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Google has a update

I don't know if i'm using it wrong, but any place i move the figure to, it just ignores it
You may need a update Mikejee although i didnt had to update .
theres 1000s of live stills of birmingham . ive even gone to a road
and number in Yardley and looked into the bedroom where i was
born in 1954. hehehehehe
ragga :)
I've got it OK. It's just that the areas i aprticularly wanted to view don't seem to be covered. that may be true of many who are interested in history, as the old run down places that don't look so good haven't been covered. If you go to pershore st, for example ( I wanted to look at building on corner of upper dean st) nothing happens. They probably thought it wasn't worth covereing. Still might improve later.
I see we are talking 'Google Street View' here not Google the search engine.
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How do I get to look at this please... Do I have to download it..I am being a bit thick today I think...:D:redface::rolleyes:
Bernie ..... I can get into it from google earth :)
Izabellene.... you must download the latest google earth :)
ragga :)
Quite correct Maggie - I have Google Earth but did not need to load it for 'Street View'.
Thanks for telling us about this Ragga. I have just had a look at Hockley and Soho Hill through the Google Maps and it was great - although the area has changed a lot since I lived there, there were loads of recognisable buildings. I could only go so far with the Street View and I also looked for other roads but didn't get anything, so I think they have only done a certain radius from the city centre.

My husband worked in Dean Street end of 50's/60's at F. Parr Ltd. He always regrets he didnt take a photo of Parrs before they pulled the street down. The only went over the road to the corner of Hurst St./Sherlock St.
I suppose no one has a photo do they. Parrs made trucks and trolleys and wheelbarrows etc. for the wholesale market amongst others.
I havent got Google Earth and I had a trip down Moorsom Street and Newtown Row and did'nt see one house & Burlington Street was lots of New Houses:(
But I did see the dear old Bartons:)
Feel it could turn out to be a tad intrusive.

My house looks great,my husbands works van has the logo blurred out and the number plate and the number plate of my sons car.

I looked at our doctors surgery and there are people on the photo and a few cars with their number plates showing very clearly.

My brother in laws mother is clearly shown in her porch and on the photo of the street I used to live in there is a young woman walking down the road with a buggy and 3 children.

They appear to have coverered the B37 and B 92 postcodes very well.
I think you can request Google to blur faces if you wish but to be honest is it more intrusive than local newspapers or TV who rarely if ever do not blur out faces of passers by?
I found that very interesting thanks Ragga. One thing they missed was that we are under 'real time' scrutiny almost as soon as we leave home in this country and that data is probably not a lot safer than that held by Google. Does anyone else find it faintly ironic that a TV New report showed faces (not just the ones interviewed) in greater definiton that you get on Google Street View?
Google Maps Street View

I've spent a few happy hours on Google Maps Street View, looking at the places where my ancestors lived. I was even able to wander up Eversholt Street in St. Pancras London to see my grandmother's last address. There have been complaints about privacy, and so some images have already been removed. So I recommend you have a look sooner rather than later.

Re: Google Maps Street View

Ann - Ragga started a thread on this I think it is on Maps etc.
Re: Google Maps Street View

Thanks for that Ann. I did hear somethin g on the radio this morning about somewhere in London and certain things had been removed. Jean.
Re: Google Maps Street View

Hi Jean,

You can understand concerns of privacy, but I hope they do not have to remove too many. I found it quite wonderful.

personally I think its great especially for people who dont know a particular place except by hearsay.. now if you want to go anywhere and stay in a bed and breakfast etc you can have a look round the area before you set off :)
Me and my daughter were looking at it last night, we think it's great, and thats a good idea Otherhalf
It's strange how they decided which streets to go along. I've been looking in the Great Barr area and can see where the M6 goes across my old play field I've mentioned a few times on the forum. They didn't visit Walsall, but then we have an Art Gallery which looks like a concrete Grain Silo, and a Bus Station which resembles a Maze !
Morning all,
I think this is a fantastic idea, spent 3 hours on it yesterday re-living all my driving trips around the USA.
Have found all my daughters houses and my old one.
I think the privacy aspect is being sensationalised, if you have nothing to hide -what's the problem, if you have, you shouldn't be doing it in the first place.
Brighton is next the car was spotted yesterday here.
John I particularly like the concept of the spotters being spotted.
Thanks to Google, I now have a photograph of my grandmother's last abode. She died during the great flu epedemic in 1919 in St. Pancras Hospital. And her last address was 166 Seymour St. (now Eversholt St) St Pancras, which is the white painted house with blue door on this photograph. I was so pleased to find it.
