This was the Golden Hind on Sunday (Replica No.2 below). The first replica I remember seeing was in the 60s while on holiday with my Mom and Dad. This was originally made for TV and featured in the 1960s TV series Sir Francis Drake. (A very memorable series for me - Mom always bought my school shirts a couple of sizes too big (to grow into) so I had very baggy sleeves which I thought looked rather like Captain Drakes!). Happy days!
In the 60s a larger than life character paraded Brixham town as Captain Drake (in summer at least), he lived the part as he spent most of his time on board and would roam the streets at at all hours dressed in sea boots, sword strapped to his waist wearing a jacket made of the brightest red and green leather. He was addressed by everyone as Cap'n, even my Dad, which made me cringe. I went went aboard with my Dad on one occasion and the 'Captain' was sitting on deck tapping oakum into the decking with a hammer and chisel, which he described as caulking. After the demonstration he took us down below and showed us around and brought our attention to an unusual feature in the hold - a prop shaft! This he told us was originally attached to an engine which conveniently manoeuvred the ship around during filming, being easier than using sail to position the ship. Years later, around 1988, we took our eldest son to Brixham but the ship was no longer there. By now it was partially submerged and attached to a buoy in Dartmouth Harbour, having sunk when being taken for a refit in 1987. It was after this that replica 2 was built as Radiorails mentioned. In the harbour it still looks the part but for me it has lost a lot of the original detail, particularly below the water line the Hind on the bow!
It was put up for sale in 2018 and there were rumours about it being moved to Plymouth - there was also an offer from San Francisco. Having now been bought by a local resident it is to remain in Brixham as a condition of sale.
First episode of Sir Francis Drake -
The Golden Hind sinks a Spanish ship and prisoners are bought aboard. Among them Countess Inez (Natasha Parry) who plans to repay Drake's kindnesses by sinking his ship using a long fuse made by Roberto (Warren Mitchell) from her cabin to the ship's gunpowder stored below. Drake evacuates his ship as time for its sinking comes close, staying on board with the Countess. Also starred Clifford Elkin as Don Antonio.
Pictures, Golden Hind 1968, Dartmouth 1987, and March 2020
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