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High Street Aston

Funny how one's memory works. Of all the hundreds of times I went up and down High St, I simply have no memory of that Ingall, Parsons, Clive building. You can just make out the white pier caps of the gateway on this still from 1949. High St Aston in 1949.jpg
hi dave think i posted this one many years ago now and is one of my favourites...cleary shows the brook which of course is still there but i doubt it wont been seen again for a very long time

This is amongst my favourites too, I just love seeing the chap sitting on the scaffold tube, it must be 3 or 4 metre drop below him. When I first saw this I thought they were big chunks of timber being laid but on closer inspection you can see formwork marks on the concrete.
yes no health and safety back then john...brings to mind how chuffed i was to take photos of the exposed brook on the porchester st side when the croc works were being demolished...think john houghton managed to get some as well..

Somewhere either in a book, or on the web is another photo of the same view but with more of the brook covered up, and for the love of me I cannot recall where I saw it...its an age thing these days
Somewhere either in a book, or on the web is another photo of the same view but with more of the brook covered up, and for the love of me I cannot recall where I saw it...its an age thing these days
john i think i know the one you mean but it could take me some time to find it will have a search in my files

john thats not the one i was thinking of ..im sure ive seen another one but not of the high st...either that or it really is old age catching up with me :D it could be on my desk top which is so old it takes time to fire up so will do that tomorrow

I always thought it was the same view, should have gone to SpecSaver
no i think you are correct john...the bends are going the same way in both photos...if it was looking the other way the bend would be going the other way...i think

Lyn.....Look at the road sign on the first photo you can read the directions, on the second photo all you can see is the back of it ...
I like the bus stop outside the co-op, NOT IN USE! On a more serious note...it really bothers me that I don't remember any of this going on. 1953 was a memorable year, what with the Coronation...passing my exam for the art school...our beloved cat Pip dying...and getting a new one from the market in the Bull Ring.
Dave A
Here's a few adverts from various Aston Hippodrome Programmes, that were in High Street Aston.
They date from 1944 to 1959 (dates shown in corner of advert)View attachment 141658

I like the bus stop outside the co-op, NOT IN USE! On a more serious note...it really bothers me that I don't remember any of this going on. 1953 was a memorable year, what with the Coronation...passing my exam for the art school...our beloved cat Pip dying...and getting a new one from the market in the Bull Ring.
Dave A

Not sure if this has been posted earlier. It shows High St Aston looking from around Inkerman St to Asylum Rd. I do not remember this going on at the time, but it must have been related to the tearing up of the tram lines. It clearly shows Aston Brook.
Dave AView attachment 156525
What a classic social history picture. Best of all is the guy wearing a tie on the site. No hi vis jackets, safety boots or hard hats, no ear defenders and most interesting of all no mechanical plant. The strange thing is that although the picture is only 70 years old, it shows the tremendous changes that have taken place and spectators!!!! Nowadays a modern risk assessment and method statement, would ensure that they were excluded, oh happy days.
What a classic social history picture. Best of all is the guy wearing a tie on the site. No hi vis jackets, safety boots or hard hats, no ear defenders and most interesting of all no mechanical plant. The strange thing is that although the picture is only 70 years old, it shows the tremendous changes that have taken place and spectators!!!! Nowadays a modern risk assessment and method statement, would ensure that they were excluded, oh happy days.
What I think of when I see the picture is the fact that between Asylum Rd & Inkerman St, you could buy almost anything you needed. Our mom shopped mainly at the Co-op, which is where the bus stop is. Across the road was a bakery, Baines or Wimbush's I'm not sure...but that's where we got our treat of the week, dripping cakes! There was Hunt's too, where the boiled ham came from.
Dave A
I wonder if those wooden boards or whatever they are, are still there ?, I cannot recall that part of the road being dug up when they modernise the road, I think its a bus lane these days, what are the chances of it collapsing one day...
What I think of when I see the picture is the fact that between Asylum Rd & Inkerman St, you could buy almost anything you needed. Our mom shopped mainly at the Co-op, which is where the bus stop is. Across the road was a bakery, Baines or Wimbush's I'm not sure...but that's where we got our treat of the week, dripping cakes! There was Hunt's too, where the boiled ham came from.
Dave A
How right you are and of course if you look at a great many of the street pictures on the Forum, there is a corner shop. Nowadays, most of the corner shops that are left are owned by a larger retailer or if there are still individuals running shops (grocery or similar) they are also members of a group. My comments reflect the provisions side of life. Your mention of Bains kick started a memory was that George Bains who had shops scattered around? (or am I dreaming again?)

How right you are and of course if you look at a great many of the street pictures on the Forum, there is a corner shop. Nowadays, most of the corner shops that are left are owned by a larger retailer or if there are still individuals running shops (grocery or similar) they are also members of a group. My comments reflect the provisions side of life. Your mention of Bains kick started a memory was that George Bains who had shops scattered around? (or am I dreaming again?)

No, you're not dreaming Bob...BHF has been going so long we tend to overlook the enormous amount of trivia and info available on earlier threads. Looking back I see the Baines shop I was referring to, was on the corner with Phillips St, which meant that the source of those delicious dripping cakes had to be Wimbush's.
Dave A
No, you're not dreaming Bob...BHF has been going so long we tend to overlook the enormous amount of trivia and info available on earlier threads. Looking back I see the Baines shop I was referring to, was on the corner with Phillips St, which meant that the source of those delicious dripping cakes had to be Wimbush's.
Dave A
hi dave i think BHF celebrates its 19th birthday possibly next month...during that time we have had our ups and downs.. choppy waters to navigate and of course the massive forum hacking in 2010 where we lost over 66000 images this could easily have finished the forum but we plodded on thanks to the members who stuck by us and of course the new ones that have joined...i attribute its success to the fact that we are foremost a history forum...a place of learning for those who are really interested in the history of birmingham and of course the backroom staff that we now have in place..we must be doing something right as we are still going strong and now we have come through a pandemic together that in itself is history...will get of my soap box now just wanted to say that.... :)

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hi dave i think BHF celebrates its 19th birthday possibly next month...during that time we have had our ups and downs.. choppy waters to navigate and of course the massive forum hacking in 2010 where we lost over 66000 images this could easily have finished the forum but we plodded on thanks to the members who stuck by us and of course the new ones that have joined...i attribute its success to the fact that we are foremost a history forum...a place of learning for those who are really interested in the history of birmingham and of course the backroom staff that we now have in place..we must be doing something right as we are still going strong...will get of my soap box now just wanted to say that.... :)

Stay on the soapbox you are telling it like it is.
This shows No. 159 in 1950, I don't think the numbering changed from 1920s/30s to 1950.


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and i have a feeling that there could be a long shot photo of that line of shops just down from miller st on the forum ..could be under the high street aston thread

and i have a feeling that there could be a long shot photo of that line of shops just down from miller st on the forum ..could be under the high street aston thread

I thought so too Lyn but can't find it, I have this aerial view from 1951 but only shows the back of the shops.


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and i have a feeling that there could be a long shot photo of that line of shops just down from miller st on the forum ..could be under the high street aston thread

I think this is it Lyn but could do with somebody doing a look-up for 'The Lock Shop' next door (at least I think that's the name).


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