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defford road

mike. between your last 2 posts i am now totally confused so i think i will just look at the picture lol lyn
Sorry Lyn
Didn't mean to upset you!. Its a great picture to look at though. I've been thinking of treating myself to another couple of Kelly's to fill in the gaps. 1880 will be one of them and that should solve the problem.
mike im not upset i just think its funny as if in 1880 the pub was down as num 110 that puts my ancestors about half a mile up the street ha ha. i will ask on here for a kellys look up for that year. lyn.
Hello Wales
Thank you so much for posting those photos of Defford Roa,it has bought back the memories.
Does any one remember the green grocers on the other end of defford road where it met guthrie street i beleive it was run by a man called Harry Forester,when the small delicous new potatoes came out he would always have a bucket of them ready peeled happy days.
To Keith Acton i am sure i went to school with one of the Paynes i think her was Christine Payne
hi jules its got no 5 court 6 house burbury st for my ancestors on the 1881 census. if i read it right this means they lived at the back of no 5. the below photo which i thought you keith and others may like to see is of the queens head pub on the corner of burbury st and bridge st west. ive had a look at my kellys and according to that the pub was number 1 which would mean my ancestors lived next to the shop you can see. i think the church at the bottom of bridge st west is st saviours with the back of farm st school just past the church. no doubt i will be corrected if my guess is wrong. anyway hope you like the pic lyn

Lyn - this picture I know well as the rear entrance to Harry Lucas School was just down from the pub, and I (as a child) used to buy sweets from the shop in the picture.

The steeple in the distance is of the church by Farm Street School (can't think of name?).

As for the court that you are enquiring about - an old primary school friend of mine lived in a court yard just below the shop. To my memory (check on census) this was the only court yard at that end of Burbury Street and the houses backed onto the playground of Harry Lucas School.

Someone might have a map showing house position/location??

Hello Wales
Thank you so much for posting those photos of Defford Roa,it has bought back the memories.
Does any one remember the green grocers on the other end of defford road where it met guthrie street i beleive it was run by a man called Harry Forester,when the small delicous new potatoes came out he would always have a bucket of them ready peeled happy days.
To Keith Acton i am sure i went to school with one of the Paynes i think her was Christine Payne

Pam - the Paynes that I remember were John, Denise and Robert. The name Christine rings a bell however?

And, yes Pam, I do remember the grocers shop well, my mom used to buy the little 'Jersey mid' potoatoes from there. My sister hated them - not because of taste, but because she had to scrape them...

Lyn - I was correct, it appears to be the courtyard that I mentioned? Look at the bottom left hand corner of the map. The courtyard backs onto Harry Lucas School ( used to have to fetch our football from there on many occasion).

hi pam. its my pleasure to post the pics. i always think its nice to have all our memories of the old days and where we used to live but to have photos to back up the memories makes it even more special. keith cheers mate for the map i thought the ancesters must have lived at the bottom end. will study it later when i have more time. lyn
Regarding when Burberry st was first developed, I've put together a map from the online 1890 map of the whole of the street , though the surveys will possibly have been shortly before. It shows the ends well developed by then, but the middle rather bare. with regard to Jlus ancestors in the street, the 1896 survey lists all the occupats between 255 and Wills st, so 255 can accurately be shown to be where I've emarked in blue on west side bout 2/rds up just below Wills st(unfortunately just at a join of three sheets). In 1912 a Millie E Poplur (missprint?) corset maker is listed there, but no-one in 1921

Regarding when Burberry st was first developed, I've put together a map from the online 1890 map of the whole of the street , though the surveys will possibly have been shortly before. It shows the ends well developed by then, but the middle rather bare. with regard to Jlus ancestors in the street, the 1896 survey lists all the occupats between 255 and Wills st, so 255 can accurately be shown to be where I've emarked in blue on west side bout 2/rds up just below Wills st(unfortunately just at a join of three sheets). In 1912 a Millie E Poplur (missprint?) corset maker is listed there, but no-one in 1921

Thank you for the map Mike. It makes very interesting viewing. I am not too sure when my family left 255 Burbury Street to live at No. 280 which is also shown on your map. But when my nan married in 1923 she was still at 255. My grandad was living at 31 Nursery Road.

Thanks again.

Here is a picture of my nan Selina Heath born 1899. I am unsure how old she would be in this picture. She was living in Defford Road around 1913 with her family. By 1918 she was living at 255 Burbury Street. Then moed to 282 Burbury Street sometime later. Can anyone with knowledge of the houses in Defford Road tell me if there is a possibility that this picture was taken there. Did any of the houses in Defford Road have an entry which was shared with the next door house. I know 280 Burbury Street has an entry between No. 282 but am unsure whether No. 255 does.

