That was the first book we had at school and the story was Little Fisher Duckling. I can smell the classroom now, thank you Sue. It smelled of milk, plasticine, fishtanks, burning coke, chalk and books. A special smell but nothing clinical. The loos smelt of carbolic soap and sometimes wood shavings or sawdust if someone was sick. That smell made me retch for years afterwards. We went on to read the Gay Way series. I expect that name would not be allowed now. I wonder do they still have Wendy houses, hamsters fishtanks and frogspawn & pump bags.I know the milk has gone and tortoise imports are banned thank goodness. From the age of four I learned to tie my shoelaces with a mock shoe insert and tie my tie. Make a pig out of a potato and matchsticks . Play percussion instruments, to share. To send cards and make Christmas decorations and simple gifts for my parents. To draw with slates and wax crayons and write and to choose and make decisions. To sing hymns and songs, counting rhymes and dance and play games.We wore ties because we wanted to or our parents wanted us to. I had one on elastic and a tartan dickie that lit up. My teacher was Miss Ellis, she looked like Geraldine McEwan (Miss Marple) she wore nice blouses, tweed skirts and long gaiters! She was warm and kind and protective with a sense of irony in her humour and treated us like little people.
Thanks for reviving the memories. Nico