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Festival of Britain 1951


Gone but not forgotten. R.I.P.
Its 50 years next year since it opened.
Who was lucky enough or old enough or who's parents could afford it.
More to the point did your schools talk about it or did they have a school trip and you went.
Festival Of Britain

Hi Alf,
Yes me and a workmate cycled down there from "Brum", had a great week-end there,went with all the guys who did the sixday racing at Wembly stadium when the race endedSaturday Midnight,it was quite a weekend to remember, then the following Monday worked all through the night at Bingley hall doing exhibition stand 8)
Sadly I didn't go Alf. I didn't have the courage to ask for the money for our school trip. Then when dad heard about it afterwards he was upset I hadn't asked. :cry:

:!: Hi Folks sounds like a Great Festival,, Dave M8 thought you said you was age 57 same as me 8) Hey I was 3 in 1951 & still had stabilisers on my little pushbike,, Don,t think I could have made it to London :?:

Thats right Dave I believe you told me as well although I wasn't sure.
I do forget things like checking my writings can anybody spot it :oops:
I was 5 so didn't go, but I've got a commemorative crown with the king on one side and St. George and the dragon on the other.

<- Dave, despite his tender years, did attemp to get there.
Well, I was four and living in the little island at the other end of the globe. But in my writing class which is absolutely full of pommies (I'm one of 2 Tasmanian born) they certainly do remember and talk about the event. JohnY I do love an older man - but Paul not as much as a younger one :wink:
Yo Oh oh

Yo Katie Tasmaniac :) Sorry luvvy but Paul & I are betrothed & pledged only unto each other :oops: A lass & alack you,re too late :(

We have "Mind-Melted" in a Kandorian vectored dimension (Les taught Us :roll: )
Therefore "Wimminly Girlie species" are mere trifles to Us now 8)

Mmmh Surprised they got around to teaching joined-up writing upside down :!:
In them thar Antipodes,, But i agree with Paul, there is something about you i like :?:

Yo Paul M8 Buddy-Hug :wink: Nice little Geezer on Trike :lol:

Steady Lads

Topic is Festival Of Britain not Festival Of LOVE :multi:

No enjoy yourself while you and the Ladies are young :wink:
Festival of Britain

Hi Subee,
Nothing wrong with your eye sight is there Gal :)
You are quite correct it was I who did the cycling took us five hours to Wembley we were really fit in those days,thought nothing of it
stayed with the manager of the Wembley Lions Ice hockey team
What a week -end didn't get back to "Brum" till midnight Sunday 8)

the things that I do remember are..
The Skylon, (like a huge needle)TheDome of Discovery, and a fairground rota drome where it revolved and you were stuck to the wall while it was in motion but there was so many things going on at the time,of which my memory has forgotten
I remember one of those Rota thingies in a fair at Summerfield Park. You stood against the wall and it started revolving. When it got up to speed the floor dropped away and you were held to the wall by centifugal force. It was good to stand opposite the girls in their mini dresses cos as it slowed they would start dropping before their dresses so...

See you all soon,

Have you just been watching Sunday Past Times on BBC2 they showed the ROTA never could go on that thing Paul :mrgreen:
They have shown Festival Of Britain and it was great.
Also Glastonbury 1900 with Bill Oddie plus 1998 which was interesting still got the Mud.

Di, if only we had known, :wink:
My Mate Warwick had a tandem as well as his bike
You would have really enjoyed the trip,
my poor old mate didn't turn up for work on the Monday,
said he was "Cream Crackered :lol:
To Think

My youngest son wil be 58 when he gets to see the next one.
I hope he isn't disappointed; if it's going to be an exhibition of our manufacturing industries there's going to be a lot of empty spaces.
I think I went to the Festival of Britain, Ive got a photo somewhere of my dad , my older brother and me standing by a stuffed grizzly bear and my dad said it was at the festival of Britain but I cant remember it myself. But then, I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning either!!
As first-year students at the School of Architecture in Margaret Street, we went in a party to London on Thursday 19 May 1951 to see all the great things that were promised for the Festival of Britain. We went to the South Bank which was still a site, where most of the stuff wasstill unfinished. We saw all the popular things like the Dome of Discovery and the Skylon, went round an unfinished Royal Festival Hall, but our treat was to go round a cinema designed by the progressive firm of Wells Coates - it so happened that a member of the staff had worked on the job, so we got some background information. The Festival opened later in June or July and I didn't get to London then.
In Birmingham there were a few things under the banner of the Festival of Britain. I remember going to several "plays in the parks" that summer, as I was very much in love and courting. Having kinky musical tastes I also went on my own to a performance by the counter-tenor Alfred Deller at St Philip's Cathedral, accompanied by Desmond Dupre on the lute. One of the pieces they did is still a classic recording today - "This is the record of John" by Orlando Gibbons.
Not everybody's taste of course.
Alf, I went to the SOUTH BANK in 1951 & to the one at BINGLEY HALL in Brum. still got the programmes from this fantastic (for its time ) FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN.
Alf, they are in my loft & that is like STEPTOES BACK YARD.But in the new year I intend to have a clean out. (Thats my New Year rez)
Got some Pics as well will have to look them out .