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Great Hampton Row

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Here's a nice picture of Gt Hampton Row sent to me by a cousin in America we think its around 1900.


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Blimey, it's well seeing there wasn't much traffic about in those days, have you noticed where the lamp is, Moma?!
More so Harborne..........have you noticed how CLEAN then street is? Not like todays streets!!!
Oh my, Harborne, thats why I love this site someone always spots something you don't. I had not noticed the street lamp isn't that just brilliant! I suppose you could drive around it:D
Thanks for the photo Harborne, my g.g. grandparents lived at 65 Gt. Hampton Street at the time of the 1881 census, he was a fishmonger, and it looks at though it was quite a smart area at the time.
Could it be the lamp is where it is because that isn't the street, it's a court yard - pedestrianised precinct as they call them now?
Yes it's a lovely clean street isn't it, despite the fact that there are children running around. It must have been pedestrianised, I suppose, or else there would have been very little traffic, e.g. the odd coach and horse maybe. It just shows how things - and people- have changed since then.
I suppose there wouldn't be any rubbish in those days as everything that wasn't needed would have been put on the fire. No plastic packaging and bags in those days! I wonder if the openness of this picture was because of the slum clearence prompted by Joseph Chamberlin. They knocked down some rows of houses to let in more light and air.
Sylvia could the photo possible have been taken in 1881? It looks to me as if it could.
Harborne, I don't know when the photo was taken, I have another one somewhere I was trying to compare with but can't put my hands on it at the moment, but from memory it was definitely shabbier.
Hi I was Just looking at your photo... Fantastic. My Great grandfather x 2 lived in 63 Great Hampton row in 1911 . His name was Thomas Lewis and he was a licensed victualler.
I believe my grandparents married at a church on the corner of Gt Hampton Row. I have a memory of seeing the church standing on a corner when I was a child riding on the bus, probably the No 72, from Snow Hill to Soho Road Handsworth, and being told it was where my grandparents were married, but never knew the name of the church. Any answers please?
Hi Pamhol,here is a picture of St Georges church,taken from the corner of Gt Hampton Row and St Georges Place.
It was demolished April 1954.


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hi pam..just to follow on...if it is st georges church where your grandparents were married there are more pics under the st georges church thread

Hi Astoness
Thanks for info on St Georges. I am new to the forum and sometimes have difficulty locating threads. Can you tell me where I find the St Georges thread and how to get there. I have also been told to access thread for Defford Road but again not sure how to get there. Help!
Hi Pam, at the top of each page there is a 'Search Box' just type a word or phrase in the box and usually a number of threads will come up on most sujects and places...
I just put in St Georges church and the first five threads are

Gt Hampton Row

Posted By pamhol in forum Churches

defford road
Posted By Astoness in forum Neighbours & Streets 2 Pages •1 2

Bishop Ryders Church

Posted By LindyB65 in forum Churches

gt russel street

Posted By Astoness in forum Neighbours & Streets 2 Pages •1 2

st georges church. newtown.

Posted By Astoness in forum Churches 4 Pages •1 2 3 ... 4

Hope this helps...:)
While on the subject of Gt. Hampton Row, can anyone shed any light on the address 19 Colmore Terrace, Great Hampton Row? My maternal grandparents were living there in 1915, when my grandfather William Robert HEWSON signed up for army service in WW1. In 1911 they were at 217 Gt. Russell St. so they must have moved some time between those dates. But where was Colmore Terrace? It doesn't seem to exist as a street on any map I've looked at (including the large scale Alan Godfrey map - so I'm guessing it was a particular terrace of houses (or a court?) on or just off Gt. Hampton Row. Any information gratefully received.

I have been told there was a Salvation Army building in Great Hampton Row from 1938 to 1952. Does anyone remember this? Is there a photograph of it?
hi salvator..without a kellys look up i dont know of a sally army in gt hampton row but there was one very close in theodore st...not sure if you have this pic but im posting it anyway with a map of where theodore st was..its marked 8 on the map...

hi guys
great hampton row made me think of thestories my mother told me about when she was growing up
and she told me the stories of the war years and how her parents or her grand parents ran a tea rooms as i trhink they was calleed in those days
or it could have been a coffee house buty she was telling us as we was growing up about the night the german bomber dropped a bomb close bye and how it shattered and frightened them all around it was a massive one it would have been around the middle of the last part of the 2nd war
is great hamton st part of the great hamptom row hockley as i sem to recall it
have a nice day every body best wishes astonion
Do you really believe that this picture is of Great Hampton Street? I cannot see where it would have been taken.
Whookps! Just realised that I typed Street instead of Row. Great Hampton Row. By the way I have a photo of "Loo Blooms" Gents Tailors which was very close to St. Georges Church but on the opposite side of the road. My grandparents lived at the rear.
I can remember a coffee house in Great Hampton Row located within a few yards of where the above picture was taken. My grandparents lived behind "Loo Blooms" Gents Tailors and was very close to the coffee house. This was during the war years and after. The close knit community was completely broken up following redevelopment. This served to fiinish the close bond that had developed during the war years. Sad!
we moved to great hampton row in 1966 my father still lives there now.but for the life of me i cant work out where this photo was taken.if the graveyard was in the pic it would have been better.there seems to be another street on the left which im thinking could be unett st.
hi brummypaddy..ive struggled with that pic since i saw it and like you i just cant work it out...pretty sure though that the road to the left is not unett st as on the corner of gt hampton row and unett street stood the st georges vaults pub which as you will know is now where the maisonettes are now and on the opposite corner to the vaults is what used to be the little brown jug pub..my family moved to uxbridge st in 1972 and have have only recently left so your dad may know our mom and dad...



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oh my god i never knew there was a pub there thats a great pic astoness thanks a million.what was your mom and dads name?i went back home 3 yrs ago and i couldnt beleive the place everyone has left now only the older generation including my dad are left.thanks to b'ham council have destroyed a good community although the area has been cleaned up and looks very nice.i miss that area terrible sometimes but could never go back and live there.we used to spend hours in tower st park annoying the park caretaker i think his name was bill.god he used to give us some slaps hahaha.
I don,t think photo*1 is a street where are the kerbs.If you look at the photo there,s a line down the middle I believe this to be a rain water gulley. I knew G.H.R. it ran down to Wheeler St which was opposite the end.I wonder if the trams ran down there at that time? I would say the photo was1910- 25 I think this must have been a Terrace although there are a lot of houses. Dek
I don,t think photo*1 is a street where are the kerbs.If you look at the photo there,s a line down the middle I believe this to be a rain water gulley. I knew G.H.R. it ran down to Wheeler St which was opposite the end.I wonder if the trams ran down there at that time? I would say the photo was1910- 25 I think this must have been a Terrace although there are a lot of houses. Dek

tend to agree with you dek....cant see traffic going down as there is a lampost in the middle..dont think we will ever solve this one..the only thing i did think of that it may have been st georges place gt hampton row..marked on this map...


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