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Deykin Avenue

Alf, I don't really know....the picture I posted shows which I think is a newsagents on the left....on the right I am not sure...could be a clothes shop....or a outdoor ?.....I thought someone from that area might enjoy seeing it....
I wasn't sure but now I remember the Chemist was next to the Newsagent. I worked at Amal in the 50s and used to shop at the newagents for sweets and as I got older for other things Tooth Paste if there was a lady on duty:D
In the 60s the news agent were run by the Dunn family, I played Ice Hockey with Teddy Dunn & Terry Dunn at the old Spring hill Ice Rink. The sweet shop on the corner was our port of call for sweets on the way to villa park, acid drops for me & cola bottles for my son's girl's brother Dean.
I grew up on Deykin Ave in late 60s, early 70s and remember going into that sweet shop for a quarter of something yummy when Mum and I would go to Witton Island to do the shopping.

I went back last week to take a photo of my house and the school, it certainly brought back memories.
I grew up around Deykin Avenue in the 40's and lived in Brantley Rd next to it, Williams' family ran the Newsagents shop after the war and must have sold millions of fags to the workers around there. The school reached it's Century this year and a few of us oldies were there a few months ago to commemmorate two trees planted in the playground. It's a junior school now but the children were a credit to all the staff and their parents on the day, most impressed. Worth previous Deykin Ave scholars knowing that there is a reunion Lunch and get together every December and has been for a long time, all welcome.
My Mothers family were from that area cheshire rd which is off deakin avenue they were called Lively the kids were all born at the turn of the century 1900 to 1930
can you remember them, l think Fred was the youngest he was an avid fisherman and won many competitions in the Barn social fishing team, all of them went to the barn
My Mother was born in Brantley Road- number 35. She went to Deykin
Avenue School until she was l2 and then went to a College in Birmingham
to learn shorthand and typing. She used to travel by train to Town from Witton Station. Her attendance at Deykin Avenue would have been just before WW1. She used to play the piano for the children to
come in for Assembly and play the main tune which I don't know the name of, at home on our piano. A lot of the time even now this tune runs through my head because it was very lively.:)

She was an only child of mature parents and enjoyed her childhood in the Witton area very much. Her Mother couldn't sew, my Mother later on was an excellent sewer, so her Mother had two maiden sisters Alice and Lucy Holden, who lived in Brantley Road, make a lot of her clothes as she was growing up. They retired down to Devon and my Mom used to go and visit them in the late l970's before they passed away.

Mom did, however, relay to me stories of some of the terrible poverty in the area in those years. Her father didn't drink alcohol and she said that is what saved her family since he was the only breadwinner. Her father doted on her as well.

My father lived in Wyreley Road but attended Albert Road School. He had friends in Cheshire Road but I can't remember their names. I know the area well as I had a school friend who lived in Tame Road and I also worked for a while at Halladays Drop Stampings also in Tame Road, now closed down.
deykin avenue school

l'm 99 % sure all of the below went to that school as well some of the older ones will have been around the same time as your mother ... they were my nan and great aunts / uncles
My great uncle was born at 122 Deykin Avenue

And my Great Great Grandfather lived on George Road opposite the Park
i lived at 113 brookvale rd at the bottom of wyrley road and also went to deykin avenue school. my mom and dad were marjorie and charles sutton and i was one of seven children. eric, pat, brian, myself christine, peter, carole and cathy sutton. if anyone remembers us let me know.

pat my sister used to work at the post office at tame road and i worked at the gec.

thanks for the two great photos of the gec. i was there from 1965 to 1975. i was in the wages office of lrpd (large rotating plant division) and put the wages in the little brown packets for many hundreds of men. usually between £15 to £25!
great place to work and many happy memories.
I worked at Wolseley Engineering opposite the GEC in the 1960s, there must have been thousands working at GEC at that time and special buses used to line up in the side road to take some of the workers home.
i lived at 113 brookvale rd at the bottom of wyrley road and also went to deykin avenue school. my mom and dad were marjorie and charles sutton and i was one of seven children. eric, pat, brian, myself christine, peter, carole and cathy sutton. if anyone remembers us let me know.

pat my sister used to work at the post office at tame road and i worked at the gec.

Christine. I went out with your brother Eric a few times to the Locarno. I don't think he would remember me it was so many years ago. Jean.
hello jean

thats great to hear you dated my brother. eric has been married many years now and lives with his wife in walmley. hes away at the moment but i ll tell him about your message. i do remember him going out with a jean but dont think i ever met you. i m sure he ll remember you though.

any more ex girlfriends or boyfriends of the family out there??

Hi All.

I took my wife back to where she lived from 1945 to 1955 this weekend which was in Witton Road and have taken a few photo's, she could not believe the change in the area.
While we were there we went to her old school Deykin Avenue which looked a bit more like she remembers it her name then was Baxter so I am sending a photo of the school as it is now for you ex pupils.

Regards Steerboy.
Have been reading your memories and thought to add to them.
Williams was the sweet shop on the corner, then the chemist shop, then Wimbushes run by MissTaylor (I think) an empty shop and then the newsagents which in my time 1955-1965 was run by the Dunn family I was at school with Linda. I was born at no.7 baby sister to Pamela Kenneth Trevor and Raymond. Fond memories
I began my working life in Sept 1959 as a trainee apprentice at Forgings and Pressworks and Salisbury Transmissions for 1-year near Deykin Avenue and served a full 5-year general engineering apprenticeship there until 1965. Are there any ex- Fudgings and Guessworks, Salisbury or Hardy Spicer apprentices belonging to the Forum? One I met again, John Hayes, out of the blue at Volkswagen in Uitenhage in South Africa, where we both worked together once again 1000s of miles away from Brum and about 25-30 years later than our apprentice days. Its a small world alright!
Our best man and Michael's best friend Colin Lewis went to South Africa in the early 70's. We all met up here in the UK in 2005 for their 60th's.
I was born in Wyrley rd and went to deykin ave school and left in 1954 to start work at the GEC. regards the photo on the one corner was the post office (tame road side) the other was williams sweet shop i believe the chemist was next then the news agent i had a paper round there , there was an outdoor but that was further up deykin ave, i remember Roberts rubber factory next to the school.
i was born in wyrley rd and left to work at the GEC in 1954 i used to deliver papers from that paper shop at the bottom of deykin ave. i deliverd in brantley rd ,tame rd, westwood rd and electric ave.regarding the photo williams sweet shop on one corner and post office on the other, going up Deykin ave,cake shop, chemist, news agent and halfway up an outdoor then crocery shop.
My dad was born at 5 Deykin Avenue. His name is Reg Luckman. His best mate lived up the road, his name was Johnny Norton. My grandad was Harry and my nan was Grace. Anyone remember them?
Hello blue gwen

I certainly do I was born at number seven right next door

Denise Wiseman sister of Pamela Kenneth Trevor and Raymond
Hi Denise, my Mom and Dad are on holiday at the moment. I can't wait for them to get home so I can tell them about you! And you remembered my Grandad's pigeons too!
It is your grandparents I remeber more than your dad because I was the baby so it depends how old your dad is
My Dad is nearly 74. My Mom's name is Glenys. They got married in 1957. My Dad was the youngest of 5 - Denis, Grace, Doreen... Can't remember the other brother's name!
Thought he must have been older I was born in 1955 bur Pam was 1939 so he may remember her