Having found this web Forum only recently I find myself 'catching up' with some threads.
I visited the FOB with my school. We left Solihull railway station and headed for London. I recall mostly the London buses which took us to the South Bank and afterwards to the Battersea Fun Fair. The South Bank memories are the Dome of Discovery (but don't ask me what was inside it - there was so much to see), The Skylon, Gog and Magog and the distant Shot Tower. There was a Birmingham bus: it was one of the newest vehicles of the municipal fleet, fleet number 2516 if memory serves well (but it is not infallible lol).
I recall passing through Princes Risborough, which I had not heard of before, on the train journey and was asked by railway staff to purchase a glass of water. Well, I ask you, after a day at the South Bank and Battersea did they honestly expect fourteen year olds to have any money left? I don't know who dealt with the unpleasantness suffice to say we got a drink of water free of charge!
I think I had to walk home - the train was later than anticipated - but it was a highly exciting if tiring day.