Grandad's fvourite. I remember the ad for Old Jamaicy. This should be on another thread/threads but... mum used to say Jamaica? No she went herself.Remember these? Love the bright packaging. I liked Bar Six, but never tried Old Jamaica. VivView attachment 86933
I remember the Trutex Toppers. I had a shirt ith a big pleat down the back and a loop.'Tricel'. Remember that? You could get blouses and skirts made from it. There were Tricel skirts with those permanent pleats. I think there were men's shirts made from it too. Quite a few of these new fabrics appeared around the 1960s, like Crimplene etc, all claiming to be easy care, minimal iron fabrics. And they really were too, but sometimes they weren't very nice to wear I.e. sweaty in summer, cold in the winter. Viv.
I seem to remember "Kilroy was here" came after Chad. Chad seemed to be an expression of mild protest, that was seen during my childhood, usually commenting on shortages caused by rationing.On Breakfast TV the other day I thought that they were confusing Chad with Kilroy (as in Kilroy was Here) but looking at Wikipedia it seems that they were the same person. Or is Wikipedia wrong? See
When I started National Service at RAF Padgate I noticed some bloke called Kilroy had scratched a message in my locker that he had been there. Then using a cubical in the toilets I saw that he had left a message saying he had used it !I seem to remember "Kilroy was here" came after Chad. Chad seemed to be an expression of mild protest, that was seen during my childhood, usually commenting on shortages caused by rationing.
I notice "HP" Sauce is now made in the Netherlands !!!How about 'products that have not faded away but are not made here any more'. Too short a thread maybe...pretty well everything.
What about Payne's Poppets? Haven't seen those for years. They were little round chocolates, like little grapes, with fondant centres.
Also Treets - 'melt in your mouth, not in your hand.' Perhaps they turned into M & Ms?
I notice "HP" Sauce is now made in the Netherlands !!!
I remember "Black Jacks" too. Didn't they make your tongue and teeth go black ? I also remember "Black Sambo" bubble gum. Not knowing how to blow bubbles in those days I stretched the gum out, put it over my mouth and blew them that way. Alas ! The gum stuck all over my face and trying to scratch it off, with my mucky little maulers, I ended up with Impetigo.I believe that Brummie schools used to serve up a fantastic school pudding ...CHOCOLATE CONCRETE that I recall was served with a white custard/sauce my schooldays 50's/60's and is unique to the Bham school dinner ladies menu.
I also recall buying 'black jacks' ... small black sweets 4 for a penny from a sweet shop by Henley in Arden High School