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Don't remind me Kat. We have a large Acer in the front garden as well as two smaller ones. the larger one is just turning red which means in about a month's time the leaves will be dropping and so will be filling up the large garden bin for the council to take away.

Quick facts​

Trees on boundary lines are owned jointly by both neighbours
Regular tree inspection reduces liability
Overhanging branches should be offered back to the neighbour after removal
Windfall fruit and fruit on overhanging branches cannot be taken without consent

After over 30 years of pruning branches of trees and shrubs, and cutting back weeds and Ivy from our neighbours garden, I wonder what they’d say if I ‘offered’ them back !
The wind got up yesterday evening, and it's been blowing a wee bit ever since. From the WNW, 50 mph.

That is most of the plants done for this year.

Bare in mind, the wind came off the sea, laden with salt spray. Not a good mix.

Air temperature was into single digits, and the wind chill got down to -1 deg. Feeling about 1 deg. now.

I was just thinking as I looked at all the photos this morning how i shall miss them all each day now winter upon us. What is the antidote for withdrawal symptoms ??? I shall just have to be content with all the other contributions you wonderful people send in
all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey, winter is here with a vengeance. so all the gardening tools are put away till spring:(
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Just spent half an hour sweeping paths in back garden, raking leaves (from next door's ash tree) off lawn. Also topped up bird feeders and refreshed their bath/drinking bowl.
Yes I know there will be more tomorrow but it is garden bin day tomorrow and since we pay for it I like to have something to put out - get my money's worth.
It is much milder today I was surprised.
I'm not venturing out today at all. It's raining here, and cold too. I've just got a few bulbs to put in a couple of pots, all of my other garden jobs are complete.

You got a good amount of work done in that half an hour Jan, nice!
Put bin out a while ago and collected up leaves from front. That sounds a lot but as I've said many times the from is literally the bit under the window.
yesterday afternoon we had a Cloudburst,what a row i have not seen one of them for yonks the garden was a lake for a while but soon the water drain'd away into the river leaving a boggy mess
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