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isle of man TT

Lyn, great stuff again!

Just a tip, sometimes you can get a better result if you put plaques and medals under your scanner and it's quicker than taking a photo.

But watch out you don't damage the glass. BTW I can take a picture as fast as I can scan.

I don't have any from the IOM but here is a 1957 one from my Belgian collection that might be of interest. I don't collect these things but this is from a deceased friend and I keep them in his memory.
graham..thats lovely and i bet your friend would be so proud that you are hanging on to it....

thanks for sharing it with us....

May I just say that I have the utmost respect for anybody who has the courage to compete on the Island? Respect is due, particularly when considered how poor brakes, tyres and suspension were until recent years.
I've been fortunate to attend several annual gatherings of the TT Riders Association at the National Motorcycle Museum as a guest of Chris Vincent. The lunches are rather good, the wine lists extensive and the quality of after-dinner speakers splendid!
I've been introduced to many luminaries and racers from the "classic" era. Joe Craig, ex-competitions manager at Norton at the time when the Manx was the bike of choice, Phil Read, multiple World Champion in several classes and John "Mooneyes" Cooper, a particular hero of mine, are some names that come to mind.
Everyone I spoke to had/has a certain awe concerning "The Island".."Mona's Isle".."TT Week". A common bond of those that competed and survived it!

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Yv6fXm2JBY"]YouTube - Isle of Man TT 1968[/ame] Isle of Man TT Races. Len.
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CiqS38Q3nY"]YouTube - BMW Motorcycle Racing - Isle of Man TT 1939[/ame] The Germans have landed!, they won the race but they did`nt win the war Len.
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From my personal collection an extremely rare colour photo of the start of the mid 60's IOM professional cycle race. Tom Simpson is in the middle with his Peugeot team jersey on, he died in the Tour de France 13th July 1967. I think that the same lap board may also have been used for the TT races.

What a fantastic thread. Lyn for starting it,all those photo,s and medals and out true brummie hero Graham and everyone else, s input really interesting and very well
put together clever girl..best wishes to all Derek
we have an Isle of man rider living around the corner from were i live and his farther-in-law lives two doors away i am sure he won the TT last year his name Adam Barclay does the name ring a bell.
i was on holiday with Cadeau in 1956 at the Isle man and i was facinated with bikes going past.
Its a pleasure Frederick:)

If you look on google you will find more about him.
This was my dad's first bike he bought it from the man seated on it for £30.It was a T.T.regular Sunbeam 1928 model and had been raced in the Isle Of Man.
What a great thread, well done Astoness. I am researching the history on my 1948 Manx Norton. It was delivered from the factory to L&E Motors of 336 Stratford Rd in 1948. I am trying to find out if it was raced by L.Eason the propriotor of perhaps one of his employes around 1948 to 1952. I have restored the machine and use it for vintage sprints and hill climbs, trying to recapture my youth.
Old guys rule!
Dave C.
hi dave..theres nothing wrong with reliving your youth...:) you have probably already done this research but when i googled evc hardy up comes a link where you can get a list of runners for the tt races down the years...well at least as far as coming 10th...maybe of some use to you in your search...

Just a little bit of info. on the TT, the first race was held in 1907, and won on a Norton with Rem Fowler riding it. He must have been a local chap because he is buried in St. James church, Shirley.

Another piece of information on Rem Fowler, He was working at Turner Brothers in Birmingham in 1958 when I started there, He was making nameplates (all hand made and stamped) for attachment to tooling produced by the company. He had his own little workshop within "G" shop and was adorned with photos of motor cycles and the Isle of Man TT, A pleasant old man to know but sadly I cannot remember when he left the company. I am sure other subscribers to the Turners link will remember him too.

Hi Astoness
Thanks for info on TT winners, i will check it out.
looking at your super pics of Eric with his mates, it is quite likely that he knew the owner of my bike as they were from the same era and place.
I have a DVD of the 1948 TT, i wonder if Eric is on it.
My FiL used to work with Jack Harding who rode the TT for many years Lynn at roughly the same period as your FiL. I made contact with someone who also rode it and knew Jack and now lives (I think on the Isle of Wight) lovely man but I lost touch. I will try to find his name and though his eyesight is now impaired I am sure he would love to see your photos.

I think they should be loaded up to the Flickr website (if not with BTinternet you can get a free standard account) at full size so that they can be better appreciated. I could not work out how I missed them then realised that the original post was when were were up in Scotland.
hi dave...its quite possible...i wonder if eric is by chance on your dvd...i beleive he was recognisable by the 2 broad stripes on his helmet..one either side...just looking now at one of his plaques he won...it was for the junior tt race 1948...and he was belting around at 69.603 mph....how times have changed...oh i forgot to say that the pics i have posted are just the tip of the iceburg...i have a shedload but at the moment a friend has borrowed them... but if you like i will post more when i have them back...

bernie..please feel free to show them to anyone who would like them....as said in my previous post i have a lot more pics and will post them asap....
