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Hood John(Jack) Boxer


proper brummie kid
I have asked for help before and received many a helpful response thanks to all.
I am asking for help again and I was wondering if anyone out there has any pictures of Jack Hood - my Dad says he is his uncle, Dads mother was Clara Hood(I believe she used Whitaker as her name when she married William B Hamillton.
I have looked at some boxing web sites but cannot find any pictures of him, I would like to see if there is any resemblances to the family.

Thank You
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Blondy, this will be no use to you at all but my dad was a fairground boxer and he used to tell us that Jack Hood was a friend of his when he was young. My dad was born, or at least he grew up in Summer Lane. I havent any photos of my dads youth so I cant help.
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Hi Stitcher - thanks for that I think :) i have contacted many who say also they are rellies of him but their info is different to mine but have found a pic of him in the forum but is quite shaded due to the pose
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Thanks for that just had a look there does appear to be a resemblance with my dad in his younger years.

Great help once again :thumbsup:
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

You'r welcome, there's some great pics onthat link of him in training an sparing, also a little info... you're dads in for a nice suprise then :) wish i could google some of my family so easy haha
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Its nice to see them even if you didnt know them I think, as i haven't seen much of Dads side for many years I dont have photos etc so having to do it the extra hard way. Good pics and more info to add to the history of ... folder
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

I have that problem, my dad's parents are passed away, never knew my dad really but found a cousin (his sisters daughter) on genes, so we are both trying to trace the family, we have hardly any photos . my cousin was lucky to salvage a pic of our nan's mom which was great.. my moms mom has loads of photo's but who they are i dont know and she's got dementia so she can't tell me.. i'm currently chasing up any living kids of my nans mother and brothers and sisters to see what they have so i can compair them to nan's photos
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Hi Alf

thanks - it would appear he wasnt too bad at it then:thumbsup::)
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

No and he was very popular, my Dad spoke about him many times.:)
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Wow Alf, you're good, don't suppose you could find Charles Hickmans records could you.. he started on the Fairgrounds, his daughter Annie boxed too on them, but i know he won a boxing belt someone from his side of the family sent me a pic of him with it, he was great friends with Randall Turpin another boxer, thanks
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Ahh Claire you have mentioned a great boxer Randy Turpin (The Leamington Licker) the Turpin family have strong ties to boxing and still to this day live in Leamington

Randolph Turpin's life story,i cant think of the book,is very good reading:)Mossy
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Wow Alf, you're good, don't suppose you could find Charles Hickmans records could you.. he started on the Fairgrounds, his daughter Annie boxed too on them, but i know he won a boxing belt someone from his side of the family sent me a pic of him with it, he was great friends with Randall Turpin another boxer, thanks

Read this Clair:)

Another example of family involvement is reflected in the story of Annie Hayes. Annie Hayes, nee Hickman, was born into the famous Hickman boxing family from the Black Country, in 1913. Her brother was Charlie Hickman, the Lonsdale Champion, and her great grandfather was Tom Hickman, a prominent prize fighter of the 1800s, who was known as the Gaslight Champion. The Hickmans travelled with Pat Collins in the Black Country and Annie was taught how to box by the fighters who toured with the family boxing booth. This is not a unique phenomenon: William Moore, who owned a boxing show prior to the First World War, had his license temporarily revoked in 1912 for allowing his daughter to box in the family show. In Scotland the Stuart family also allowed their three daughters to perform on the show. Polly Stuart went onto to run the boxing booth or manage the fighters in the 1950s.
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Mossy he was good friends with the Hickmans.. and also my step dads family i have since found out which is strange lol I have pics of them all but can't find much on the web apart from the Fairground stuff which Alf found... have to say tho Alf from family research it has been disproven he's related to Tom 'the gas light' and he did win a belt but it wasn't the lonsdale belt.. i have a pic of his belt would anyone be able to tell me what it was if i posted it?? I have a great pic too of Annie in her boxing gloves looking mean, apparently she knocked a fair few men out lol

Wow nick.. nice bit of info for Sandy to follow up on there :)
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Post a picture of the belt and wait and see, you never know:)
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Jack Hood had a shop pre WW2 & post WW2, on the right hand side past Bordesley Station railway bridge going towards Digbeth and the City, the shops were at the top of a terraced pavement 3 levels, his Lonsdale Belt was on show in the window, i don`t remember what he sold, there was a home made sweet shop next door?, they made acid drops & troach sweets to die for!!. Len.
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

brummie nick, Thanks for correcting my old age memory, when i posted it i had a niggling doubt but carried on, but the sweet shop was there, Yum,Yum. Len.
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Hi Blondy,

I do not know if you are still monitoring this thread but I have started a new thread entitled Jack Hood Boxer and in one of the entries you will find an excellent photo of Jack taken in 1970.
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

Hi Lencops, I think you are talking about my grandads shop the sweet shop, I hope you are, maybe you can tell me more about it, as i am researching my family the Preen family and l lost my parents when I was young and now only have stories. One is about grandad making special sweets like troach and toffee apples and others. His name was Richard Preen and his wife Clara they had 10 children one being my dad. Story as it that the ingredients for the sweets came from abroad and he never gave the secret away. He used to sell them outside the picture houses also. Does the name ring a bell and can you tell me anymore about the shop or the family the children were called, Harry, Louise, Clara, Fred, Tom, Dick, Albert, Amy, Norman and Phoebe.
Re: John(Jack) Hood Boxer

angjim, WW2 & post WW2, on the right hand side past Bordesley Station railway bridge going towards Digbeth and the City, about 10 ? shops were at the top of a terraced pavement 3 levels there was a home made sweet shop they made acid drops,pear & other fruit flavour sweets, toffee apples standing on tin trays & troach sweets to die for!, going in to the shop was treat in its self as your nose took in the different sweet smells, customers came from miles away to buy sweets, sorry i don`t know any thing about the Preen family i did not live close by, i lived by The Swan, Yardley, money was very scarce in those days and it was a special treat to go to the shop, good luck with your family search, the forum members are very helpful Cheers Len.