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Great Tindal Street Ladywood

I think it very likely Maurice, as the larger scale map below shows that on the opposite side of the road, just before Victoria buildings there is a wide covered entry in a building, which is followed by 4 houses, then a court entry and then another 6 houses and another court entry. this would correspond to the photo.
map c1889 showing victoria buildings.jpg
Map below show 425 Monument st in blue and 146 Gt Tindal st in red

View attachment 129077
An interesting map, covering a large area. I see no date mentioned but Monument Lane LNWR railway station became an LMS station in the merging of over one hundred railway companied into just four in 1923. Of course that could mean the map people were slow in updating their details. I also see the Palais de Danse mentioned, but it is listed as a skating rink, so that might suggest a date. I looked at the Dance Halls and Palais threads but did not see mention of its earlier use of a skating rink.
I am curious about the street numbering of Monument Road. 425 is shown two doors down from the skating rink, however house numbers opposite were in the low numbers which started at 1.
The lamppost appears to be in the right place too, Mike. So the last house standing in the Bartlam picture I reckon to be number 136. Can't find much on Advance Diecastings at all, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that they moved from Ladywood to Perry Barr or somewhere well out of town. Nothing in the Daily Post or the London Gazette, so maybe they moved out and were just taken over, which doesn't attract so much media attention as going bust! Thanks.

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I always try and label the date of maps on the file , even if I do not remember to mention it in the text. If you save the map it is saved as c1918, which is how it is listed on the map site. However Richard Oliver's book on OS maps states that the 2nd revision of the maps in the Birmingham area was 1913.

Thanks for re-scanning, but I think those fancy windows must be the Advance buildings at 126 to 128. So here is my final offering. Many thanks all for your help.

120 and Advance 1960.jpg
hi bushbaby at the moment i cannot help with your pub but here is a couple of pics of great tindal street for you
Thankyou Astonian... now the question is WHY are you called Astonian..??? Icome to live in Aston in 1948 at the age of Three...went to brearley st school then onto St Chads ..left to live in Great tindal street Ladywood in 53 went to Oratory school... then moved back to Aston ..Frederick rd.. and they are my favourite places..up to this very day i was in aston looking at the old Clements pub..by all accounts it's been renamed ..Rosie New Town Row...but the twice I went to nip in..no good as it's closed..but my friend said it does be open as he plays music there..can you shed any light on this... happy New year to you
One for Mikejee.......

Mike, could you show me the location of 120 Great Tindal Street around 1891 to 1901 please. Also, if it is marked on the map, the location of Victoria Buildings in the same street please. My father lived at 120 as a boy/teen. A photograph exists on Old Ladywood showing Victoria Buildings, but no house numbers. I'm just wondering how close they were. Many thanks.

Hi Maurice..just seen your post and I can tell you this much..my address in 1953 till it was demolished in 63 was..... 2back of 121.BRIGHTON BUILDINGS.. so I'm thinking the even numbers were on the other side of the street where the ADVANCE factory was..
Hi Maurice..just seen your post and I can tell you this much..my address in 1953 till it was demolished in 63 was..... 2back of 121.BRIGHTON BUILDINGS.. so I'm thinking the even numbers were on the other side of the street where the ADVANCE factory was..
Forgot to put ..and it was in Great Tindal St Ladywood...
Hi Bushbaby,

Yes, correct, three doors from the Advance factory, and, of course, this was Great Tindal Street.

Maurice :-)
Hi bushbaby regarding your questions i will probaly answer your question this evening should you be around ? , The reason why i say tonight because i am in bed and thats because of my illness but i would like to asked you a question on rosie, when was your last visit to rosie i would like to know , because rosie did excist in new town row all those years ago but it never revived the pub nor did rosie it had closed down for some time layed empty then out of the blue some one thought i will give it ago but it never really took off because of the better of the pubs right locally took all the trade eveningand of course lunch time trade thats why you found it locked up and it was a dirty looking state of affairs it was i will leave it that for now but i will be getting up for tea best wishes Astonian;;;;;
Hi Bushbaby here is the pub of rosie as i said it was closed down for awhile then some one thought they would make ago of it i thought after passing it numerous times day and night where you see the little notes on the door and main window and across the top of the one only main window which are little black stickers it said rosie nothink else but prior to that there was only one large peice of plain carboard stating rosie and about six weeks later those little posters was put on the pub never really took off it was only a handfull of lunch time drinkers for there dinner break night time well you cannot really there was a couple of pubs close bye the globe the staggs head very popular even at night time which was locals living in baggott street and the surrounding street and of course lunch time and evening the staggs head had them in all the time it was a very popular pub in those days i have posted you a picture of the pub with its little posters around on the corners this pub is newtown row as you quitly said your self best wishes Astonian;;;;


