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henry street aston


Staff member
hi all. would anyone have any maps or photos please of henry street aston B6. thanks wales.
Hi Wales

What year are you looking for, because I only know of one Henry St and that was Birmingham 7 Nechells. If its that one look on the Gosta Green thread. There may have been other Henry Streets, If so I have no knowledge.

Henry St is bottom right corner of the map. The only other Henry St I can find is ib Langley Green .
i mike. thanks for the map can you tell me what area is langley green. cheers wales.

Langley is out Oldbury Way. What did you want to know about Henry St, I used to live in Francis St which runs off Henry St.

Hi Wales.

Henry Street B7 it ran from 65 Gt Lister Street to Great Brooks Street.

It's amazing what information I get from my little Birmingham Street Guide price 6d me dad left it me.

thanks phil and ray. it has to be confirmed but it seems my dads auntie lucy harrington lived at 1 bk of 70 henry street. wales.
wales, not quite the part you wanted as 70 was lower down.

thanks very much ray. do you know where i might find a map of the lower part of the street.
wales, Central library, top floor in the map section. Part of the map I sent was from Plan 42/0888 SW so I think you need Plan 42/0887 NW. Just help yourself from the map cupboards, you should ask if you can copy but to-date they have not been copyright so I’ve had no problems.

There will be no problem with copying old maps. the following is copied from the Ordnance survey site concerning historical mapping:
Copyright Libraries and local libraries allow access to the public to search and view mapping free of charge. (A small charge may be required for copying).
thanks very much ray and mike. i will be going to the archives dept in the week so i also sort out the henry st map. wales.
Wales - on my birth certificate under the column, where born, it states 39 Proctor Street. Why is your interested in Proctor Street?

good morning keith. my interest is in henry st not proctor st i take it they are close. will have a look on the map. wales.
ah yes keith. i see proctor st is just accross from henry st where it is beleived my dad aunt lived in the 50s. wales.
Georgie, Hope you find that map with the house numbers on that you are lookiing for.

Can someone HELP PLEASE.
Not exactly what you asked for, in that this is not a map with it written in officially, but, by studying directories one can say which buildings were 29, 30 and 30A. I have checked, and there was no renumbering between
1880 and 1940. The map is 1890, but the position of the buildings will not change over that time . On the map, great lister street is marked pink near the junction of windsor st ( green). By counting back the businesses in the directory on the south side of gt lister st, from adams st, on the left, it is apparent that 29 is the blue building and 30/30A is the red building
Hope that is useful

Hi All,
I found both of these photos on Facebook.They were both titled 'Silks Henry Street'.
They obviously don't look like the same shops.
Was Silks in 2 different places or did they have one that was demolised and rebuilt?


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  • 11224572_10207631695137680_3840725744795067874_n.jpg
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Hi Sammie

The photos on Facebook, more than likely originated here, Silks cafe and Bookies moved around quite a bit and to my knowledge at one time moved from the corner of Colman Street Street and Henry Street to the corner of Great Lister Street and Henry Street as demolition made it's way through Nechells.

I know this link has information concerning Silks and Henry Street it'self but if you intent reading through set aside some time because it is quite long.


The attached photo is the one on the corner of Colman Street.
Nechells Silks Bookies and Cafe HenrySt ColmanSt [1].jpg
Hi Sammie

The photos on Facebook, more than likely originated here, Silks cafe and Bookies moved around quite a bit and to my knowledge at one time moved from the corner of Colman Street Street and Henry Street to the corner of Great Lister Street and Henry Street as demolition made it's way through Nechells.

I know this link has information concerning Silks and Henry Street it'self but if you intent reading through set aside some time because it is quite long.


The attached photo is the one on the corner of Colman Street.
View attachment 127935
Hi Phil,
Thanks so much for that.
We lived in Elkington Street and I can remember walking to see my Grandma in Henry Street.
'In my minds eye' I remember walking around the corner of Gt Lister Street and seeing the shop on the corner of Lupin Street. The other photo just didn't look right.
Thanks for the link, I've set aside the rest of today to delve into the past.
Slight problem there. the map c1956 shows where no 1back 70 would be. It looks as if the building that would be 1 back 70 is shown as being combined with street house. This is repeated in all the maps back to 1889. Maybe this was an error

map c 1956 showing  70 henry st.jpg

It's strange that the back court shows no number 1 though even though all the rest of the houses in court 7 are numbered. I would put money on the probability that number 70 was in fact a front & back house (2 houses) as were many others in the locality and what we are seeing is an error by the mapmaker. Though the earlier maps show the same error.


In the attached photo number 70 would be the house by the lampost with the bike outside.

Nechells  Henry St - Heneage St Shepherd & Shepherdess  1956.jpg
I would agree Phil. Perhaps the entrance to the back house was in the alleyway and not noticed by the surveyers, who assumed it was one through house.
The post, 25 by Phil, looks as if the pub was built with the adjacent house(s), if the lintels and sills are a guide. I wonder if it was built as a pub or is it a later alteration? I also note the top floor windows bricked up. Was there 'special' rooms or a special use put to the top floors? ;)
There is probably quite a fair amount about Kelsey brewers, I see they were involved with a merger with a Leamington firm in the past. However I know folk here are interested in tokens and there are a few relating to Ashted Row here;
many thanks mike and phil...great to have that photo as well as my dads aunt could well have been living in the street when that photo was taken


The windows being bricked up could well have been due to the window tax as the building looks like it could have been built toward the end of that era. Perhaps they built the windows with the intention of installing real windows after the tax was repealed. There were quite a few houses around Birmingham with bricked up windows similar to these.

The windows being bricked up could well have been due to the window tax as the building looks like it could have been built toward the end of that era. Perhaps they built the windows with the intention of installing real windows after the tax was repealed. There were quite a few houses around Birmingham with bricked up windows similar to these.
Thanks Phil. I believe it unusual for all windows to be blocked re the tax, usually only some. Having lived in old houses - one in now around 500 years old - I was never in one with bricked windows as it happens. However maybe there is or was some history about the place.