Carolina, I don't think you can blame Americanism, at least not entirely. The loss of the letter 't' is estuary English, and some of the blame is surely to be placed with the education system. I have several friends who were teachers, so I am not biased, but I do remember quite clearly my eldest daughter's geography teacher, when asked why when Clare had spelled something incorrectly, did he not correct it. That's the job of the English teacher we were told, I only teach Geography. From that we assumed that either his English was poor (because if I had been in his position I would not have been able to leave an error), or that he really could not care. Perhaps that is the root of the problem? It all appals me, nothing annoys me more than to find it used in the wrong way, especially when it comes to plurals. Beans does not become bean's because there is more than one, but it continues to be written so. Makes my blood boil, I have to say. From what I saw on television they are bringing back proper English into schools and not before time!