Glancing at the new posts menu I saw names which reminded me of an occurrence in 1963 in Birmingham. The first names were that of perambulators : Silver Cross and carry cots. The other name was Dale End.
I visited the Birmingham area to introduce my wife to the Midlands and some of my relatives that she had not met. I had arranged to meet a cousin, who worked somewhere in the City centre, in Dale End. My wife and cousin were walking a little distance behind me, having just met each other for the first time. I was pushing a carry cot which contained my slumbering infant son. Suddenly two men exited, at speed, a small cafeteria engaged in a brawl. They collided with me causing me to lose my hold on the carry cot. The carry cot traveled a few feet downhill and was, fortunately, restrained by some kind bystanders. A Police cadet intervened in the fight and was soon assisted by a motor cycle constable.
During their altercation, which was over the treatment by the cafeteria manager (a Cypriot) of the other persons (an Irishman) girlfriend, I had seen them at one time laid on the bonnet of my Ford Escort van. I Noticed that one of the rear door panels was dented in. This was mentioned to the police who asked if I wished to make a case of it. Saying yes, the brawlers were then told that any court case would be in Devon as that was my place of residence. Not being at all happy at the thought of a long journey they decided on a cash settlement. I accepted £5 (not a bad sum of money at the time) in settlement. Afterwards, when I inspected the rear door panel again I found that with a quick blow with my fist the panel resumed in usual appearance.
My uncle in Handsworth, with whom we were staying, jokingly asked if we were visiting the City centre again the next day.
Earlier in the day we had visited Rackham's. I bought my wife a lovely high color daffodil yellow coat. To our amusement we found that the sales staff thought we only wore tweeds in Devon. We told them some do some don't: it depends where in the County you lived.