Angela Ford
Brummie babby
I was so pleased to read your post, mentioning the steel industry. My dad, who kept his lovely Brummie accent to the day he died, worked as a Sheet Metal Worker in Saltley all his working life (apart from fighting for his Country in WWII). It was a small family firm to start with, then taken over by IMI. He worked so hard, bless him, spending some of his money on my elocution lessons (!) because he did not want me to have a Brummie accent! He believed, as it was in those days, that you only got on in life if you spoke "proper". I always smile when I say Birmingham is my home and someone says "but you don't have a Brummie accent"! Dad would have loved to hear that. But then I say something in a good old Brummie accent, just to show I have not forgotten. Awroyt our kid? Oh and by the way, I never ever felt my Dad let us down with his accent - I was always so proud of him for being the hard worker he was, and never forgetting his roots.