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HI To Our Experts The Ones Whom Have The Old Street Guides And The Old Maps , Could You Please Put Me Out Of My Misery I Know It Did Excist And
I Knew The Area Very Well , My Question Is Where Was Tindal Street ,?.
Which End Of The Monument Rd Lady Wood Was It Of Or Around ,
Was It Next To Ledsam Street Side Or wAS It The Oppersite SiDE Of Monument Rd And I Think Its The One With The Old Picture House In Tindal Street , Its Really Bugging Me I Know In My Days Of Youth I Have Strutted Down It And I Rememer The Old House,s And Going Down Them Bombed House Looking For Helmts
Once Again I Thank You For Your Time Best Wishes ASTONIAN ,;;
Hi ASTONIAN... and I was brought up in Great Tindal St and only left in the 60s because they were demolishing it.. Monument Rd ran across the top of it ..and halfway down Ledsam st ran across it..then carry on to the bottom of Great Tindal St it met up with st Vincent st going off to the Left and Browning st to the right..so ended GREAT TINDAL ST... yet it was only the monument rd end that was demolished..as the bottom half still remains from Ledsam st to saint Vincent to the Left and Browning st to the right... ALSO..there was NO picture house in Great Tindal St it was round the corner in LEDSAM ST... and we called it The Ledsam..although it did have a proper name.... god bless. From Bushbaby..
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There was a request earlier in this thread for an image of the Stour Valley Inn that stood at the corner of Monument Road and Great Tindal Street from 1830 until 1962. 130 odd years not bad going for a pub as they don't seem to last five minutes these days. As I see no one has responded to the request, this is the one that I have.


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well my friend bushbaby
There in ladywood its the map of ladywood prior to the redevelopents in the 60,s also included is two pics of your picture house of your beloved picture house called the Regent Cinima [ Ledsam Street Ladywood ] Openend in 1914
Under the Managerment of A,W, witherd,
Was then known as The Ledsam Closure came in 1959, may i had to you, when looking at the map closely at one end
you will see from monument road then the commencement of grt tindal street starts with monument road continues around the bend and it comes to a cross road which of course you will see Ladywood road and at one point it was part of grt tindal street but you will see it reads instead browning street ladywood because the name change from Tindal street
Ladywood it changed that section in1884 to browning street
This street brings to mind the Poet robert Browning, Whom died five years before the change of name
Married to Elisebeth Barrett a Famouse Female Poet
So there you have it look closely so if you lived in ladywood like me you will know its not balsall heath yes there is one tindal street in balsall heath and some one comfused the issue for you and it was not me Astonian;;;;;;


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Caroline..thankyou so very much for this picture...it's Good to see the name of my old st that I was brought up in..GREAT TINDAL STREET...
Also saint Vincent st ..because that's exactly where gr8 Tindal St ended.. it started from Monument Rd and halfway down it Ledsam st ran across it.. it continued untill it reached where your picture is ..as Saint Vincent st ran across it.. so it separated it from Browning st.... to me that's how it was.. ok.... now here I go again.. I have seen a very old map of the area and the part that is i now Browning st was i
Caroline..sorry my phone cut me off..as I was saying about Great Tindal St and saint Vincent st picture.... well the old time map I saw shows that BROWNING ST was actually called TINDAL ST.. but that was somewhere between 1880-1914.so somewhere inbetween those dates it changed to BROWNING ST.
So I don't believe there is anyone alive today that can say they lived in TINDAL ST .. LADYWOOD .. I MEAN NO DISRESPECT TO ANYONE..and also Browning st had nothing whatsoever to do with the poet Robert Browning.. as for a start he was born in london ..and lived overseas biggest part of his life...in London the browning st was allegedly named after him ..as for his background his Grandfather and father had a slave plantation on the island of ST KITTS in the west indies.. read his wiki... THANKYOU FOR READING THIS....AND MAYBE HELPED PEOPLE LOOKING FOR FAMILY A VERY LONG TIME AGO.. I.E. GREAT GRAND AND GREAT GREAT GRANDPARENTS....

Great Tindal St, Ladywood ran from St Vincent St to Ledsam St. See the upper middle of the map.

If you meant Tindal St, Balsall Heath where one of the best pubs in Brum used to be "The Old Moseley Arms". Well that ran from Edward Rd to Edgbaston Rd.

One for Mikejee.......

Mike, could you show me the location of 120 Great Tindal Street around 1891 to 1901 please. Also, if it is marked on the map, the location of Victoria Buildings in the same street please. My father lived at 120 as a boy/teen. A photograph exists on Old Ladywood showing Victoria Buildings, but no house numbers. I'm just wondering how close they were. Many thanks.