View attachment 18564

hi jules. lovely pic of your nan. so by the time she was 17 she would be living at the top end. the trouble with pics taken in those days is its very hard to tell how old people are. looking at your nan here she may easily have been 25 or on the other hand only 15. if i were a betting person (which im not) lol i would say it was taken in defford road. maybe someone will be able to be more definate. lyn
Here is a picture of my nan Selina Heath born 1899. I am unsure how old she would be in this picture. She was living in Defford Road around 1913 with her family. By 1918 she was living at 255 Burbury Street. Then moed to 282 Burbury Street sometime later. Can anyone with knowledge of the houses in Defford Road tell me if there is a possibility that this picture was taken there. Did any of the houses in Defford Road have an entry which was shared with the next door house. I know 280 Burbury Street has an entry between No. 282 but am unsure whether No. 255 does.

View attachment 18564


Jules with some degree of certainty I would say that this was not the house in Defford Road. The reason being that althought there was shared entries, your grandmothers house did not share an entry. Check on the map, if I remember correctly your grans house would have been on the righthand side of the photograph with the entry on the left.

I actually entered that house prior to demolishion (for tatting purposes) on the day that the family vacated it, and as such vividly remember the layout.

Thanks Keith - must have been 255 Burbury Street then. I will check on the maps posted on Burbury Street thread and see if this is a possibility.

Lyn, I have found out from census that she firstly lived in Bridge Street West, then Defford Road, then at two addresses in Burbury Street. She lived in this area for 98 years before moving into a nursing home in Great Barr. What changes she must have seen!
jules im amazed how much folk moved about in those days. i have the same thing with my ancesters. cant keep up with them lol anyway if you are interested did you know i have posted some bridge st west pics under the streets thread. i dont know if your grans house is there but at least they are pics of the street. lyn
Jules - I have friends in Burbury street and their house had joint entries.

Lyn - in those days people moved in and out of houses regularly, it was called a 'Moonlight flit'.

We actually moved into 26 Defford Road this way? We lived with my gran in Severn Grove and as the people left the house in Defford Road, my father moved in. When the rent man came the next week he changed the name on the rent book.

ha ha keith. wernt our ancestors resilient. mine must have done an awful lot of fliting. lyn
Jules with some degree of certainty I would say that this was not the house in Defford Road. The reason being that althought there was shared entries, your grandmothers house did not share an entry. Check on the map, if I remember correctly your grans house would have been on the righthand side of the photograph with the entry on the left.

I actually entered that house prior to demolishion (for tatting purposes) on the day that the family vacated it, and as such vividly remember the layout.


The mystery deepens. It cannot be 255 Burbury Street as this house had no entry. It was next door to a large opening which led to a workshop/chair makers. Of course the picture could have been taken at any number of relatives homes, friends etc.

Just thought I would let you know. Thanks for all your help.

jules im amazed how much folk moved about in those days. i have the same thing with my ancesters. cant keep up with them lol anyway if you are interested did you know i have posted some bridge st west pics under the streets thread. i dont know if your grans house is there but at least they are pics of the street. lyn

Thanks for the info. I have had a look at the photos (which are great) I cannot make out any house numbers. They lived at 122 Bridge Street West in 1901.

hi jules some of the photos have the numbers on but i too cant make out the others. dont be surprised if in the near future i will be posting a few more bridge st west for you. o yes i forgot to ask did you get to go on your trip to st georges church yard. lyn
Thanks Lyn. It wasnt me who was visiting St. Georges Church yard (though one day I must make a visit) it was my second cousins who were asking me directions. Of course I asked my friends on here and had the answer in minutes!

so it was jules silly me. will do my best to get you some more bridge st west pic. be in touch lyn
hi jules. glad you like them. its a pity that on all 6 we cant see the numbers on doors. ive zoomed in a far as i can but no good. if you wait till keith acton sees them he may have an idea as he lived at 26 i believe. lyn
My mother lived at no 5 i think during the war but when my father was demobbed she asked the lady at the corner shop (which was used as a house ) if she would exchange so that my father who was a barber could have a business to come home to
hi kate and welcome...so glad you liked the pics...i am sure that mayfield lived in defford around the same time as you so you may even know each other....

Kate - look at #2 Photograph 3 was the cotner barber shop. It was vacated for demolition in about 1965/66? I used have my hair cut there (when I had hair)........... Mabz
Kate - look at #2 Photograph 3 was the cotner barber shop. It was vacated for demolition in about 1965/66? I used have my hair cut there (when I had hair)........... Mabz
welll i hope you were one of those who used to give me threepence when i was in the shop My dad used to charge ninepence and they would give him a shilling but when I was around they gave it to me No wonder he used to kick me out I was pinching all his tips
Regarding when Burberry st was first developed, I've put together a map from the online 1890 map of the whole of the street , though the surveys will possibly have been shortly before. It shows the ends well developed by then, but the middle rather bare. with regard to Jlus ancestors in the street, the 1896 survey lists all the occupats between 255 and Wills st, so 255 can accurately be shown to be where I've emarked in blue on west side bout 2/rds up just below Wills st(unfortunately just at a join of three sheets). In 1912 a Millie E Poplur (missprint?) corset maker is listed there, but no-one in 1921

Having spoken to someone who has access to the deeds for 280 Burbury Street - I am told that the property dates back to approx 1870's.