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Dennis Road Secondary Modern Boys School

after leaving Dennis rd i went onto Garratts Green tecnical collage it was like having a proper education and then onto Matthew Bolton tec so my education went on until i was 21 and then onto the Univerity of life.
Actually Phil you are probably right when you say it was no better or worse than many other schools, the standard of teachers in those days left a lot to be desired.

The point I am trying to make is, that pupils like myself and there were a lot of them, needed a better standard of teaching than they could provide, the fact is they were paid to do a job and with many pupils they failed miserably.

I left in June 1953 and enrolled in the university of life and did rather well, but that was in spite of Dennis Road not because of it.

Believe me I am in no way bitter about my time at DR I am just stating a fact.


I do not doubt in the slightest you are correct in what you say. I note that you and the others who were not happy with the standard of education you recieved are slightly older than myself.

I think from 58-62 I was given every chance a child of my class (a terrible statement) could expect. I received a full time education, I was given the chance to sit for the entrance to Grammar School, Technical College, Art School and a couple of others that I can no longer bring to mind.

I sat for each of these entrance exams with not the slightest intention in the world of passing, but just to get an extra half day off school. I am to this day ashamed of this fact, because without any conceit I know I would have sailed through them all with the exception of Art.

Obviously the teaching staff could not match up to teachers of today, but the teachers of those days could handle a class of 50 and keep perfect discipline. Todays teachers find difficulty in handling a class of ten eight year olds.

Now that Fred mentioned where he lived, just at the back of us, I remember Jonnie Powel as a good bloke and never had any fear of him or trouble with him. We had loads of fun playing 'Monopoly' in his parent’s attic that I could look into from my bedroom window. I wonder if he remembers my radio ariel on our roof? I built it as high as I could so as to be able to get Radio Luxembourg on my crystal set. It was so huge that I even put up two red cycle rear lamps; I built a flasher unit for them out of an old wind-up record player, to warn low flying aircraft of my construction!!! The improved reception from my ariel was drowned by the interference from my flasher unit.

Fred, remember hanging out of my window at night with a 'Notek' spotlight and an air rifle?
i must have got that Notek spotlight from the Serck were i worked probably made up from old bits of lamp.
I have one memory of Dennis Road School, whilst in Mr Jones class and that was being banned from all school coach trips for the rest of my time at the school.

This was my punishment for opening the rear escape door on the coach whilst it was moving. That and of course the usual trip to the heads office to collect the punishment book.

I didn't mind being banned from the school trips, as they were mostly boring educational trips. The cane was another matter.

Anybody recognise any faces on this one. Its taken at the annex outside the science block or metalwork room. It has to have been taken about five years before my time there, that puts it any time from 53 to 57. The only one I recognise is Roy Woolley who lived in Highgate Rd and was about 4 or 5 years older than me.

He is sitting at the front, 6th from the left and next to him at 5th from the left is Alan Deakin who I am informed played for Aston Villa.



  • BalsallHeathDennisRoadSchool[1].jpg
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Phil, great photo! There are some faces that I know but can't put any names to. Have you seen these of Deakin?
some of us in our class weren't botherd about going to the playing fields which was a trip on a bus so the one day six of us tagged onto the back of the class going out of the class room and closed the door after them o yes we were mist Joey Stokes didn't let that happen again we were always at the front of the class going to the bus in future.

will we be having a few words from Jonnie Powel it would be nice to have a chat with him and a bit of catch up on what he has been upto.
Was the team a Newton Social team I' m intreaged? As a Guy has sent me this photo with the same shirts, and you may recognise some of the players.
Guys i am trying to get Jonnie Powell to visit the site. I do have his e-mail address if you would like it?

Phil, great photo! There are some faces that I know but can't put any names to. Have you seen these of Deakin?
Bob, by all means send us, his old mates, that email address of Jonnie but only by IM please. Click on my name, Cadeau, and then click on IM.
Hello folks - I just put a message telling everybody that I went to Dennis Road School and I've lost it; it went somewhere but I am buggared if I can see it. I pressed 'go advanced' to see what would happen and see if it would let me download a photo of the school choir but whammo it went.
So if anybody remembers me here I am - I left in December 1958 and went into the big bad world but you will know that if you find my other posting.
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hi Chris,

Cadeau / Graham has mentioned you were in his class to me i am glad you have found this forum.

Hello Chris, another successful graduate from the University of Balsall Heath. According to your profile you have only one post listed. Can you try and send your photo of the school quire again. They must of been trained by the teacher who played the piano at assembly was his name? He had a big house near Moseley Grammer School next to the Blue Bell Woods. Hows your life been after Dennis Road? You can post photos under the submit button, Additional Options, then Manage attachments browes and upload, hope that helps.