My my..what a small world..after I had posted on here to tell you about 120 great Tindal St.. just passed the ADVANCE factory..as I lived opposite the little entry of 120... now I find out why it struck a cord with me...after telling my younger sister about it she tells me that's where the Jones lived..her best friend Mary Jones lived in 120... how's that then..so you dad must have left there before 56 as that's when the Jones moved in... oh well a little bit of info..
Caroline..sorry my phone cut me off..as I was saying about Great Tindal St and saint Vincent st picture.... well the old time map I saw shows that BROWNING ST was actually called TINDAL ST.. but that was somewhere between 1880-1914.so somewhere inbetween those dates it changed to BROWNING ST.
So I don't believe there is anyone alive today that can say they lived in TINDAL ST .. LADYWOOD .. I MEAN NO DISRESPECT TO ANYONE..and also Browning st had nothing whatsoever to do with the poet Robert Browning.. as for a start he was born in london ..and lived overseas biggest part of his life...in London the browning st was allegedly named after him ..as for his background his Grandfather and father had a slave plantation on the island of ST KITTS in the west indies.. read his wiki... THANKYOU FOR READING THIS....AND MAYBE HELPED PEOPLE LOOKING FOR FAMILY A VERY LONG TIME AGO.. I.E. GREAT GRAND AND GREAT GREAT GRANDPARENTS....
Also GREAT TINDAL ST was always Great Tindal St...it never changed it's name or location... only the little Tindal St changed to BROWNING ST.... also to ASTONIAN ..GREAT TINDAL STREET....NEVER WENT TO LADYWOOD RD...SAINT VINCENT ST ..WELL THAT DID..AS I HAVE STATED ALL ALONG ..IT STARTED AT MONUMENT RD AND ENDED AT SAINT VINCENT ST AS IT CROSSED OVER THE BOTTOM COMPLETELY..then Browning st started.... I'm not called bushbaby for nothing.... I also know a quite a bit about ASTON... As we left Great Tindal St when the demolishing was going on still in 62...
Yes, Bushbaby, my Sheppards had left long before 1956.

Oh I'm so pleased to see your reply as I have a picture of just whereabouts 120 was..it's a bit tarnish... but like I said I grew up in GREAT TINDAL ST.. I was not born there but we went to live there when I was 5years old .. in 1950.. ..A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU..
this map was how it became after redevelopment in the 50s and is very different from how it was when i spent my childhood days walking the original streets when it was Gt Tindal St
Hi ..dont know if i made myself clear ... YOU are quite right about GREAT TINDAL ST..it started at monument rd and crossed over Ledsam st and continued untill it reached Saint Vincent st and Browning st...this NEVER changed untill the top half of Great Tindal St was demolished as my family were the last to leave everywhere was demolished and we said we lived on the ponderosa..like in the tv show..so we left in 62..after that was all gone that part no longer existed so in the New maps it only shows GreatTindal St starting from Ledsam st to saint Vincent st and Browning st... so Yes you did stroll up and down the whole length of Great Tindal St.. and don't let anyone tell you any different..
Just come across the posts about Gt Tindal Street and saw the picture of the car by a lamp post. Fascinating to see because it was my Uncle Arthurs Slaneys car. They lived at 134 Gt Tindal St and I used to spend most of my weekends there. Think my parents were glad to get rid of me. I'm sure I wasn't that bad a child. Can't remember, that's my excuse and I am sticking to it. The car was an old Austin Princess, no idea of what year. I was impressed by it very posh it seemed to me. 134 is the house to the right of the entry in the picture.
I’m interested to speak to anyone who was living in great tindal street in the 50s. I believe my relatives lived at 103 7 back.
First of all Nichola, I think that all the Great Tindal Street pics are on this thread. You could also try Mac Joseph's Old Ladywood site here:- http://www.oldladywood.co.uk/gttindalstreet.htm

Meem, my father lived at 120, but that was in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Much of Ladywood has now been erased and some streets don't even exist.

Maurice :cool:
Thank you Maurice for your reply and a Richard for your kind welcome. I do not know much about the area as I have never been there, I live in Suffolk. After reading through the posts I gather most areas completely changed but fascinating to read all your comments. I know many of my relatives lived in the area from my search on ancestry and vague memory of family conversation. Collette house (I think) ladywood road and 103 7 back great tindal street are names I remember hearing and have found. The surname was Parkin, Hart and Coffey (the mystery of names could go deeper) could have lived there before 1950’s. If anyone remembers those surnames would love to hear from you
Just come across the posts about Gt Tindal Street and saw the picture of the car by a lamp post. Fascinating to see because it was my Uncle Arthurs Slaneys car. They lived at 134 Gt Tindal St and I used to spend most of my weekends there. Think my parents were glad to get rid of me. I'm sure I wasn't that bad a child. Can't remember, that's my excuse and I am sticking to it. The car was an old Austin Princess, no idea of what year. I was impressed by it very posh it seemed to me. 134 is the house to the right of the entry in the picture.
Hi nimrod 1947... well well so your family to the Slaneys.. I knew Patrick Slaney.. not sure maybe his sister was called diane.. there was a little shop beside them and Wrensons on the corner.. they lived over the road from the familys called Harrisons and Flemings..the last i heard Patrick was seen in the blackhorse pub up northfield..are you in touch with them still...would love to hear about them all... stay safe and stay alert my friend from Bushbaby.