs started there wealth from the early 1900,sthrough to the 40,to the fifties when the siblings started to pass over i am in touch with one george
whom is in is 90.s he lives a simple life but i can contact him or should i say visit him ok
look forewared to your pics and i can show him he his very aleart and got is fraculitys
best wishes astonian
OOps forgot to say the 2nd photo Is George Jelfs. Oh yes as well Mum said his middle name was Abel but someone else said Alfred?!!!!
Thanks again Louise
hi lou
many thanks for your quick response in down loading the pics
i will print them off tonight and get all the paper work out on them
i am stirring my mind up with a conversation that was in my head many years ago about one of the georges which i think the story of diary,s came with it as i said the fore fathers origate from london area i found also from oxford and gloushire and finaly moved in eversham and birmingham from the 1800,s there good fortune started
in the early 1900,s and escalated to the top of society but any way lou
i will get to work on this tommow and if i cannot get it from my pile i will speak with the two cousinsbut i think you will find we are from the same tree
rayis the main man in this history whos is in oxford london
best wishes astonian .;;
hi demond2
just looking at your picture of the lady any chance you could make that picture more clearer i am very much intresred in this lady i don,t surpose you have any other pics of the jelfs would you i have just had a couple from some=one else as i am researching the jelfs do you know whom is the father or may be who is your grand fathers name look foreward to hearing from you again best wishes astonian ;;
hi astonian,

thats the best i can do with the picture im afraid as it is an old pic,i do have other pics but will have to go thru the attic to find them ,when i do i will post them on here for you if that helps,

my nan's father was called ernest jelf,and my grandfather's name was william stevens....

if that is any good to you?


HI Dememnd2
may thanks for your return thread on your photo of your nan
i have been researching the jelfs for a number of years [well two years [
and i have recently been n touch with another lady whomis related to another lady whom told me her nan was your mothers sister but i will keep you posted when she comes back to me and tells me more i have compiled a catologue of things as to where they are coming from and of another jelf she knows whom apparently lives in sutton coldfield and to what i can make out the jelfs have a good bit of history
to be proud of and are from a wealthy back ground if you look up on google you will learn alot more about the jelfs if you tap in george jelf cominist party you will be amazed and also raymond jelf oxford councillor
i will hope to hear from you soon have a nice day best wishes astonian ;;
hi astonian,

thanks for that info sounds very interesting,i shall go and look that up,my nan has no sisters she was an only child,but yes please do keep me informed as it does sound good


hi astonian,

i know my nan came from a wealthy background,as she would often talk about them,and how she helped out at her fathers shops until she married grandad..
hi demeamon2
i did not mean your emediate nan i mean your great nan whom
had the sister i knew your mom was the only child this beatrice would be her aunty
i have this on record and your mothers grand mother was married before
your mothers fathers mom was maried before and your moms father had a load of half sisters and brother your moms fathers mother was married before she became a stevens her name was jenning and the guy she married was john jening
and she was born handley then married a jenning then married a stevens
its abit like the jelfs into relationships i would say
at the moment i am concertrating on the jelfs its seem your nan as come from high ranksin the terms of good breeding if you get stuck in you will be amazed of the titles they hold as i said there is a couple of jelfs still alive old they may be but
they have still got there fracultites and driving around as ihavepreviosly said i am compiling a book i am far back as the 1800;s as i have also said i have not posted every think about them but there is quite afew skeletons inthe cubbard
i will be shortly posting some births and deaths and marrige certificate on theforum
but any way deamond2 i will be back shortly asi haveto go out but if you want to know any think just asked and if i have the answers i wil tell you
but i do have alot on the jelfs and also combining with the stevens family
i have just ben in touchwith some cousins whom are related to the jelfs and also guess [the stevens family ] one of them is called june ,
i look forewarded to hearing from you again best wishes astonian ,;
hi astoniaan,

i see now,
yes there was a few skeletons in the closet,,i know there was a Hinton from my nans side also,