Was his name Carrington, a tall thin bloke with a little moustache. If I remember right, he was the music teacher in our time.

Hi folks,

Life has been good to me since Dennis Road; looking back I can’t believe I was pushed into the big bad world at the age of 15 and one week with very little knowledge of history and literature - or even geography and while it’s true that I’ve been educated elsewhere since then that initial bad start has left gaps.
I went to work at the post office first of all riding motor bikes delivering telegrams and that was a great job for a teenager – I had to use a push bike till I was 16 which gave me a life long hate of riding bikes with no gears.
After that I went to drama school and eventually became an actor which is what I still do although recently I write as well having completed my first novel (it’s a talking book on audible .com) and half way – no about a quarter of the way through my second.
I now live in Los Angeles with my wife Margaret and we have 3 children who still live in England – 2 in London and 1 in Suffolk – they come over a few times per year and I did my Irish show in London earlier this year and may do it next year.
I don’t think it was Carrington who trained the choir – we sang at the Town Hall with the CBSO and it was wonderful. Not all of those in the photo sang at the Town Hall – my greatest experience at the Town Hall was seeing Jerry Lee Lewis.
I had lots of friends at Dennis Road whom I have lost contact with – Alan Chance, Freddie Bishop, Clive Bishop etc. Whatever happened to them?
I am downloading 2 photos – one with numbers on and one clear and here are the boys I can recognise:
(10) Alan Harvey; (16) Tony Deakin; (32) Derek Lavelle; (34) Barry Smith;
(37) Kevin Breeze; (41) Freddie Bishop; (42) John Yarwood; (43) Geoffrey Potter;
(44) Derek Smith; (45) Geoffrey Hill; (46) Douglas Murdoch; (49) Gary Satterthwaite;
(51) Tony Green; (52) Tony Slater; (53) Chris Sullivan – me; (55) Trevor Pete.
Maybe people could put names to the others – if you can see the numbers.
Hope to hear from people I have lost contact with.
PS: This is going to look silly if the photos don’t download!!!!
here are the photos mentioned above.


(10) Alan Harvey; (16) Tony Deakin; (32) Derek Lavelle; (34) Barry Smith;
(37) Kevin Breeze; (41) Freddie Bishop; (42) John Yarwood; (43) Geoffrey Potter;
(44) Derek Smith; (45) Geoffrey Hill; (46) Douglas Murdoch; (49) Gary Satterthwaite; (51) Tony Green; (52) Tony Slater; (53) Chris Sullivan – me; (55) Trevor Pete.
Maybe people could put names to the others – if you can see the numbers.
I know it's frustrating isn't it. The ones I have put in I'm 100% sure of but other photos on the site I'm not sure of particularly the footballers. Alan Deakin was a blond kid a lot like his brother in my photo and I can never remember Clive Bishop playing any sport - he was good at indoor sports and went by the name of Topper.
Here's a photo from about 1955 or so which looks like it comes from the Victorian era - I can't recognise the happy looking teacher but I can see Leslie Draper on the extreme left kneeling; Geoffrey Hill is 3rd from the left sitting next to the teacher and at the back on the right is John Britain or Britton.

Paul Bendy - one of the funniest and wittiest kids I can remember. Whatever happened to him? He once told the cricket teacher, Bertie Biddle, that he hit the ball so hard that flames came out of the back.
I knew Paul Bendy very well, he used to live in Pembroke Road just round the corner from me, haven't seen him for many years now.
thats a good shout Phil. He looked like Emporer Harihito and played the piano like Les Dawson!! We used to have the giggles in assembly.


Was his name Carrington, a tall thin bloke with a little moustache. If I remember right, he was the music teacher in our time.

I moved out of Birmingham in 1967 and haven't been there for years and all these names of streets are a mystery; I have workled there a few times since.
Two weeks ago I went up for a job to dub David Bowie's voice in a film and the other fella up for it was from Showell Green Lane Sparkhill - or one of the streets off it which I can't remember - like me he was from Irish extraction but he went to a school on Stratford Road called English Martyrs. So it sure is a small world when you bump into someone 5,000 miles away.

What is your name or do you keep it secret?

Is'nt it amazeing what was turned out of Dennis Road, did you ever know the guy that played Pike in "dads army"
I was in LA 2005 my mate was working there. He lived in West Lake Village. Took us all over CA, how lucky you are to live there. Hows Zuma Beech and Bar? My favorite place was closer to San Diago "La Jolla". the Beech Boys used to sing about it . I used to go to English Martyres too, what was the guys name? and what road did you live in Chris, Loved the boxing Photo mate.
Does any one remember Gary Burgess from Brunswick Rd? His dad used to sharpen swords. He,s still my mate and lives in Burgen Norway. We where a little younger tah you guys we were 47 babbies. He's an explosive expert on the riggs when the drills gut stuck he blows them free. He had a natch with bangers on bonfire nights when we used to raid it others roads along the Stoney Lane, all with one gloved hand!!

