Hi Nodgrow
yes they do come glocestershire orinionaly in a place called the bucklands and worcestershire i am not to sure about northampton but scotland there was some relelie
whom i met many many years ago at the huge family gatherings they had new cannal street even the aussie land some of the old orinional farm hands cottages they lived in are still there standing and people living in them today on the bretford rd directly facing an historic pub called the fleece inn which is stilll thriving if you get to worcestershire let me know
and go to the worcestershire history society in the centre of worcestershire you will find in the archives all you want to know also you can get through the internet
alot of the jelfs history going back to edward and sir aurher jelf and behond but it was from the early years from 1700s to the early 1900 40sand the fiftyies they was loosing populatatie
and one by one the senior jelfs was slowly passing over and dieing but all he jelfs was in high postions of wealth there was some poor side of the relations i have met one or two of them and recorded history from my mother whom was wealthy and which one was not i was one of the lucky ones whom my mother was the only child to a certain member of the senior brigae of the jelfs family the very early members of the jelfs born in the 1800s any way i hope to hear from you again in the near future i hope
i know there is one or two jelfs out there but reluctlant to speak for reasons i iknow of these are the younger generation of the jelfs brigade
any way have your self a nice day best wishes astonian alan
yes they do come glocestershire orinionaly in a place called the bucklands and worcestershire i am not to sure about northampton but scotland there was some relelie
whom i met many many years ago at the huge family gatherings they had new cannal street even the aussie land some of the old orinional farm hands cottages they lived in are still there standing and people living in them today on the bretford rd directly facing an historic pub called the fleece inn which is stilll thriving if you get to worcestershire let me know
and go to the worcestershire history society in the centre of worcestershire you will find in the archives all you want to know also you can get through the internet
alot of the jelfs history going back to edward and sir aurher jelf and behond but it was from the early years from 1700s to the early 1900 40sand the fiftyies they was loosing populatatie
and one by one the senior jelfs was slowly passing over and dieing but all he jelfs was in high postions of wealth there was some poor side of the relations i have met one or two of them and recorded history from my mother whom was wealthy and which one was not i was one of the lucky ones whom my mother was the only child to a certain member of the senior brigae of the jelfs family the very early members of the jelfs born in the 1800s any way i hope to hear from you again in the near future i hope
i know there is one or two jelfs out there but reluctlant to speak for reasons i iknow of these are the younger generation of the jelfs brigade
any way have your self a nice day best wishes astonian alan