I have been looking at the various threads of the Forum since I first logged in June 2012 and can’t believe that I have only just found this, the “Handsworh Technical School” thread which I have read, front to back, with great interest. I did not realise there was such a large number of the male members (sorry Ladies) of the Forum who, at various times, some earlier some later, attended those halls.
I too, for just two years, was a former pupil of HTS and appear on the “long photograph” circa 1953, a copy of which hangs in my study.
The memories came flooding back when reading the accounts of the activities of those stalwarts who, with varying success, taught us. I was also amused by the antics of some of those being taught. I must have led a dull life.
My class? Some of the names come quickly to mind - Hick, Gibbons, Moran, Begley, Kelly, Trickett, Farmer. Lyndon, Williams, Banner, Stott, Windeatt, Wood, Powell. Others I’m afraid have for the time being, gone into the mists of time. In other classes Ward, Burgess, Bridges, Sutton. I’ll remember more I’m sure now that the grey matter has started churning.
I’m surprised that, unless I have missed it, nobody has mentioned “Fred’s Transport Cafe” where that gastronomic delight of the members of B1 and later 4A3, the “tomato dips with baked beans” could be obtained for 1d, or for the enlarged version 1½d. On opposite corner the “tuck” shop and the owner’s wonderful Humber Super Snipe. Lastly, doesn’t anyone else remember “The Little Red Shop”, the proprietor of which, I was sure supplied tools for every trade in the universe.
I’ve still got my copy of the School Magazine, forty one pages of memories, names and events. Oh my, where has the time gone?