I moved out of Birmingham in 1967 and haven't been there for years and all these names of streets are a mystery; I have workled there a few times since.
Two weeks ago I went up for a job to dub David Bowie's voice in a film and the other fella up for it was from Showell Green Lane Sparkhill - or one of the streets off it which I can't remember - like me he was from Irish extraction but he went to a school on Stratford Road called English Martyrs. So it sure is a small world when you bump into someone 5,000 miles away.

What is your name or do you keep it secret?


I used to live in Alfred Road when I left school but before that when I was at Dennis Road School I lived on Moseley Road.

The guy's name is John Lee - he is younger than you as he was born in 1958 and as a playright he goes under the name of John Rafter Lee. I met him a few years ago when he wrote a play called Hitler's Head and when we got to talking afterwards we found we lived within a mile of each other for a time - but when he was born I was just leaving Dennis Road - going out into to the big bad . . .well you know the rest.

I live in Hollywood at the foot of the Hollywood Hills; I've been to La Jolla and I was sitting in an outdoor cafe eating lunch and a beggar came up and asked me for money and I told him I was broke (it's usually true with me) and he said 'what are you doing in La Jolla if you're broke?'

This is great fun - it's just after midday here and the sun is shining but I'm really supposed to be doing some work but Ive had so much fun that I'm going to have to catch up after lunch.

I have a mate I used to be on the motor bikes with and he lives in Grenada and he calls me on Skype - now that is a danger as I might as well put work right out of my mind when we call each other as it's free and the least time we have spent talking is about an hour and a half!!

Gary Burgess's name rings a bell but he would be in the first year when I was in the fourth and I only spent September to December in the fourth year before at Dennis Road before I . . . well there we are.

Take care.


Is'nt it amazeing what was turned out of Dennis Road, did you ever know the guy that played Pike in "dads army"
I was in LA 2005 my mate was working there. He lived in West Lake Village. Took us all over CA, how lucky you are to live there. Hows Zuma Beech and Bar? My favorite place was closer to San Diago "La Jolla". the Beech Boys used to sing about it . I used to go to English Martyres too, what was the guys name? and what road did you live in Chris, Loved the boxing Photo mate.
Does any one remember Gary Burgess from Brunswick Rd? His dad used to sharpen swords. He,s still my mate and lives in Burgen Norway. We where a little younger tah you guys we were 47 babbies. He's an explosive expert on the riggs when the drills gut stuck he blows them free. He had a natch with bangers on bonfire nights when we used to raid it others roads along the Stoney Lane, all with one gloved hand!!
Chris you must have known Martin Deaner from the paper shop at the bottom of your road on the Stoney lane, He made £millions out of divers in the north sea oil fields. I played football with him at Sparkhill Boys Bregade. I actually played with him when he had a compound fracture of his leg and sat on it for half an hour before the Ambulance got there as his bone perferated his shin skin. When I got up I fainted!!
Also the Brain Family Back of the ?? avenue opposite Deaners Shop. Now get back to work. (PS I would love to read some of your work Is it online and can spell check it for you, HA HA!!


I used to live in Alfred Road when I left school but before that when I was at Dennis Road School I lived on Moseley Road.

The guy's name is John Lee - he is younger than you as he was born in 1958 and as a playright he goes under the name of John Rafter Lee. I met him a few years ago when he wrote a play called Hitler's Head and when we got to talking afterwards we found we lived within a mile of each other for a time - but when he was born I was just leaving Dennis Road - going out into to the big bad . . .well you know the rest.

I live in Hollywood at the foot of the Hollywood Hills; I've been to La Jolla and I was sitting in an outdoor cafe eating lunch and a beggar came up and asked me for money and I told him I was broke (it's usually true with me) and he said 'what are you doing in La Jolla if you're broke?'

This is great fun - it's just after midday here and the sun is shining but I'm really supposed to be doing some work but Ive had so much fun that I'm going to have to catch up after lunch.

I have a mate I used to be on the motor bikes with and he lives in Grenada and he calls me on Skype - now that is a danger as I might as well put work right out of my mind when we call each other as it's free and the least time we have spent talking is about an hour and a half!!

Gary Burgess's name rings a bell but he would be in the first year when I was in the fourth and I only spent September to December in the fourth year before at Dennis Road before I . . . well there we are.

Take care.

Chris you must have gone to the snooker hall and had a few games of CONTINENTAL, betting tupence a ball?? PS Martin Deaner tried to buy the Blues at the same time as David Sullivan, now thers a coincidance!!