I have really enjoyed reading this thread, it has brought back many happy memories .... Thank you all

My Mom still uses
Iodine, she swears by it !! I only ever use
Wrights Coal Tar soap but used to love the
carbolic one...I still have my Nans bottle of
Yardley's Freesia and I've never forgotten
4711 (think you can still get that)....My son brought himself a
Stylophone recently...thankfully he doesnt play it often, but its quieter than his drums !!
Nan always had a tin of
Potters Catarrh Pastilles in her bag....and I still have a jar of
Black Jack which Mom gave me..think its a bit past its "best before date" though..
I remember Mom having a
Stereogram and later buying a
Music Centre myself..it was huge !!,...
When I moved into my own first home, I inherited a
Twin Tub, but it had been left with water in it and it stunk to high heaven!! I also inherited an
old crock Hot Water Bottle...a
Magic Lamp(?) that you put glass picture slides through and lots of clockwork cars and Dinky Cars ..which all fetched enough at auction to pay for the re-wiring of the house

(My hubby was going to chuck them out !! )
Thanks to Len for posting the Chocolate Bar Photo, I've been trying to recall the name of that
Country Style Bar for ages !!!..Chocolate bars and sweets all seem to have shrunk dramatically over the years..or is it that my hands have got bigger ??
But the things I really miss are
Delrosa Rosehip Syrup,..
Radio Malt (think thats what it was called, none of the present day Malts taste quite the same)...
Lyons or Dairy Maid ? Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream on a stick ..
...Marie Richardson Italic Fountain Pens..
Olive Oil and Raspberry Vinegar...( mom used to make me take it but I actually quite liked it in the end) and last but not least, our old black
Pianola with its wonderful old music rolls which my Mom sold because the miserable neighbour always moaned about us playing it..I despised him from that day on !!