Vivienne, those hard block toothpaste's in tins were made by Gibbs and called dentifrice. These were probably the first toothpaste's around. The tins were different colour's. They must have been a bit unhygeinic though, because everyone rubbed their brush onto the tablet. I think the first dish washing liquid was one called 'Stergene' I was still at school at this time. We had a sample sachet put through the door to try, and on the instruction's it said ' no need to wipe dry' as the dish's would be sparkling if left to drain. Well, I did this and ended up getting a good hiding for being lazy and not drying the dishes. They wouldn't accept my explanation.[/QUOTE
hi maggs..talking toothpastes...our dad used soot when he had nothing better..

i used to ask him how come something so black cleans your teeth...he didnt really have an