i will certainly have to look further into this

hi deamon2
if you want more of the hintons go down the threads of the sub forums andlook under the intials of h until you come to the name of hintons there is a little bit about the hintons especialy walter hinton and the main one whom was your your mothers gran
bertha victoria hinton it will give you a start bertha victoria hinton ,nee [jelf ]
look foreward to hearing from you again ; best wishes astonian;;
hi deamon2 how are you today
the only skeletons in the closets are those of jelfs and not that of the hintons
the father of bertha your moms grand mother was a police officier as i have previously said the skeleletons are on the jelfs side and beleive me there is plenty i have it all on record andalso as i have said i have not pubished yet this is going back donkey years one was hanged for crime one whom was a judge and his solictor
conned people out of there money from an organise assoction
when due to appear in court they put asicknote together and never appeared
and got away with it the other one a top judge sent william yarnold to the gallows
i have got pics of this manand the hanging cell in the worc prison
they was into marrying affairs if you log on to the church of honeybourne you will find they are all burried there the grave yard is over run with them and nobody else
i have got written documents of most of there love affairs and whom and what where
the addres.s of there illegal gambling dens and the raids
i have got quite afew neibours around me whom are connected to the jelfs tree
whom have also given me info; but the hintons was wealthy as well and well known
i have met the hintons whom are probaly more wealthy today than there fore fathers
i have the name of the clubs where your moms ,mom which would have been your nanthe clubs where they was proffessional dancers on stage and the clubs the jelfs used to run and there involment with the old city of birmingham housing dept [ bush house if you log on to google you will learn one hell of alot
have you managed to get into your loft yet deamon. ,
well deamon i have to go now but i will speak to you soon later
have a nice day astonian ;;
Hello Its Louise again! Sorry I haven't been able to use the computer for a while! I wonder if you had managed to find out any more information about George Abel/Alfred?
Hi louise
sorry to hear you have not been on site but neithr have myself owing to a couple of issues
it seems my post is either getting lost and not getting through for some reasonand my communication is being sencored for some reason i have have my notifcation line discontinued
i am working in the village of honey bourne at this precise moment worc on frank jelf and his of spring
but as soon as i have the info; i will get back to you okay lou
have a nice day best wishes astonian ;;
I Have been scouring through a books of looking back at birmingham by
alton douglas and much to my amazement there is afew pic of the old lichfield rd
aston and i spottrd a pic of one of the other jelfs coffee shop on the lichfield rd
and its a pic of midland dairies delivering milk to the coffee shop
and this particular shop had a billard room in there as well and when coronation day came in 1953 we and the neibours of cromwell court celbrated the coronation in there
first part was on the street like every-body else at the bottom of the street
where jelfs had organised the st party for the kids we had all the usal trimming
then after wardswe all went into this coffee shop owned by my grand fathers family which had been owned by the jelfs for donkey years one by one in turn at some stage they owned it but on coronation day we spent the old day in there with our parents whilst tey was drinking booze ofsome sort us kids from the court was all playing all over the tables whilst they was getting tipsy ,
some of the familys was the seabournes the sheldon the sharpes the craddaocks the newmans the goughts the hanleys the jarratts the gasgins the brant the gamages .
there was a rake of them it was a cracking time
they when we lived there in that period grand father and bertha hinton lived in new cannal st digbeth but fairly never came to see us but mom said that her father had sold this shop it was just after the coronation to some-one along side of the shop
and they was a relative but she never found out whom it was ivy jelf had her own shop in tyburn rd [ holly lane] so she did no think it was her as she knew since a kid
her father bought it off the brother but getting back on track
moher died quite afew years ago i came on to this site for the first time
andstarded reading stories of people and no sooner i had started there was a personwhom code was flower girl and her mother had brought this shop off ivy
which was not the case i know this flower girls mother did by the shop and turnit into a flower shop and she told us how she always sat in the shop window when she was a little girl which that part of her story is true but the shop was grand fathers to sell
and not ivys to sell so the clutch of the matter ivy some how dwindled him out of the money so they never spoke again in forty years to each other the only time they
seen each other was when she came to his funeral in 1967
but any way i will stop ramberling on now and i have down loaded the pic of the shop and the houses along side the shop the coffee shop is thesecond shop along
from the gully
best wishes astonian;;;
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Re: Jelfs

I have found a Sarah Jelfs in my family tree. Born 1751 married Issac Cormell (1747). I am decendent of Cormell family.
hi loubaby
from the top of my head with out searching that a sara jelf comes to mind
also the ellsely married into the jelf family
i will check the date for sara later on todaybut i do know the ellsleys was connected to samuel jelf
and maria and william , sorry the name i should be putting and spelling is illsellys
they ran aoal yard down church lane aston for years
lou i will come back to you on this sara
have a nice day best wishes astonion
Alan would that photo be by the dentist where the lady is coming out of the door?. Denise Hodson is still looking for a photo of the back to backs in Lichfield road. Jean.
hi guys
i hope nobody minds me doing this today but i have found these couple of certifi on the jelfs
these are my relatives aunties and grand mother and great grand fathers
and the reason why i have decide to do so is because i know there is sibbling out there on the forum whom may be very intrested in seeing these and may be want to copy
i also know that there is one or two people out there whom are related but chosen not to speak or enter on our great forum and i am going to attemp
to down load these now for all to see here goes the following
Re: jelfs

This may not be very helpful to your research, but my gt. gt. gt. grandmother, Frances Taylor, who married William Walford in Bretforton in 1818, was widowed in 1837. She then married John Jelfs in Bretforton in 1837. They had two children, David born in 1838, and ann 1843-1860. John's parents were John Jelfs and Margaret Rimmell.
Hi nodgrow
yes i found that very ntresting and yes we are all related and to add the fact my mothes first child was named after john
whom would have been my very oldest brother but sadly he died at the age of two and also to add flavour
i have met carol whom i beleive is the daughter of david whom is running a market garden still today along from the very orinional sight
and within walking distance of the old farms on the brettoford rd about 18 months ago as i go there quite often and meet the old friends of the family ans its amazing how they remember my mother being the little girl at the house i do beleive i have come across this name the taylor in my research
i do not surpose you have any more info you can tell me or even a pick of any body related to the jelfs
many thanks nod i look foreward to hearing from you even its just to sy you not have any more info or pics i will try and dig carols
bussiness address and picture for you best wishes and have a great day astonian alan
Hi Astonian

Thanks so much for your reply. Although I have done a fair amount of research, I do not have any photographs at this time. However if I find out any more I will gladly pass the info on to you. My four grandparents came from large families, and consequently it is taking a lot of time to deal with all four of them. They cam from Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Northamptonshire, and Scotland, and as I now live in Devon, it is not easy to get to the places where the information is held. However, later this year I intend to have a holiday in and around Worcestershire so hope to visit the appropriate archive offices then.