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Great Tindal Street Ladywood


gone but not forgotten
HI To Our Experts The Ones Whom Have The Old Street Guides And The Old Maps , Could You Please Put Me Out Of My Misery I Know It Did Excist And
I Knew The Area Very Well , My Question Is Where Was Great Tindal Street ,?.
Which End Of The Monument Rd Lady Wood Was It Of Or Around ,
Was It Next To Ledsam Street Side Or wAS It The Oppersite SiDE Of Monument Rd And I Think Its The One With The Old Picture House In Great Tindal Street , Its Really Bugging Me I Know In My Days Of Youth I Have Strutted Down It And I Rememer The Old House,s And Going Down Them Bombed House Looking For Helmts
Once Again I Thank You For Your Time Best Wishes ASTONIAN ,;;
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you are correct. It ran from momument rd to the corner of browning st and St Vincent st.and the part from Ledsam St to Browning st is still there with a few of the original buildings. the largest of the original firms was a scrap merchants Munslow and Holder long since gone

Great Tindal St, Ladywood ran from St Vincent St to Ledsam St. See the upper middle of the map.

If you meant Tindal St, Balsall Heath where one of the best pubs in Brum used to be "The Old Moseley Arms". Well that ran from Edward Rd to Edgbaston Rd.



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hi sylv
this was an old thread of mine requesting the great tindal st
sorry i have not responded before now
many thanks sylv it was off the vincent street many thanks for bringing back child hood
tatting memorys what we had to do to get our school trip money
because our parents could not afford to give us
when we was at ickneild st school hockley brook
my three old school chums
was dave allen .terry yeomans eddie southern and [ ragga ] tony seeney
all from anditon st lady wood
and thanks phil i remember the msely arms . is it still there
seasons greeting to you all astonian ;;;;;
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Was there a Mortuary in Gt Tindal Street.
In the 60s I worked with a girl who lived there and she always said she lived next door to a Mortuary.
She used to tell us frightening tales of ghostly happenings,most of them 'porkies' LOL.
hi sylv
this was an old thread of mine requesting the tindal st
sorry i have not responded before now
many thanks sylv it was off the vincent street many thanks for bringing back child hood
tatting memorys what we had to do to get our school trip money
because our parents could not afford to give us
when we was at ickneild st school hockley brook
my three old school chums
was dave allen .terry yeomans eddie southern and [ ragga ] tony seeney
all from anditon st lady wood
and thanks phil i remember the msely arms . is it still there
seasons greeting to you all astonian ;;;;;
Hi these are really old posts that I have just come across regarding querries of GREAT TINDAL St.. ladywood.. it started from Monument Rd with the pub on the corner called the stour valley.. and was known more by it's nickname the Horse Falls... it went over Ledsam st down to Clark's the scrapmen by the cut.
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this map was how it became after redevelopment in the 50s and is very different from how it was when i spent my childhood days walking the original streets when it was Gt Tindal St
Ken... I have just seen your post..and at last someone who really knew Great Tindal Street.. you are absolutely correct...I lived in Great Tindal St over the road from the Advance factory . And to this day I'm still telling people that either way it ran from off the monument rd all the way down it CROSSED over Ledsam st and met up with st Vincent st going off to the Left and Browning st to the right.. just before turning left at the canal was Clarks Scrapyard..was there many a time pretending the scrap was our dad's but it was my brothers Jimmy and Patrick Sheridan..lol
.. I do believe people are looking at the maps of how it is now. And the picture house was on Ledsam st we called it The Ledsam although it had a proper name..Will have to ask my sister...the pub at the top of gr8 Tindal St was nicknamed The Horse Falls.. but real name The Stour Valley..the pub by Ledsam st on the monument rd was called The bridge..no8 clocked in there.the pub on the corner of monument rd and Icknield port rd (opposite the bank)
Was called The nags head(not a nickname)
Yes Ken.. it was still the same old great Tindal St....... I walked up and down that street from Monument Rd to the very end st Vincent st ..I used to go to the railway club on corner of sheepcote st.. we left Great Tindal Street in 1962 and i know it still reached monument rd then as thats the half i lived in opposition the ADVANCE factory....
Saint Vincent Street interestingly has the word 'saint' in full and not abbreviated but both street names have 'street' abbreviated simply as St.
Supermarkets give the impression that they, and their original smaller stores, had a monopoly on 'own branded' foodstuffs. Grimmetts and many other smaller companies were into 'own brand' a long time ago.
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Hi Bushbaby Here is a couple of photograpghs i have sorted out for you,and i will do a follow on of information About them but firstly here are the first three


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Hibushbaby i have been reading your threads on tindal street and you are addement its the Stour valley pub and its on monument road in front of me i have a 1953 book period, and on this page its states stour valley hotel Monument road Its an Advert in a box which states midland variety enterpriprises a grand variety show To be held at the stour valley hotel Monument road on friday 6 march 1953 and commences at 7,45 tickets one shilling and sixpence so i think by calling it a pub is confused people i have another book on ladywood but i cannot find 116 monument road i will down load the picture tomorrow best wishes Astonian;;;;;;;
One for Mikejee.......

Mike, could you show me the location of 120 Great Tindal Street around 1891 to 1901 please. Also, if it is marked on the map, the location of Victoria Buildings in the same street please. My father lived at 120 as a boy/teen. A photograph exists on Old Ladywood showing Victoria Buildings, but no house numbers. I'm just wondering how close they were. Many thanks.

