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Dressed to kill in the 60's

aah keith, thats a lovely storey, thanks for sharing it. oh thats what mums are for.
Isn't it funny we had never noticed the number plate. It belonged to Michael's friends Mom.
Hi everyone,

Just read these posts, I think a 60's theme night is just the ticket for the forum, I was born 1956 but by 1967-68 I was a "dedicated follower of fashion" , cow bells hanging from me neck, flowery orange and brown trousers (from C&A), crop tops, Tamla Motown, Jethro Tull, T Rex, Mungo Jerry etc etc.

Couldn't it be arranged for a good nite out for all of us to meet up?

Norma.. you can fly over and stay at my house if you can put up wiv kids, dog, cat, fish and Steven the Spider

I remember having some really bright stripy orange trousers. I bet we looked great, or thought we did!

At the moment there's also the thread on the Beatles music, so perhaps a 60's night would be welcomed. With cheese cubes and pineapple on sticks of course!

Anne I had some of those and have a photo of me with them on riding Jerry. [The horse]. I aint putting that one on. Jean. Orange. Yuk.
yer. come on folks. wheres your sense of adventure? im sure i could dig out me old hot pants or mini skirt complete with knee high white stretch boots. o god it dont bare thinking about. the kids would leave home ha ha wales.
Well I dug the photo out but getting back into these no chance! I went out for the day in Michael's company motor, he knew how to impress a girl:) tsk..........
thats them wendy. the white stretch boots. think we could get them in black also. nic pic of you. wales.
Well I had red ones too. The ones on the photo were leather and I used to whiten them with the stuff I had for my ice skates. I also had on a pair of suade hot pants in sage green.........I loved fashion then!
ah so you had red ones too. the more this thread goes on the more i think it would be great to have a theme night. may try to drum up a few girls. i know people who have gone to the butlins 60s weekends and they have had a great time. i did go ice skating for a while but my love of rollar skating was greater. so sad when spring hill rollar rink closed down. wales.
Wendy, you looked fab with your white boots on! I had some of those as well, plus a beehive hairstyle!!
I did a 60's weekend at Butlin's Minehead (I think) - a brilliant time had by all. Plenty of refreshment and fabulous music from the Searchers, Alan Price, Georgie Fame etc, etc. Memories flooded back, it was exactly how I remembered them singing their hits in the 60's - the only difference was the size of the knickers being thrown onto the stage. Big Knickers......... one pair nearly suffocated little Alan Price's?
You do look great Wendy. Those boots must have been compulsory because I had them too. Like you, I wore mine with hot pants. Then it was hot pants and a maxi coat.

When we lived in Minehead, my husband worked at Butlin's, so I had a pass to get in. I'd always go when they had the 60's bands. Even the lunch time shows were very busy. Edwin Starr was there every week at one time. An excellent performer. It was also good to see local group 'The Steve Gibbons Band'. And so many of the old groups. Nashville Teens, Union Gap.

ha ha very funny keith. girls what about the make up. pan stick on the face and so much black round the eyes we looked liked panda bears. wales.
What about the false eyelashes !! I used to wear them when going out, but my sister-in-law put them on at the weekend and left them on all week without taking them of at all!!!
I did a 60's weekend at Butlin's Minehead (I think) - a brilliant time had by all. Plenty of refreshment and fabulous music from the Searchers, Alan Price, Georgie Fame etc, etc. Memories flooded back, it was exactly how I remembered them singing their hits in the 60's - the only difference was the size of the knickers being thrown onto the stage. Big Knickers......... one pair nearly suffocated little Alan Price's?

Keith I've just posted a thread on Butlins they are looking for Stories
This was at the very end of the sixties, it even might have been 1970(ish).I note I was drinking whisky even then and I looked like I had had a few. It was taken at Blackpool Pleasure Beach night Club.


24/12/11. When coming to replace this photo, I could only find this cropped version of the original.

I remember going to the Blackpool Pleasure Beach Cocktail Bar in 1960 and trying to work my way through the cocktails!! Not on the same night I might add. I wonder if this was the same place as your photo was taken Phil?

What I can remember of it, it was on the left as you entered the pleasure beach's first gate at the end of The Golden Mile. It was a big place with a dance floor, not that I was capable of dancing at that time of night.

Mmmm - yes Phil, it sounds similar. The Bar I remember was on the left just before you went into the Pleasure Beach. Mind you, I am talking about 1960 and you are talking about a few years later so they may have expanded it! You look as though you were having a good time anyway.
You look as though you were having a good time anyway.

No really I was not long married, and had been talked (very much against my better judgement) into going on a very drunken long weekend with a bunch of the lads. I didn't want to be there and they had to force the drink down me and I didn't want to go to the club (the first of several that night) I wanted to go back to the hotel for an early night.

Thats what I told the wife, and what is more amazing she believed it.

Loved the picture Phil. The suit was perfect for the times.

This thread certainly is a lot of fun and brings back old memories.


I loved that suit at the time, and would hate to tell you how much it cost, I dont suppose it will mean anything to you being a native of the US, but to those here if I say I purchased it from Rackhams they will understand what I mean.

hi nas. i dont remember the eye shadow you added water to but i do recall the pink pink lipstick. having read all these posts and of course seeing the pics of phil and wendy im coming over all nostalgic haa wales.
I loved that suit at the time, and would hate to tell you how much it cost, I dont suppose it will mean anything to you being a native of the US, but to those here if I say I purchased it from Rackhams they will understand what I mean.


Phil - so long as you didn't wear it at the 'back of Rackhams'? Great suit....... I bet it didn't cost 29/11d

I remember the first suit I had made - navy blue, light blue lining, 14inch centre vent, and three ticket pockets on each side of the jacket.

Six weeks to make and worth every penny of the £18 (ish). The first night I wore it, my walk would have put John Travolta in the shade?