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In the garden 2022

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Two weeks into November, and I still have a few flowers to enjoy.

Also, some berries on the Honeysuckle.

And the Hydrangea looks nice.

Hopefully, this late colour will make the Winter seem shorter.

My apologies for the poor pictures. I managed to drop my good camera, and I am now looking at buying a new one. : unamused:

Two weeks into November, and I still have a few flowers to enjoy.

Also, some berries on the Honeysuckle.

And the Hydrangea looks nice.

Hopefully, this late colour will make the Winter seem shorter.

My apologies for the poor pictures. I managed to drop my good camera, and I am now looking at buying a new one. : unamused:

Steve, we had something like that (not quite as pretty) until Saturday night it went down to 22f and warmed up to 23f last night, wiped them out. Didn’t bother the Geese they are still here!
Maybe of use as a reference if you are close to agricultural land.

Well, here I am, in late November, well North of Brum, and, still, we have some colour in the garden.
This, despite some quite hard frost on the car for a few mornings.

The garden is behind a low wall, which affords some protection, as we are only a couple of hundred yards from the sea.

Not exactly profuse, I know, but, it being almost December, 50 miles north of Aberdeen, I'll take it. :D

Don't do that Eric, give it another chance replant and cut it back to about 18inches, I do that every year with mine in late autumn to protect it from being blown over by wind and snow.

I can't throw any plants into the recycling which means I have far too many plants in my garden, lol.
Some birds that may visit your garden / local area

Don't do that Eric, give it another chance replant and cut it back to about 18inches, I do that every year with mine in late autumn to protect it from being blown over by wind and snow.

I can't throw any plants into the recycling which means I have far too many plants in my garden, lol.
I did that last year and secured it to a concrete post but it's still come down again so it's going and will be replaced with something else, roses maybe.
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