Maurice. 120 was part of Victoria buildings. the map (c1905) below shows no 120 in blue. The row of buildings with a red line in front of were called Victoria Buildings.
map c 1905 showing 120 Gt Tindall St.jpg

That is absolutely brilliant! On the photograph, Victoria Buildings must finish where the roof levels change slightly. Thank you so much, it's made my day.


That is absolutely brilliant! On the photograph, Victoria Buildings must finish where the roof levels change slightly. Thank you so much, it's made my day.


can we see the photo please maurice...

Hi Bushbaby
Sorry at the moment for i have mislead your picture i promised but abit of a consolation
Here is a photo copy of a varity show they was puting on at the stour valley hotel as it was called
And the address was monument road as you said it could of been monument road as you was not to sure


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As it turns out, that was not one of my better days and the photograph of Victoria Buildings was actually in Alston Street, not Great Tindal Street. As it happens, the family moved to 12 Alston Street (the other end) by 1911 and both streets had a Victoria Buildings. Since then I have trawled absolutely everywhere to come up with that Great Tindal Street picture to no avail. I'm pretty sure that if one exists it will still be in private hands.

However, in the course of my trawling, I discovered that the even numbers above about number 54 on the 1939 Register are missing from both the transcripts and the images of Great Tindal Street. At first I thought that they might have been demolished earlier than the rest of the street in the early 1960s. But not so, those numbers are present on the Electoral Rolls until well after the end of WW2. So I will be reporting this as it involves more than 40 populated houses.

Sorry to disappoint you, Lyn, but you can't be any more disappointed than me! :-(

are these any good maurice just read your last post so you would most likely have them

Ladywood Mount Pleasant Great Tindal St.jpggreat tindal street.jpg
Hi Bushbaby,

I too have seen at least one photograph of the Stour Valley Inn, so they are out there somewhere. However, in Norman Bartlam's book Ladywood - ISBN 0750920718 - there are, on Page 108, two pictures of their Ladies Dart Team with quite a few named from 1949 and 1954. Like all these books, not expensive and well worth putting on your Christmas list! :-)

Hi maurice i have a couple of old names from Alston street
Named Apperly 110 Alston street ;
Faultless 129 Alston street;
Horton 117 Alston street ;
Wormald 120 alston street ;

Quinn 28 Grt Tindal street ;
Shutts 79 Grt Tindal street ;
Wort 82 Grt Tindal street ;
Taken from old ladywood book remembered by norman power , vicar of ladywood 1952
And there was an under taker at the corner of Alston street and ladywood road they was there from the year
139 ladywood road oppersite resovoir road since October 18th 1905 and may i add Alston street was on the ajoining of ladywood road ladywood and these guys are still in service at the top of the high street harbourne and the general manager is a ladywood kid brought up from a kid [ excuse me maurice , i have forgotten to give you there name]
It is Thomas furber and sons
Hello Alan,

The first time I encountered the surname Furber was when I joined BCT Head Office (then in Congreve Street) as a junior cashier in September 1953. The third in command was a guy called Jack Furber, who'd had massive abdominal surgery, but must have been in his late 30s when I arrived. When I next encountered that name, it must have been over 35 years when I started on the family history and found the undertakers, Thomas Furber, in Ladywood. I often wondered if there was a connection between the two, but I've never got around to doing the research as they are not actually related to me.

Eventually, only an old sister of my father, Louisa SHEPPARD, was left at 12 Alston Street in 1959. That was the year that four tower blocks were built just off Morville Street, and she was moved into Kenchester Tower as her home was to be demolished so that they could build Ladywood Middleway. Kenchester Tower & Blakemere Tower were demolished themselves in 2002, so their lifespan was a mere 42 years before the Council realised their building was a mistake. I don't know whether the other two tower blocks are still standing or whether they have met the same fate.

Unfortunately, there are no family photos from my father's side and I think if any, they must have gone to a brother who was 16 years older. I was still a schoolboy when Dad died and only his other sister turned up at his funeral. We all assumed that his brother had died before the war, because no one knew whether he was still alive or where he'd moved to. In actual fact, he was still alive when Dad died but, I only found out that he died a few months after my father three years ago. It's a strange world, isn't it? Thanks for the info, Alan, I must away to my bed! :-)


It is just possible, and I am far from sure, that the buildings on the right of your second photo in post #29 might include part of Victoria Buildings. I think that the pub in the first picture must be further down the street.

There's also a possibility with this pic, which is the top one in Astonian's group in post #11 that I have tarted up a bit. But what is puzzling me is the demolished building on the right. Nothing on BARRA for this street but a bomb dropped on 425 Monument Road. Not a very clear picture, but the other houses appear to be inhabited, which would suggest bomb damage rather than 1960s demolition. I don't know whether the Forum car experts can date the picture from the first car. :)

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maurice that photo post 33 is in a book i have about ladywood by norman bartlam...caption says dated 17th nov 1960 so i reckon its possible that demo of the street had started because the caption also says that soon these buildings will also be gone...the photo i have is much clearer


That must be in the Bartlam book I can't find at the moment as I have all of his books. Wonder which end they start at? :)

I've removed my requests to Mike & Alan in my previous post as these are no longer relevant. Thanks.

Here's Great Tindal Street in 1956 and the bit I am interested in I have outlined in red.


If the bit where the cars are is Advance Die Castings, then we have it, as Advance was number 126 to 128 and I want 120.

Maurice :)
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Thanks for the maps. Once I had looked at the 1956 Kellys entry above I realised that Great Tindal Street came out at 116 Monument Road.
